Sunday, September 8, 2024

Did PF Cadres Dump “Bally Will Fix It Regalia” In Filthy Pit Latrines?


By Kapya Kaoma

Do you know what happened to the “Bally Will Fix It” regalia? I mean, the lovely red UPND T-shirts and ifitenge, with the words, “Bally Will Fix It,” which were distributed across Zambia in 2021.

I am not a fan of political regalia, but today, the PF regalia and Edgar Lungu’s campaign slogan of alebwelelapo populate the streets. Could it be that this is another watermelon plan by UPND?

If one watches the campaign videos, one would easily conclude the PF defeated the UPND in that election. Why should the losing Party proudly maintain its losing message in its regalia in 2023, while the winning Party delete its winning message from its lexicon? Why should “Bally Will Fix It,” the “message” that delivered Plot One to UPND become anathema at all its events, even those graced by President Hichilema himself?

“Forward” didn’t win the election, HH campaigned on “Bally Will Fix It.” Does this mean UPND has finally admitted that it has no solution to tupamela, tucooking oil in plastic pockets, and high prices?
President Hichilema won the Presidency with deception. Yet lies have short legs. 1+1=2. This is the lesson HH forgot, and it has caught up with him.

Which cult member has not realized the heralded Messiah was a fake after all? Today, support him at your own risk–at the end, most of us are not doing better than we were doing two years ago. Naikosa! Akabunga is going Forward—today kali pa K300, ka US. Dollar is going Forward too, kali at K20 and utu maprices nato tuleya Forward! Forward. No dununa reverse in sight.

To be fair, Bally is simply disoriented–to say he is confused is to underestimate the current situation. I feel for him. Did you hear him rant at his ministers who tried to defend him against Roman Catholic Bishops? HH himself admitted that the Bishops were right by pointing out the untold suffering of Zambians. In fact, only his foolish ministers who were on the way out of his administration could insult them, HH said. If the President can admit it, one wonders why his worshipers utter fecal praise to the man whose own words prove only one thing–loser!

I have repeatedly called out HH for his countless lies. I have also highlighted his failure to address the socioeconomic and political situation of our beloved nation out of my conviction that HH lacks humility. He had so much to learn but acted as if a God and always blamed Lungu for all his failures. This act of projection continues to absorb him of accountability. We have entered year three, and Lungu is still to blame. When will HH stop running against Lungu’s shadow? Strategically, HH has only one more year to rule before the next campaign season sets in.

HH is deadly afraid of Lungu’s potential come back and rightly so. Lungu made many mistakes—I pinpointed some of them. But he also developed the nation–infrastructure wise, he is unmatchable. This is what keeps HH awake at night. How can he compete with Lungu in the public eye? Sadly, HH is a tourist—traveling is all he does (something he condemned about Lungu). It is in the interest of Zambians, he claims, but most of those trips could be taken by his ministers and ambassadors. I don’t blame him. Who can enjoy visiting Mandevu and have people boo at him, and shouting, “ubunga boss,” just two years in office! Going abroad is definitely dignifying for a president whose presence even street dogs abhor!

I understand HH worshipers’ cognitive dissonance–the messianic age of buying ubunga at K50 has already appeared and gone. Those who didn’t experience it are the foolish and lazy PF cadres who were used to buying ubunga at K130 during the Lungu days. Today, K50 is K300–so Bally has fixed it for hardworking Zambians but not for the lazy ones like Kapya Kaoma! This is the new narrative of UPND cadres–the ones who proudly wore Bally Will Fix It Regalia on inauguration day until stupid PF cadres dumped them in filthy pit latrines!

For once proudly insult Kapya Kaoma; wear your “Bally will Fix It” T-Shirt this weekend at the market and post a video of how people will react. Fallen is Bally to most Zambians whose lives have been turned upside down by the man who promised them much but gave them nothing but shame and ridicule!


