Thursday, March 20, 2025

Another Manyinga resident invents mini hydro power system


Another resident of Manyinga District of Northwestern Province has invented a Mini Hydro Power Supply System to light up his farm and surrounding communities.

45 year old Farmer Edward Samondela of Kasamba area in Manyinga District says he embarked on a Mini Hydro Power Supply Project in 2021 using scrap metals to make a power turbine.

 He said he used sprockets from abandoned motorbikes including chains and electrical cables to come up with a mini Hydro Power Supply System which is currently producing 220 Volts of electricity from Kasamba Stream to light up his farm house.

Mr Samondela who is originally from Mwenyengo Village under Senior Chief Sikufele’s Chiefdom in Manyinga District was compelled to invent a Mini Hydro Power Supply System at his Kasamba Farm because of the lack of power provision around Kasamba Stream where he has acquired two hectares of farm land and also to meet his poultry farming needs.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS in Manyinga, Mr Samondela said electricity is valuable as it drives every business including farming.

He said based on his electrical and technical knowledge he was convinced he could come up with a Mini Hydro Power Supply System to light up his farm.

“For any technical business to flourish including farming, electricity is needed, that’s why I was compelled to come up with this project,” said Mr Samondela .

He said his project was fully completed early this year and it is currently able to light up his household, including bulbs, television sets and other small electrical appliances.

Mr Samondela however, stated that his project can supply power to the entire Kasamba community at full capacity provided he is assisted with more electrical and technical expertise and equipment.

He appealed to the government and other well-wishers to come on board and assist him advance his invention.

The development has caught the attention of Civic Leaders in the area,

Loloma Ward Councilor Doris Dingombi said such developmental oriented inventions need to be nurtured and supported by government and stakeholders.

Ms Dingombi who is Deputy Council Chairperson for Manyinga Town Council added that such innovations are also worth supporting through Constituency Development Fund (CDF)

“Those are projects that are worth considering for support by the government and through CDF,” She said.

She appealed to the ministry of Energy, the ministry of Science and Technology and the Rural Electrification Authority to tap in such innovations to promote the sub sector and rural development.

Edward Samondela is now the second person in Manyinga District to come up with a Mini Hydro Power Supply Project after Abel Mibanga.


  1. Thats the kind of initiative required in a land full of resources; from human to natural. You’re my man Samondela!

  2. Super proud of you, Sir! Wishing you prosperity and abundant blessings in both your current and future endeavors. We need more individuals like you, who are dedicated to finding solutions to our country’s challenges, to lead Zambia forward.

  3. Kunzankala ma call out and cakuti-cakuti contrary to Cap cakuti read with subsection kwangala. Just wait and see. Ni pa Zed pano. Bwafya. Mwandi follow the Malawian boy’s footsteps but escalate it to something viable with good support.

  4. where are the photos of the unit ???
    Or is it like our only astronaut back in the day who was getting ready for space

  5. Guys, let us learn to use words properly. “Invents” means creating something that has never been done before. No Zambian has ever Invented anything. These guys you are talking about are “building” and not Inventing. Hydro electricity, so as solar and bioelectricity where Invented a long time ago and these people you are praising are only building. I know we need some credit in this terrible economy but please, just like your president, have some some “insoni ebuntu” in you.

  6. There is a big difference between inventing something and manufacturing. If the technology already exist, just ask for the money to put items in place. These people are showing creativity due to information being readily available on the internet. What our government need to prioritise is skills to turn our raw materials into products that can be used to make things. We need experts in wood, metal, precious stones, concrete, food production etc. The country has far too many dodgy accountants, politicians and fake lawyers.

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