Monday, March 10, 2025

Former President Edgar Lungu announces his return to active politics


In a powerful and impassioned speech delivered during the 9th Memorial Anniversary of Zambia’s late President Michael Chilufya Sata, Former President Edgar C. Lungu, announced his return to active politics as the leader of the Patriotic Front (PF). The event, held at the Cathedral of Child Jesus in Lusaka, provided a platform for Dr. Lungu to reflect on the legacy of President Sata, share his commitment to upholding democracy, and extend an invitation to opposition parties to join forces.

The speech began with tributes to President Sata, remembered as a freedom fighter, pragmatic and fearless leader, democrat, and mentor. Dr. Lungu emphasized the remarkable quality of President Sata’s leadership that enabled him to embrace former adversaries and work collaboratively. He invoked President Sata’s rare ability to forgive and work with those who had insulted, ridiculed, or abused him.

Former President Edgar Lungu and his supporters

Dr. Lungu then turned to the challenges within the PF party. He acknowledged that recent events had raised concerns, with some members and leaders involved in actions that threatened the party’s unity and democracy. Dr. Lungu unequivocally declared that he would not allow the PF, the party President Sata entrusted to him, to perish under his watch. He expressed his determination to safeguard the PF and called for the end of factionalism within the party.

The former President highlighted the broader context of preserving democracy in Zambia. He accused those in power of attempting to undermine democracy for their selfish political interests. To counter this, he declared his readiness to return to active politics as PF President to protect the party and defend democracy.

Dr. Lungu extended an invitation to all opposition parties to unite with the PF in this effort. He emphasized that his actions were not driven by personal ambition but by the collective goal of preserving democracy and the rule of law. Dr. Lungu was prepared to support any opposition leader chosen by the Zambian people to champion their aspirations and counteract what he described as the current trend of authoritarianism.


    • Lungu walitumpa zona, abusing the church in this manner and obtaining goods and services by force pretence. When will you ever act with honesty and integrity?
      BaPF you have yourselves to blame, you have just brought the memories of gassing, violence, industrial scale corruption…

    • Bring the USD to at least 17 to the Kwacha (remove all in govt who have business that operate in USD as they are interested parties), reduce price of mealie meal to at least K150 and fuel to K25 for petrol and K22 for diesel – maintain these prices. Concentrate on road works, not CDF which is poorly managed as it is very slow and everyone is scared to distribute money, cut down on red tape in govt ministries for example in Lands there are title deed applications still pending since UPND took office and the new e-services system is a serious challenge.

      Do these simple things and there is no way PF will come back, however continue to not listen to this advice and they will definitely win in 2026.

    • So Lungu is a Zanu PF project?
      Watch “Discussing Edgar Lungu bouncing back to politics and ZANU PF influence in Zambia.” on YouTube

    • Why is LT calling him Dr Lungu when he himself refused to be referred to by honorary doctorate titles? Stop bootlicking. The man already has an earned degree and those who have one know not to carry around honorary doctorates as if they are studied for.

  1. Ba Lungu na charisma tapaba! Like Rupiah, he was just an accidental President who found the seat so sweet he didnt want to leave. Now he thinks just because he has been there he qualifies for wamuyayaya. If he is a genuine politician let him come back as a councillor in Petauke. Otherwise, Come back and get a whalloping

  2. Alitumpa, y can’t he jst stay away frm politics whn he hd his time, doing useless things ad creating those stupid cadres instead of focusing on economic recovery ad development

  3. ……….

    Lungu is a devious parpet master , used of pulling all the strings.

    He knows how the system of mafia loyalties works……….

    As a president he was a disaster

    One thing for certain…….

    Lungu has the financial muscle stashed away to run a campain.
    That is why all old PF are like flies around him

  4. Firstly, pa-knee-yo panu ba LT for using a bad picture of the next republican president. I was in attendance and the positive reception was overwhelming and has scared hh. We hear hh is panicking like a scared chickens moon yellow. Eembwa. We back baby. We dey for 2026 oooh

      He said he is not doing it for himself but for the country
      BOLLOCKS he is power hungry FULL STOP

    • Dear Changwa,

      Kwa makoswe anu onse and your family with crocodile misozi. Make sure y’all remember my words. I am not being sent by HH and I am not here to intimidate the thieve because the only thing they were good at was GASSING their own citizens. Njala has now touched you bellies, so you think politics is the answer. We’re organized and united in diaspora, we will anything to makes sure Changwa is embarrassed. Zambia is not a place for makoswe, Zambia is not for sale, Zambia is a country for prosperity. Changwa will never be president again, it was a SHAM last time. Will anything to make sure ta bwelelepo.

  5. HH is an American puppet who is not fit to govern Zambia. He’s extremely incompetent. He’s all talk, no action. And Lungu is a corrupt individual who should never be allowed anywhere near State House again. This corrupt thief, Lungu, should stay retired. Only foo1s would forget all the corruption that happened under his watch and vote for him. Zambia needs to find another leader, other than these two failures.

    • Patriot you think exactly like me and I have noticed there are many of us. Lungu is hopeless, His wife is about to be jailed so he thinks of a come-back plan. HH is so feeble he cant act against wrongdoers unless they are women from Northern Province. Zambia needs a new leader with a NATIONAL focus

  6. How old is Mr. Lungu? Isn`t there anything else he can do other than politics? Too many corrupt, lazy and incompetent people in Zambian politics who see nothing else to do but die in politics.

