Thursday, June 27, 2024

Socialist Party National Youth Secretary Elias Gabriel Banda Arrested and Charged


Elias Gabriel Banda, the National Youth Secretary of the Socialist Party, has been apprehended and taken into custody at Chelstone Police Station. The arrest comes in connection to allegations of inciting violence and criminal trespass during the recent riots that unfolded at his former educational institution.

Mr. Banda, a former student at the University of Zambia (UNZA) who also held the position of UNZASU President during the 2021/2022 Academic Year, now faces serious charges related to his alleged involvement in the disturbances.

According to Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga, Mr. Banda, aged 33 and residing in Lusaka’s Kalingalinga compound, is accused of instigating the rioting and looting incidents that occurred at the University of Zambia between September 18 and 19, 2023.

Mr. Hamoonga revealed that the suspect has been placed in police custody and will be presented before the court in due course. The charges brought against him carry significant implications, and the legal proceedings are expected to shed light on the allegations made against Mr. Banda.

In a separate incident, Mr. Hamoonga also disclosed that Lusaka police have apprehended and charged a 21-year-old resident of Mtendere East Township named Aaron Chipampe. Mr. Chipampe stands accused of committing seditious practices.

The charge against Mr. Chipampe stems from a seditious post he allegedly published on Facebook between September 1 and 8, 2023. The post reportedly advocated for the overthrow of the government through unlawful means, which has serious legal consequences.


  1. As long as you belong to the opposition in Zambia you should prepare to be arrested. For invisible crimes that the PIG will craft after consultation with State House

  2. The Socialist Party, the party of homosexuals is slowly morphing into a violent party.Their leader earlier shot at voters in serenje and now this vagabond is breaking things at UNZA

  3. Let the dog hh continue arresting opposition. He has failed to arrest me because I am more powerful than he will ever be. Hh only has support in tonga land. Can you compare the population of southern Western vs the rest of country. This is why hh is panicking. He knows 2026 we are back

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