  1. We don’t care. We are just happy those pf thugs are gone. I will vote the same in 2026 including my entire family and village

  2. Off the topic… Upnd are asking why people are laughing at Kwacha exchange they are not laughing. How can you laugh when you are also adversely affected? People are laughing at that clever economist who had assured us( mulekutika?) that he would reduce the rate within hours of being sworn in as president.

    • ……..

      As the writer says……

      Free handouts are over, just work hard while the bally fixes the mess left the lungu and his theiving clique cartel.

    • Who is talking about free handouts? You are a lost soul. People don’t want free handouts what they want are decent jobs with enough money to meet their basic requirements.
      So when your Lucifer promised people mealie meal at K50.00 where was going to get it from?

    • You are a lost soul. I’m sure you have relatives in Namwaala who are suffering but you don’t give a s.hiit as long as your man is president.

  3. …..

    Bally bit the bullet right from word go……….

    He took tough decisions against the handouts mentality of PF which was to the detriment of the country at large……..

    We expect 2024/25 to start bearing fruit for Zambians and ………..

    Because the bullet was bitten early, there will be now room for reduced cost of living…..

    All lungu has to show is unsustainable loans to build over priced infrastructure, well over priced……..

    • Dont you understand people are still wanting politics of appeasement it will take time for them to understand wealth only comes from hard work and nothing else

  4. This is interesting. Interesting in the sense that once you mentioned we have entered year 3, my heart shuddered. Oh! Its year 3 indeed!
    Turns out everything we said about mr fix it is true. He is under5. Ususha?
    All those promises he made sounded too good to be true. We saw double h for what he is. No malice was involved. Turns out, what was broken to be fixed? Nothing. Even him today is stunned at what is absent to be fixed. In the end, he ended up fixing his pockets. Enjoy the ride Kapya.
    I hate IMF and the World bank. Poetic.

    • Have you seen how they have rallied behind Ali Bongo even though he didn’t allow anyone to monitor his re election including closing the internet? Have you seen how they have condemned Mnangagwa who actually allowed their sniff dogs to go interfering with the election?

  5. Racing against time?
    No that’s not a priority.
    We are supposed to give more time.
    See how short 5 years is? If you spend more time persecuting other people and engage in a witchhunt, time is not your best ally. If you spend more time trynna globetrot, the time factor will definitely knock you out. Just like soccer fixes you in a 90′ time space, Zambian electoral cycle or time line is a 5 year tenure.
    Let’s give fixer bally time. Maybe one year is just enough for his fixing antics, you know these economists.
    Meanwhile akabunga can even reach K500 a bag. It’s all part of fixing.
    Fixing what’s not broken is a lonely song praise singers are needed for chorus support.


  6. I feel pity for HH. He needs God’s intervention. Otherwise, his intelligence is failing him. When he was in opposition, he looked more intelligent than all of us. This time he has even discarded the calculators. They are not working. The most disappointing people are the ministers who have not carried his vision graciously. He made a mistake appointing square pegs in round holes.The best appointments he misplaced them in wrong ministries.You cannot make a silk purse out of the sow’s ear.Those ministers are empty sacks that have have failed to stand upright.

  7. Kapya niofunta kikikikikikiki! Ati: a president whose presence even street dogs abhor! So that’s why he is always away in Europe..where there are no street dogs.

  8. We need to build our own economy and work with our neighbors….now if we can’t get along with our neighbors how do we expect to trade…USA trades heavily with Canada and Mexico….and this shows that IMF is not the answer

  9. All those complaining about cost of living, just work hard. Stop this laziness you learned from pf days. We are suffering the consequences of pfs mismanagement

  10. Fuel all over the world is now very expensive…meanwhile we have the US open and very soon UNGA in New York so expect the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Hakainde Hichilema to come with his clique of Gold smugglers to New York

  11. There is no way the bally can fail to deliver reduced cost of living as a sweetener before elections…….

    There is enough stashed away for that purpose in the war chest………

    The voters will be manigi happy………

    The haters will wallow and fester in their hate somemore ……..

    Forward 2031………..


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