Sunday, March 9, 2025

SADC Denounces Attacks on Nevers Mumba and Urges Peaceful Resolution”


The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has strongly condemned what it describes as “crude and misleading” allegations of attacks on the Head of its Observation Mission for the Zimbabwean elections, Nevers Mumba. The organization’s Secretariat issued a statement reaffirming its commitment to ensuring a fair and transparent electoral process in Zimbabwe.

The SADC Electoral Observation Mission (SEOM) is currently in Zimbabwe to closely monitor the electoral proceedings in accordance with Article 3 of the Revised SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections.

In a statement released to the media SADC emphasized that the preliminary report on the elections was compiled based on observations made by the mission’s observers who were deployed throughout all provinces of Zimbabwe. The report also took into account consultations with various stakeholders in the electoral process.

This preliminary report serves as a summary of initial findings that were collectively adopted after consultations with Member States constituting the SADC Organ Troika. Additionally, it was supported by advice from the SADC Electoral Advisory Council (SEAC), a body of judges representing Member States, and received assistance from the SADC Secretariat.

SADC has been steadfast in emphasizing that the SEOM Preliminary Statement reflects the collective position of SADC Observers, Troika Members, SEAC, and the SADC Secretariat. It does not represent the subjective opinion of any single individual, thereby reaffirming the organization’s commitment to impartiality and transparency in assessing the electoral process.

In light of recent developments and the potential for disputes regarding the outcome of the Harmonized Elections, SADC issued a further call for the people of Zimbabwe to maintain calm and peace. The organization encouraged the use of legal channels and the established judicial system to address any electoral disputes or grievances, emphasizing the importance of upholding the rule of law throughout this critical process.


  1. He asked for the criticism. He had a preconceived wish of who should win. His job was to observe and report facts not to supervise the elections.

    • If you were an observer in an election and you witness a wrong doing in the process would shut up to wait until you compile your useless collective report or will you have the ball big enough to voice it out immediately so the wrong can be corrected? So many a time we have witnessed so much harm done by election observer by not reporting election malpractices promptly and correctly and have caused so many suffering to the people of Africa.

    • You are as corrupt as ZanuPF, if they are not stealing gold its rigging elections.
      Watch “Nelson Chamisa Presser:Dismisses ZEC Results Gives Way Forward” on YouTube

      Watch “Zimbabwe Elections | Saviour Kasukuwere reacts to poll results” on YouTube

  2. Just announced, Mnangagwa has been declared winner by the ZEC. Zimbabwe will remain in it’s sanctioned state. So sad for that country which has so much potential to push Southern Africa’s development agenda forward. Now we are going to head backward to the dark days of Mugabe in the mid 2000s.

    Sad day for beautiful Zimbabwe.

    • #2020 Vision. First we should know the reasons for the sanctions. Definitely it’s not to do with human rights because if it were then countries like Egypt, DRC, Saudi Arabia etc would face even stiffer sanctions. Why should Zimbabwe surrender to the Western block?

    • Zimbabwe is being sanctioned for exercising its independence and recovering its lands from criminal, murdering, raping and looting white men from England and Holland. Zanu-PF did the absolute right thing in recovering their country. Zambian politicians are being praised for selling theirs

    • Its about putting black people where the whites think they belong. Mugabe (and Gaddafi) was challenging white supremacy openly and boldly so the imperialists decided to hand a lesson to him that all other puppets could be scared of. Just look at Africa now under the thumb of the West. That is one of the reasons why the Sahel region is revolting. The Westwants to keep Africa underdeveloped so it can be used for a free source of resources such as Uranium, Lithium, Copper, etc. Firstly, as Marcus Garvey stated, Africa needs to emancipate itself from mental slavery. Our leadership is mentally enslaved so what can be expected from the rest of us? More slavery.

    • @2020 Vision…With BRICS planning to end global dependency on the Dollar, (de-dollarization), the sanctions on Zimbabwe will consequently become null and void. Currently, Europe and America are able to sanction countries because of the dollar. But once the new BRICS currency comes, sanctioning countries will come to a screeching halt. And Zimbabwe will be free. Free at last.