  7. He seemed as if he was having a hangover.

    Anyway…. it’s interesting when Lungu says “…prepared to support any opposition leader chosen by the Zambian people to champion their aspirations……”
    So he is back without a vision of being the President, instead, he wants to support Fred…..???
    Come on guys, what type of a leader who comes in with a tail between his legs, hoping to defend democracy? He is already a loser from the onset. Sorry.

  8. The man is trying to cause civil strife. I’m disappointed with his family for failing to advise him against this suicidal decision.

    • This mission embarked by lungu IS suicidal. It is unfortunately that he is sourounded by incompetent people who can’t advise him. PF is MMD now divided and in court. And we know the next fate. Ba lungu tata be wise. You did too many evils that have been forgiven your coming back to politics will make you accountable for each of them in court. Immunity will go now.

  9. I feel sorry for the cadres because 2026 will be nasty. They’ll fight like mongrels. Zambians must resolve to get rid of both the UPND and the PF, they’re not good for the country

  10. This is not going to end well, it’s just another of his miscalculated moves and his opponents anticipated this,he has simply fallen in their trap.
    More popcorn plz!!!!!

  11. Big mistake ba shikulu aba. Let him reconsider this decision before it’s too late. He’s been elected twice to that office. He has had his time. So Miles Sampa has shaken them so much that they had to recall the ‘mighty’ Lungu to come and fight him. Hehehehe…..

    • Personally I am very disappointed with this man. The way Upnd is, his return will just provoke political violence….. police will try to restrict him and this will cause his gangsters to react….a chain reaction will follow believe me.
      He has no love for this country.

    • No. Zambians have learnt that violence doesnt work cos they can see and experience how Presidents are peacefully removed. Lungu will be peacefully shown the door. By the way Lungu was only elected once and that was his own argument too.

  12. In the first place he just stumbled on the presidency and should be satisfied with the seven years that we paid him as president.
    You stumble on a loose woman in Chibolya township, sleep with her, leave early in the morning safely. You don’t go back again because you may just end up being killed by any of her multitude men friends…AKABWELELO KALALYA.

  13. The level of thuggish PF leadership is evident of Lungu’s return. PF is a criminal enterprise driven by lust for power & money. This is the only way one can explain the lack of interest to rebrand into a civil respected party. PF has resorted to their true identity of a militant party. Zambians rejected militancy & they will rejected it in 2026 again.

  14. Get his message clear you UPND cadres he is not come to active politics to become president but to stop you UPND bringing a one party want to kill opposition and govern this country on dictatorship.we say no to that

  15. …………

    Lungu is just doing this to deflect corruption investigations on him and his family………

    He sees this as the only way out.

    Lungu is a theif who stole a lot of money.

    Should GRZ stop investigating him to avoid the chaos that will follow SHOULD he mean he is returning to politics ???

    Winning, he can never win the presidency , however……. .

    The confusion and violence that will come will dent zambia

    For one , he will need to expose and mobilise the stolen monies, and……..

    His backers in Zimbabwe and Uganda will cause problems for Zambia, to the extent of having the shutting of zim/zam boarder during elections season.

    • Iwe corruption or no corruption Lungu should not return. Like I have said, Upnd are just looking for the slightest excuse and all hell will break loose… Lungu should just be at home and fantasize in James Hadley Chase paper backs.

  16. Yes and AFRICOM is busy behind the scenes facilitating this return. 2H will soon realise who his real friends are. We are being setup as a country for disaster by the double dealing double standards agents from the west. If you think they care, you will soon find out when they start selling you arms to batter yourselves with instead of technology and machinery for development.

  17. You do not need to be president to serve your country. Actions speak louder than words. PF was leading GRZ for 10 years and their results are a clear failure by any KPI. No need to list them here. The current GRZ is taking commendable corrective measures. Give them space and time. Change is painful especially for the lazy and corrupt who want to keep the status quo of total corruption and zero service delivery governance style. Let each one of us take full responsibility of our own actions and work to develop our beloved country. One Zambia One Nation.

  18. Sampa was expelled from PF and now Sampa will expel Lungu hahaha…….and the circus continues.

    Anyway, on a serious note, I think that ECL should have taken more of an advisory role within the PF to unite the party and elect a credible leader to takeover from him

  19. This fool is wasting his time. He will be taken to court and the courts will block his ass from running again. These HH’s judges, and they will rule that way, partly because they know if he could ever come back, he would fire them and hire judges from his own tribe, or rather, the tribe in Zambia that he has associated himself with, given that his Zambianness is itself a doubtful circumstance

  20. Of course its his right, but why would sickened Zambians want to return to their vomit? PF found Zed with $3bn reserves,6% annual growth and left us with 1% growth,enormous debts and Eurobond default.

  21. Dr. Brown from ADEDo is the next President. He has the best papers to bring Zambian out of all these political and economic sufferings

  22. He didn’t look sober when making this announcement. However, PF has a president, I am not sure what is going on there. As for the UPND, revisit the decision that saw Lungu have his name on the ballots.

  23. If the corrupt Lungu and his PF comes into power I will go into exile and only return after a military coup has taken place. All this mess up can only be cleaned up through a military clean and suspend all political parties. Zambia needs a complete politic overhaul. Banning all old politicians. We do not need them. They are all criminals.

  24. Politics is the only thing lazy people can do in Zambia. Insteadof joining a pro-bono law organisation and advising young lawyers he wants power

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