Sunday, September 8, 2024

Kazungula District Sees Unprecedented Development Under UPND Administration


Kazungula District Commissioner Elias Siamibila has lauded the remarkable development that has taken place in the town under the leadership of the United Party for National Development (UPND) administration.

Mr. Siamibila made these remarks during a visit to his office by Thabo Kawana, the Director of the Ministry of Information and Media. The District Commissioner expressed his satisfaction with the progress and development that Kazungula has witnessed in recent times.

In response, Mr. Kawana commended the concerted efforts of the residents of Kazungula in driving development initiatives within the district. He praised the spirit of collaboration and community engagement that has contributed to the town’s growth and prosperity.

Mr. Kawana urged other districts across the country to draw inspiration from Kazungula’s success story and work collectively towards their own development goals. He highlighted the importance of local communities actively participating in and supporting development projects.

During his visit to Kazungula, Mr. Kawana also took the opportunity to tour significant infrastructure projects in the area, including the renowned Kazungula Bridge and the One Stop Border Post. These key developments are not only of regional importance but also serve as a testament to Zambia’s commitment to advancing its transportation and trade networks.


    • I hope it’s orderly development so that there are no shanty towns in future. Those crumbling houses RDA built for people who were displaced ought to be rebuilt properly. What acknowledgement has the PF been known to make to those who were in government before them? If could not do it, why should you expect others to acknowledge your effort? Besides that you found the ground work on Kazungula bridge already done, as you did on Kafue Gorge lower power station. You found it already signed but you stopped the contractor on allegations of corruption. The project was delayed for 3 years only for the PF to offer it to the same contractor at a higher sum to accommodate kickbacks.

  1. And he forgot to mention the fact the REMARKABLE DEVELOPMENT he is talking about came as a result of the ROAD and BRIDGE infrastructure PF/ECL built. This is the sort of infrastructure UPND/HH condemned when their in opposition. He seem to forget the famous “people can’t eat roads/infrastructure” bull-cr@p they used to throw around. At least people then had both food they can afford and infrastructure they can point to. UPND, you guys are lost! You seem to have NO DISCERNIBLE AGENDA FOR THE COUNTRY nor ARTICULATED PLANS OR FOCUS.

    • Continue…

      At least PF, hate them or love them, INFRASTRUCTURE was their focus. They articulated as much for anybody to critique them and followed up with action. The Kazungula bridge/Border Post was a political football for years, until PF came along and actually did it. So give praise to people who actually deserve it!

    • Anyone who knows economics knew that after construction of the bridge the border town of Kazungula would progress. Its not rocket science and cant be attributed to Johny come latelys UPND. They have just inherited this development. So journalists need to be careful not to repeat political parties’ propaganda in their reports: The headline should be cut before ” Under UPND Administration”

  2. At what expense did infrastructure come at
    Are we not indebted for the next 15+ years
    But I suppose that doesn’t matter as most live for today only

  3. And they have no shame praising themselves on the works that was done by the previous Government …….UPND is full of empty tins and lumpens and the district commissioner is a lumpen….am not PF but I can say it loud KAZUNGULA IS ONE OF THE DISTRICT THAT BENEFITED MORE FROM PF

  4. These people have got no shame. Pointing at Lungus’s development while what they have brought is hunger is homes and very high cost of living. There god called the Airport that he uses more than anyone a banana Airport. Very ungrateful gay people.

    • Ok now you are trying to confuse people here. Kazungula project started with Mwanawasa, continued by RB and Lungu. Regardless, it’s a Zambian project. Otherwise UNIP will also have a say in Zambia’s development.

  5. Yaba, was HH not heard sometime back by all and sundry when he visited the bridge and said” We built the Kazungula bridge…” The man and his ilk are consumate liars only full of self-praise even for things they have not done and yet have nothing to point to in terms of what they have done themselves. Even the CDF over which they beat their breasts as their achievement has only yielded a paltry K 6 million to the over 150 constituencies whilst the balance of over K20 million remains unremitted todate.

  6. This bridge should have been finished a long time ago. I remember at one time Botswana fulfilling it part of paying the contractor but PF Government at that time were directing monies elsewhere. Zambians have short memories.

  7. PF cadres think development is building one big structure poor citizens can’t even afford to utilize. That bridge if not for Botswana would not have been completed. There are many other things people in the area need like clinics, class rooms and many others

  8. Funny enough I was there in Kazungula ,people are complaining especially the stalled inter city bus station which is almost complete maybe the DC want people to forget who initiated the project so they commission it, the incomplete police station ,so what unprecedented development is he talking about. Maybe he refers to mushrooming houses turned to lodges

  9. I remember UPND complaining about that bridge crossing fees being too high. When their time to be in charge arrived, they never adjusted the rates.
    Where goverment builds a road or bridge, life improves and economic activities swell. When do we hope to actualise the pipelines from Lobito, the Beira rail and petroleum pipeline and the new Tazama fuel line? All I see is a ‘PipeDream’. Thanks for acknowledging the Kazungula fact, anyway, on Zambia’s masterpiece.

  10. i was there last week and the hospital is still not open as a hospitol but instead a clinic using a few rooms , the housing (50 units) that was build by the Chinese is empty and some missing roofs, roads that were tar are now dirt and the only real development i saw was cheap hotels selling rooms to truck drivers by the hour and many hookers walking the streets, even the new police post buildings is still empty.

  11. The only development in kazangula is the bridge which was funded through outside forces. No government can take credit for that.

  12. Know your historical facts dear pf. The Kazungula Bridge has never been a pf initiative. This bridge was initiated by the late president KK and Sir Seretse Khama of Botswana. The agreement to build the bridge was done by MMD under the late Rupiah Banda. Commencement was done in the pf era led by late Sata, It was completed in the UPND era led by HH. It is owned by both Zambia and Botswana. So stop attributing the bridge to pf. They did not build that bridge

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