Sunday, March 30, 2025

ACC witness exonerates Lusambo, Wife over Silverest property


A state witness has told the Lusaka Magistrate Court that former Lusaka Province Minister does not own any property in Silverest Residential area in Chongwe.

Francis Chiteta, a Human Resources Manager at Silverest also said Mr Lusambo’s wife Nancy does also not own any property in the area.

This is in a matter in which Mr. Lusambo’s Nancy has been charged with concealing property suspected to be proceeds of crime.

Testifying before Magistrate Faides Hamaundu, Chiteta said he started working at Silverest in 2021 and that he never witnessed any transaction done by the Lusambos.

He stated that there are no records showing any transaction done by Mr Lusambo or his wife.

Mr Chiteta said he has access to all company records and he never came across any that showed that the Lusambos paid for any property.

Mr Chiteta further clarified that ownership of property in Silverest only happens when title deeds are issued.

He said Mr Lusambo and the wife have never been issued with a Certificate of Title because they did not purchase any property there.

When it was time for cross examination, the ACC prosecution told Court that they did not have any questions for their witness.

The matter has since been adjourned to December 12th 2023.


  1. The guys covered their tracks so well. I doubt we will get any convinction this century. A lot of mingalato behind the scenes, is this not the same guy who had some issues with the courts for interfering with witnesses, I am just asking, nalakwa chani pamene apa, nifunsa chabe. Was the case of arbitral whipping and assaulting citizens during the covid curfew ever brought to the fore??

  2. HH is vindictive. He thinks everyone that has money earned it the privatization way. All these cases of corruption will end up this way. With mealie meal at k300, fuel at k29, fertilizer at k1200 as opposed to what iChilema promised at k50, k5,k300 respectively, he needs to find ways to destruct Zambians from hunger by sponsoring a fellow actor Miles Sampa to be entertaining Zambians while they have no food in their homes.

    • everyone including you wants corruption to come to an end
      yet when cases get to the courts its called vindictiveness
      Its well known Pf were up to no good
      by the same token UPND officers found fiddling they too will be brought to book
      remember to 85%+ of government was inherited from the previous regime and old habits die hard

  3. Remember when this silly case started and me I said that the case not going far? Here we are. I spoke with my brother lusambo yesterday and he was in high spirits. I am working with him on a powerful strategy for party mobilisation. 2026 iyo

    • Kalya Nyoko, you are not winning in 2016. I disagree with my brother HH on many issues, not least of which he has turned Zambia from the country that liberated Southern Africa to another cowardly Malawi- still, he is going to win.

  4. ………

    Where is the property lusambo was on TV boasting that it costs millions ?¿??

    Let him show tax and other recites for his property portfolio………


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