A devastating incident unfolded in Kabanana compound, Lusaka, as a 35-year-old man was tragically struck by a goods train. Gilbert Kapenda, a Community School Teacher at Chimwansa Community School in Kabanana, sustained severe injuries and, regrettably, was pronounced dead upon arrival at the University Teaching Hospital.
According to Deputy Police Public Relations Officer Danny Mwale, the incident occurred at approximately 11:00 hours in Kabanana Compound on the previous day. Swift responses from officers of the Zambia Police and Zambia Railways Police confirmed the incident.
Police investigations into the incident indicate that Mr. Kapenda was walking alongside the railway line while wearing headsets, engrossed in music streaming from his cellphone. The proximity of the headphones seemingly left him unable to hear the train’s warning signals.
At the scene of the accident, authorities discovered Mr. Kapenda’s headsets and cellphone, providing somber evidence of the circumstances that led to this tragic event. His life was abruptly cut short as a result of the collision.
The deceased’s body currently rests in the University Teaching Hospital’s mortuary, awaiting a postmortem examination.
I see this issue of people in headsets even on our road. I also do not hear any sensitisation from anybody. We do not think the same so people need to be helped with education on this issue. MHSRIP
Surprisingly you find people Jay walking in town wearing head
Surprisingly you find people Jay walking in town wearing headphones listening to music, some even riding bicycles at one point someone was clearly listening to music with earphones whilst driving ,I asked him to drop me. People should be sensitised on the dangers of abusing headphones .Sad development for the teacher
He is bewitched by Kaisa Zhulu.
I don’t need to bewitch anyone. F00ls like you die young
Poor man rip. It should have been useless people like miles and hh. Life can be unfair
Ka Kaizar, what do you smoke kanshi?
Jailo na iwe! Dont you know Ngoni warriors had a staple diet called intsangu or Mbanje?
He is just a tick and enjoys causing irritation
I smoke what your f00Iish fathers smoke. Upnd cadres leave me alone
What was he thinking… Death Wish 2