  3. It’s not surprising that Nervers Sekwila Mumba has caused a storm in Zimbabwe. We knew the moment he was appointed that he’ll not serve honestly. It’s unfortunate that SADC has been used to drive the Oppenheimer agenda. This shameful stunt will affect Zambia’s standing for a long time. It’s the price we’ll pay for electing a puppet government

    • You don’t know what you are talking about, how can Mnangagwa and Zanu PF lead to anything good? Those guys have stripped that beautiful land and enriched themselves at it, sanctions are in place when you fail to adhere to good governance requirements from the international community. Let’s be reasonable here, do you in your right mind think Mnangagwa who is strongly implicated in the 1980s mass murder of 50,000 Ndebeles is a good person to rule that country for another 5 years?

    • What is good governance? I gave you an example of Egypt so give me reasons why Egypt can’t face sanctions.

    • 2020vision

      You can’t reason with people who see nothing wrong with looting as long as it is done by their tribe……….

      The man see every thing through tribal eyes………..

    • For any other country like Zimbabwe……….

      He will support the looters and the corrupt, as………..

      Long as the appear anti west……..

      In zambia he supports looters and theives as long as they are from his tribe

    • #Spaka you should be the last person to comment on this. You think other people don’t reason? How did Hakainde win the election inspite of the road blocks put in his way by the ruling party? Simple, people didn’t want PF. In Zimbabwe more than fifty percent still want ZanuPf.
      You will support your government’s refusal to allow opposition parties to hold public meetings, but at the same time condemn ZanuPf for not allowing the opposition to hold meetings. Talk about reasoning. It’s people like who will cost your party badly.

    • Deja vu

      I font support GRZ blocking opposition meetings………..

      And I expect the police to give a reason why they wanted PF to hold a rally at end of August as opposed to now………..

      You on the other hand support any corrupt individual as long as he is your tribe or anti western if he is not your tribe.

      And the people of Zambia got fed up of lungu and PF , not you……….

  4. Deja Fooool,its fooolish people like you and Membe who have led to suffering of Africans.Do you,in your dead mind think that Mnangagwa can take Zimbabwe,Socialize or Communize it and then pit it against the might of the collective west?This election result will be another five years of agony for Zimbabweans.I have constantly tried to teach Membe and his zombies that the struggle is nolonger between Marxist/Leninism and Capitalizm.It is rather a fight for social justice and equity in a Liberalized world order.Mnangagwa or even Membe do not have the intelligence or stamina to break the stranglehold of western sanctions,Presidens like HH and Ruto understand this reality.The rallying call is nolonger”Aluta Continua”.It is “Africa Unite”,

  5. Mumba has messed up big time.
    He was the wrong person to lead the SADC team. He has no demonstrated leadership skills at any level. He is self centred and onlywanted to propel himself in the limelight of the western imperialists. Unfornately he has put a wedge in the SADC that will now be devided.

  6. Thank you hh for having the balls to appoint someone who is fearless and willing to tell the truth in Zimbabwe. Even mugabe who was literally zanupf lost confidence in his own party of vultures who want to reap where they didn’t sow. We need new leadership in africa not gold scammers

  7. Thank you hh for having the balls to appoint someone who is fearless and willing to tell the truth in Zimbabwe. Even mugabe who was literally zanupf lost confidence in his own party of vultures who want to reap where they didn’t sow. We need new Ieadershlp in africa not gold scammers

  8. No wonder Nevers Mumba is a failed Politician….this man is so corrupt…he will do anything for a brown envelope….ask him what happened to his Politcal party….Nevers Mumba stole embassy furniture in Canada and Mwanawasa fired him for theft and insubordination….he went to Congo looking for stolen gold and he was almost lynched by the Congolese…..

    • Why are we forced to remember only Mumba’s alleged theft of furniture? While we forget about Wikileaks revealation of Mwanawasa looting more than K800 billion from ZNOC? Also a US$ 36 million value of ZNOC crude oil in TAZAMA Pipelines has not been accounted for during Mwanawasa’s rule

    • …..

      That’s how opposition parties work……..

      They are usually closer to other opposition in other countries and remain close when they form government

  9. Spaka
    August 27, 2023 At 10:30 am
    Deja vu

    I font support GRZ blocking opposition meetings…. you WHAT? Oh my God!

    • I suspect there are a number of people that support some of what the current government is doing but don’t support the blocking of the opposition rally by the police. This shouldn’t strike anyone as strange if we are to forge a better society. Lets nurture a culture of supporting what is right and opposing what is wrong – irrespective of our political leanings.

