Friday, June 28, 2024

Two die, one admitted in Lundazi road fatal accident


A 39-year-old man has died whilst two others are admitted in Lundazi District Hospital following a fatal road traffic accident in Lundazi District.

The accident happened on 27th September around 22:30 hours near Moyo Withu Private Clinic along Lundazi-Chama road involving a bicycle which was cycled by 28-year-old Chimwemwe Nyirenda of Dunda Compound.

Also involved was an unregistered Savaja motorbike which was ridden by inexperienced 28-year-old Samuel Mwanza of Skyport Compound of Lundazi.

Eastern Province Commanding Officer, Limpo Liywalii has confirmed the accident in a statement and named the deceased as Moses Kapata of Chinyumba compound in Lundazi.

Mr Liywalii has identified those in Lundazi hospital as 31-year-old Thomas Mushiya of Dunda Two Compound who sustained bruises on the right leg, and 38-year-old Jerald Nyirongo, a pedestrian of Chipyola Compound who sustained a head injury after the accident.

The Eastern Province Police Chief said the accident happened when the rider who was carrying a passenger, failed to control the motorbike and in the process hit the cyclist who was also carrying a passenger from behind and landed into a pedestrian who was walking towards the same direction.

He said the bicycle passenger Moses Kapata sustained head injuries and died yesterday around 05:00 hours in Lundazi District Hospital, while the cyclist and the motorbike rider sustained minor injuries and were treated as outpatients while two others are still hospitalised.

Mr Liywalii disclosed that the body of the deceased has since been deposited to Lundazi district Hospital mortuary waiting for postmortem.

Effort to get a comment from Acting Lundazi District Health Director Dr Brian Mugala failed by broadcast time, as he was attending a meeting.


  1. Ba LT We are the SADC chair and we were scheduled to make an important ruling on Zim elections. But you are silent-no reports
    In Zimbabwe the opposition is already criticising HH for making the occasion just a defence of Zambia s role instead of recommending actions for Zimbabwe to take

  2. Towe and one admitted is the title but the news item itself says one died and two admitted. Do you guys have editors? You make very novice mistakes and most stories are actually illogical.

    Anyway, this is really sad and I wish the people who are injured a quick recovery.

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