Thursday, September 19, 2024

Former Vice President Enoch Kavindele to head SADC Electoral Observer Mission to Eswatini


The Southern African Development Community Electoral Observation Mission (SEOM) has initiated the deployment of observers to four regions within the Kingdom of Eswatini. This move comes in anticipation of the General Elections scheduled for September 29, 2023, in Eswatini.

Heading the SEOM delegation, Enock Kavindele, affirmed that the forthcoming elections in Eswatini are in accordance with the nation’s legal framework as dictated by the Kingdom’s constitution. The election process is governed by a comprehensive set of relevant laws, including the Elections and Boundaries Commission Act, the Voter Registration Act, and the Elections Act.

In an official statement released by SADC, Mr. Kavindele urged all stakeholders involved in the electoral process to ensure that the elections are conducted peacefully, freely, fairly, transparently, and credibly. He emphasized the importance of fostering an environment where voters can exercise their democratic rights without fear or bias, encouraging active participation in the political process.

Furthermore, Mr. Kavindele provided guidance to the deployed observers, stressing the need for them to maintain an objective approach and exhibit maturity, diplomatic tact, discretion, and a deep understanding of the constitutional and cultural dynamics within the Eswatini community.

He underlined the significant role that observers play in the electoral process, emphasizing their responsibility in ensuring the integrity and fairness of the elections. Their presence and impartiality serve as a vital component in upholding democratic values and principles during the electoral proceedings.


  1. He has the necessary credentials. He qualifies. We don’t expect him to disappoint us. Does anyone have another view? He’s a perfect choice

    • UNIP left government in October 1991, and before that Enoch Percy Kavindele had already left. He went on to serve in several government portfolios that include the Vice Presidency. If God had granted, he could’ve served as President. So which UNIP legacy are you talking about?

    • @Matano only those prejudiced by their views of him in local politics want to say he failed. This is so that they can use that to bash him in national politics. Nevers Mumba’s performance for SADC was exceptional. Previously SADC wasnt observing elections but just escorting ruling parties to the throne. SADC has always given the ruling parties support even when it is clear they are oppressing opposition. Never before has SADC refused to endorse elections except with Nevers Mumba. The man should be commended-not condemned!

  2. Really with his UNIP legacy ?? How short our memories in some instantences are ?
    Lets hope he has learnt something since then

    • So nevers has been dropped. Let’s hope he won’t mess up like Nevers did on Zimbabwe. Almost bringing enemity between the two nations

    • He hasnt been dropped. This is not a full-time post nor is it personal to holder. The SADC Chair appoints for one election-not all elections

  3. A decent choice. Not that excited galavanting charlatan. This actually means HH is not happy with the fiasco caused by the former preacher.
    By the way Eswatini is even more sensitive than Zim.

  4. 2H decision making is very suspect. Former presidents are usually equipped to perform this role because of their experience. On paper, the best qualified person we have is the former president but because he is a direct competitor, he gets sidelined. Tactically, 2H should be sending the former president to these missions to keep him busy but unfortunately the personal vendetta overshadows the relationship. President Sata was once a fierce critic of President Mwanawasa but Mwanawasa was brave enough to realise that despite their differences, he needed his fierce critic more and used him to his advantage. Our leaders need to separate duty from settling personal scores with each other.

    • We have no former presidents in Zambia. Lungu does not only have a stricture on his early morning workouts, but also has a sureptitious ban on flying out. He is not a former president, but an ‘alebwelwkapo’ candidate. The only time he will proudly be former head of state is when UPND loses political influencial power.

  5. HH decision making is very suspect. Former presidents are usually equipped to perform this role because of their experience. On paper, the best qualified person we have is the former president but because he is a direct competitor, he gets sidelined. Tactically, 2H should be sending the former president to these missions to keep him busy but unfortunately the personal vend3tta overshadows the relationship. President Sata was once a f1erce crit1c of President Mwanawasa but Mwanawasa was brave enough to realise that despite their differences, he needed his f1erce cr1tic more and used him to his advantage. Our leaders need to separate duty from settling pers0nal scor3s with each other.

  6. Sending the former president would have been the best option in my opinion.This would be a slow start in mending the broken relationship between the two and it would keep the former president busy in a positive way.

    • Sadcc is a regional body not a national body. It isn’t supposed to be used in mending bilateral relationships. Kavindele isn’t going as a representative from HH or Zambia but from SADC which Zambia happens to be chairing

  7. In an official statement released by SADC, Mr. Kavindele urged all stakeholders involved in the electoral process to ensure that the elections are conducted peacefully, freely, fairly, transparently, and credibly. He emphasized the importance of fostering an environment where voters can exercise their democratic rights without fear or bias, encouraging active participation in the political process.
    The message is loud and clear.

    • I feel sorry for Zambian observers. They are being given tasks from one dictatorship to another but thats why we are a democracy: to identify our kin and protect them. Like Zimbabwe this wont be a fair election so Kavindele should just brace for the worst. Eswatini government just recently crushed riots so the atmosphere is belligerent

    • Like Zimbabwe this wont be a fair election so Kavindele should just brace for the worst. Eswatini government just recently crushed riots so the atmosphere is belligerent
      I feel sorry for Zambian observers. They are being given tasks from one dictatorship to another but thats why we are a democracy: to identify our kin and protect them.

  8. He is better than that corrupt thieving liar nevers mumba. The best would have been ECL to undertake such tasks but HH is full of jealousy and hate. His jealousy has cost him our good relationships with Zimbabwe. F00lish man

  9. Worst of time Eswatini is an apartheid/British creation smaller than Soweto. But under absolute exploiting monarch with people living under poverty while the King marries every year. Each wife becomes a queen with lavish life and very expensive cars and palaces. Zambian politicians like him because they go there for their child abuse tourism. What a shame!

  10. Great leadership by President HH for elevating the contribution of our former Vice Presidents and former President Edgar Lungu and Bo Inonge Wina should join the list because they deserve. Such should become the role and responsibility of our former poltical leaders

  11. ‘Nerves’ went to Zim with an intent to rewrite the SADC Mission setup. Instead of observing the elections objectively, he chose to, first of its kind, antagonise and overturn the African poll results. Kavindele’s diplomatic strength is always at the apex, hence the best fit for the misfit.

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