    • If you were an observer in an election and you witness a wrong doing in the process would shut up to wait until you compile your useless collective report or will you have the ball big enough to voice it out immediately so the wrong can be corrected? So many a time we have witnessed so much harm done by election observer by not reporting election malpractices promptly and correctly and have caused so many suffering to the people of Africa.

    • By the way spaka I have been a monitor myself under Fodep and there are things that you are not supposed to do as you carry out your monitoring.

    • ………

      I call out any one …on none democratic practices……….

      UPND or opposition.

      UPND are a young GRZ and are somethings they are not doing right………

      But in the main, so far so good.

      There is no alternative to HH……….

      the alternative to HH is still in school………..

  10. Remember when known corrupt criminal Nevers Mumba went to Congo to buy stolen Gold and after being chased by the Congolese Gold smugglers he was hiding in a hotel and people thought he was captivity….and this HH’s choice to represent Zambia…what a shame…anyway birds of the same feathers flock together

  11. SADC must review criteria for engaging personnel to undertake its missions in Africa. This calls for scrutinising persons’ past behaviour in order to recruit those with sound minds. Mwanawasa fired a Republic Deputy President for his strange conduct in Govt – and the tour of duty of same individual in Canada was allegedly linked to financial mismanagement. This chap openly benefited financially from the Brunthurst Foundation along with opposition leaders from South Africa, Kenya, and the notorious RENAMO – the Anglo-American project to effect regime changes in selected parts of Africa. Food for thought.

  12. Mugabe wasn’t a puppet of the West no wonder they brought in Sanctions…if you want to become independent and run away from your slave masters then they impose Sanctions on you…in short they want you to be a yes bwana …Master “Hey give us all your minerals for free” Slave ” Yes bwana you can take as much as you want
    Master ” Hey give us all your land and all the Mukula trees
    Slave ” Yes bwana its all yours…you’re the best bwana without you i can’t survive…thank you bwana…i love you bwana with all my hear…yours the Supreme leader Ayatollah Hakainde Hichilema

    • Dejavu

      I’m responding to GK…….

      He says yes men for the west are not sanctioned ………

      Kigame is not a yes man for the west, yet he is not sanctioned ???


    • #Spaka Kagame and Rwanda are very important to the USA and that’s why he can do whatever he wants and the USA won’t work against him. Unless you are a stranger visiting our earth you will understand what I mean.

  13. In Zambia, power is with people while in Zimbabwe, power is with the Army and ZANUPF. That’s why in Zambia the opposition can win and take over the reigns – we are blessed. Dr Mumba, indeed has brought morality in our politics, now even in SADC, thanks for President HH’ wisdom. John 8:31-32

  14. My question is if CCC wants to develop Zimbabwe why can’t they join hands and work with ZANU PF……why can’t they develop Zimbabwe as Zimbabweans….Zimbabwe is a beautiful country…beautiful landscape and beautiful human beings….just like Zambia…if PF want to develop Zambia why can’t they join hands and work with UPND….why can’t we develop Zambia as Zambians…????….i will lead by example and i have started helping out and developing Zambia as a Zambian (non Partisan)…..right now my project is at 70% and when its done i will create full time employment for 16 Zambians regardless of tribe or Political affiliation…

    • Your question assumes are leaders are Independent from foreign interference. These leaders are chosen for us by their imperialist masters. The leaders chosen by African people are always known as dictat0rs.

  15. If you were an observer in an election and you witness a wrong doing in the process would shut up to wait until you compile your useless collective report or will you have the ball big enough to voice it out immediately so the wrong can be corrected? So many a time we have witnessed so much harm done by election observer by not reporting election malpractices promptly and correctly and have caused so many suffering to the people of Africa..

    • Your job is to observe report and make recommendations. Based on those recommendations, the elections will either be legitimate or illegitimate. The rest is up the aggrieved parties either to accept or reject the results etc. It’s not up Nevas Mumba to attack the ECZ.

  16. He asked for it and the whole thing was a calculated move by the imperialists. How do you select Mr 0 votes to go and supervise an elections when he himself has refused to leave a once vibrant party MMD after sending it off the cliff edge. This man is corrupt and a hypocrite. First solve your issues in your own party before you go and start making noise on behalf of your puppet masters.

    • He’s worse than Mnangagwa. I bet if he ever managed to become president of Zambia he make himself life president.

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