Friday, October 18, 2024

Sean Tembo’s Language: A Growing Concern in Zambia’s Political Discourse”


Of swelling scrotums & masturbation!

By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst

Day by day, Sean Tembo, leader of a nondescript political establishment is fast proving himself to the public as a raw, uncouth and uncultured politician. Why do we say so?

Whenever he try to engage in political discourse or dialogue of any kind, be it splashing his thoughts or going live on Social media, he chooses to use the most corrosive, condescending, insulting and vile language! Surely, is this the way we should be conducting our politics in this era of Social media when our children are ever fidgeting with handsets in pursuit of knowledge or anything entertaining?

Tembo probably thinks he’s endearing himself to the public by electing to unleash expletives on Facebook once in a while. To the contrary, he’s being a bad example to the youth of this country and probably his own children as they are likely to take it as normal to use insulting language.

We will cite a few examples: Commenting on the affordable mealie meal that ZNS is offloading through some chain stores to cushion the impact of the exploitative price of our staple food; he wrote on his Facebook page, “Bally selling few bags of ZNS mealie meal using Shoprite to create a perception of low prices is equal to masturbation.” Say what! Language experts would be quick to explain to you this does not only constitute hate speech, but is equally insulting to the head of state since he’s the subject in this sentence.

In another video which has gone viral on Facebook whereby he’s complaining about the torture occasioned on him by the police at a location in Makeni, he claims that the cops had to use pliers to squeeze his scrotum, hence making it swollen. It’s a pity if such a thing happened to our brother; but surely, couldn’t he have found palatable or politically correct language to use such as ‘private parts’ as opposed to perforating the ear drums of little children with his strong language?

What Tembo is doing isn’t the best way to showcase himself to the general public as a fearless man that doesn’t fear anyone! Not even Julius Malema, the South African outspoken opposition leader uses such kind of coarse and graphic language as he engages with his perceived opponents. We know everyone is desperate to go to Plot 1 Independence Avenue but let us try to civil at all times!


  1. There is nothing wrong with the word scrotum. That’s a biological term. Let’s not be trivial. I am however in agreement against the use of the word masturbation in a sentence ridiculing the head of sate. That said, hate speech complaints can be lodge. Not executing an arrest from the onset as this is now abuse of power. Hate speech is in the same category as traffic infringement. A fine would be appropriate action than using a sledge hummer to kill a fly.

  2. ….

    Zero votes tembo knows his only audience is through making a fo.ol of him self on SM……

    Pay him no mind………

    I hope the cops have taken our advice and put him in cells that have savage bullies who are hoping for presidential pardon and won’t take lightly anyone insulting the president

  3. When that ugly f00I hh was in opposition he said he would get rid of defamation law, but here we are today he is using then law to silence opposition. Me I am not scared of hh. I can insult him. Fark you hh you chicarla

    • The point being we never misled people into thinking we would do something that we had no intention of doing. What does that male hh? A complete and utter f00Iish liar. You must be from the same region seeing how you are blindly supporting a failure. That other f00I chella tukuta is now telling us truths about how things are going badly under upnd. Go fark yourself you dirty dog

    • Iwe we want you in police custody, you coward! The CT you are referrring to, you put him in prison, you and the gand in state house, remember, for exactly what you are defending ST on. Moron!

    • In Zambia ,we are slowly loosing the sense of “light momenta”.Sean Tembo’s illustration of ZNS Meal meal price as masturbation meant that the price was not real as all production,distribution and input maize costs have not been taken into account.In other words it is a subsidized price.Masturbation is defined as”Masturbation is the act of touching your own genitals for sexual stimulation and it is perfectly normal, and can be a healthy way to learn about your body.”We have classified this as hate speech!!!!!!!!

  4. You are uglier than HH. You are just as ugly as Chishimba Kambwili. Look at your picture; you hideous. In Star Wars, the only role they would ask either one of you to play is a Hutt. If the defamation law is so bad, why did you not get rid of it? Why that other Stars War looking character, “Chwa agwa -chakolwa Jonathan Mutawire” Edga Lungu “Jar Jar Binks”, not change the law but use it wantonly against HH??? He who lives by the gun… I hope they find and lock you you, and after 6 months find a flimsy reason for why they kept you in Chimbokaila that long.

    • The point being we never misled people into thinking we would do something that we had no intention of doing. What does that male hh? A complete and utter f00Iish liar. You must be from the same region seeing how you are blindly supporting a failure. That other f00I chella tukuta is now telling us truths about how things are going badly under upnd. Go fark yourself you dirty dog. X

  5. HH should be careful with the police unless he’s comfortable with what they are doing to his critics. Police have a way of expressing their displeasure with a sitting government. They will go beyond acceptable levels just to provoke the people… like sawing down doors just to arrest a person who is not an armed bandit. IG appointment could be acceptable to some but not all.

  6. The first thing is to advise the president to bring dignity to the office of the president. If the whole president can go on the podium and talk language like ” imingalato” ”ukufyanta pa mukosi” ” kutumpa uko” ”chika…” What will others do? HH has brought disgrace to the office of presidency. He thinks he can insult the opposition and hide under the canopy of the police. He needs to sober up when addressing issues that have failed him. People know him. He lied a lot to ascend to power. His lies are now catching up with him. Hence the anger he exhibits.

    • He can use hate speech and the so-called immunity will protect him.
      When a father gets out of hand even his children will turn against him.

  7. Is musturbation an insult? Mind you; he is literally using the word as a metaphor.

    Amatole / testacles is a description of a body part. If they at all they take him to court, which will not happen, he will just say he was describing a body part which was a point of torture.
    Any lawyer can not allow this case to go into court; cos Tembo will will probably in one court seating.

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