Friday, March 7, 2025

Former Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba Arrested for Seditious Practices; Warning for Lubinda and Nakacinda


The Zambian police have arrested and charged former Ambassador to Ethiopia, Emmanuel Mwamba, for alleged seditious practices. Additionally, former Justice Minister Given Lubinda and former Water Development Minister Raphael Nakacinda have had caution statements recorded for separate offenses.

Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga disclosed that Emmanuel Mwamba is accused of making a Facebook post on November 4, likely to incite disaffection against the administration of justice in Zambia. The post is alleged to have the potential to incite violence or offenses prejudicial to public order. Mr. Mwamba is currently detained at Emmasdale Police Station and is expected to appear in court soon.

Given Lubinda, the former Justice Minister, faces charges related to the failure or refusal to surrender a diplomatic passport. The first count is alleged to have occurred between March 2023 and October 2023, while the second count covers the period from March 2023 to November 14, 2023. Mr. Lubinda has been detained at Westwood Police Station.

Raphael Nakacinda, the former Water Development Minister, has received a warning and caution statement for the offense of seditious practices. The accusation is linked to the publication of seditious words in the News Diggers on October 27, 2023, with the intent to raise discontent or disaffection among Zambians. Mr. Nakacinda is currently in police custody at Emmasdale Police Station.

Rae Hamoonga, the Police spokesperson, highlighted that the actions taken against the individuals are in line with the law and aimed at maintaining public order and safety. The charges against Mwamba, Lubinda, and Nakacinda underline the importance of responsible communication and adherence to legal requirements.


  1. This is what happens when you feel you above the law
    Come down to earth and act with a bit of dignity instead of trying to stay in the lime light all the time
    which will work against you at some point

  2. When this man or his friends and family become president one day, don’t you think he will do the same to the children or great grandchildren of the people arresting him? In Zambia we have been arresting opponents since the time of Kapwepwe. It is this sort of behaviour that justifies one party state in Zambia. Maturity is when you become tolerant and try out new things.

    • The problem is our politicans from being normal mortals suddenly become Gods and act with impunity
      this falls under poor education

    • We will never become a one party state
      This GRZ has many inherited problems 1st Corruption through out all departments nothing has changed 2nd backward thinking politicians who should be ousted and replaced
      We need to concentrate on these before anything gets better
      One person at the top cannot alone control the nonsense that goes on in all these depts

  3. kkkkkkk trying to shift the mind of the public from the current story of the Registrar of society to court cases,kkkkkkk yama the issue is the registrar of society being transferred why and kindly be honest yamas with your dealings.

  4. If they obey the Laws which every Zambian is following, they will be free like the rest of the citizens. If you are not a diplomat, why refuse to surrender it and get the usual passport?

  5. Emmanuel Mwamba is a nonentity whose comments can’t cause an uprising. It’s unfortunate that Hakainde and his team have concentrated their efforts at firefighting and witch-hunts at the expense of service delivery. If they wish they can even arrest the whole PF and other opposition leaders but that won’t keep them in power. They’re fighting a losing battle. What people want are services. In some parts of Kitwe there has been no water for over a month, sort out that problem and people will be happy

  6. Emmanuel Mwamba being a journalist you are better off helping journalists, yesterday on a private radio station in Lusaka which has its evening news at 18 30, the lady news reader read Attorney General as Antony General and subpoena which is supposed to be pronounced as sapina was read as sapona. Don’t these private radio stations have editors who should pre read with them

    • @Emmanuel Mwamba: Sapina? She said it in the way Zambians speak and understand English, not in the way the English speak it. An English man can live in and loot Zambia all his life, and still say “eN-dola” for “Ndola”, and fools will try to say “eN-dola” to sound like him, rather correct the ***** so that he can say things properly. You may castigate the way a fellow Zambian pronounces an English word, in order to appease white people, but that sayS more about how (low) you feel about yourself, than anything you may think you are saying about that woman. Stop worshipping these white people. There is nothing special about them

    • Please advise your acting minister of home affairs to pronounce Methamphetamine properly and not just say: “whatever”. Otherwise we doubt the mental faculty and educational level entirely for better meaningful Parley debates.

  7. All dictators that have ascended to power use the existing laws of the land to oppress people though in a vicious way. HH was more brutal whilst in opposition than any other current opposition leader, at one time he called Guy as the “most stupid white man he had ever seen” If one called any leader in UPND, that would be your end. What EM said cannot lead to successful prosecution and conviction in any court in a democratic society.

  8. I am the one who fought tooth and nail to keep hh in prison for treason. See how evil hh is? I was very right . The only mistake my father ecl made was forgiving that f00I

  9. ………..

    Mwamba and the other corrupt dinasor clique of theives will stop at nothing to destabilise the country………..

    When efforts are high at arresting the economic decay brought by lungu and the same clique of theives in PF ………

    And the associated high cost of living, any seditious comments can destabilise the country at this critical time, and………

    The authorities are right to be clamping down on these power hungry theiving tribal supremacists……….

    Forward 2031……..

    And beyond

  10. Why is it difficult for PF to follow the simple laws of Zambia? and every day they are busy breaking the laws, now I see why there is need to have a full grade 12 certificate in fact we must say full grade 12 certificate with 6 or 5 subjects with one credit and above no satisfactory grade but at least 2 merits & 3 distinctions. This way we will be able to clean these jokers.

    Some they call themselves doctor whatever, they even failed to run even ka small temba sure but want to lead or be president of Zambia. What a joke!

  11. The problem we have in this country is that PF behaves as though this country belongs only to them only and and they are failing to realize that they are now an opposition. It seems that some Zambians have forgotten that PF thugs used to beat people just for wearing a red T shirt. If you are not a diplomat why should you cling to a diplomatic passport? Do these people think about what their actions would do to career diplomats. PF is trulysomething else.

  12. Zambia’s opposition politicians now has so much freedoms (both of movements and speech), they are using this freedoms for lying and abusing the government, the President and are preaching and trying to create rebellion in the country.
    In no other African country would this behaviour be condoned.
    Zimbabwe is a country which PF seem to admire, the types of things they are doing in Zambia would be crushed over there
    Uganda would not tolerate it (ask Bobby Wine) neither would Eretria.

    • We are not Uganda or Eritrea. Where’s the freedom of speech you are yapping about….every one hour an opposition member is being arrested on flimsy grounds and you call it freedom?

  13. It’s like this adminstration is trying to move awsy from the sfopted “normal” way of doing things as in past adminstrations but is facing resistance from inherited administrators within the ranks! Indeed political maturity knowledge and tact are on the lower end of the intelligence spectrum in Zambia. Being in opposition in Zambia effectiveness is graded according to how loud mouthed with venomous vitriol that one can be.

  14. In ZO, Mmembe states that they should be fighting hunger… not me. What kind of thinking is this? When Mmembe is in conflict with laws of Zambia, the law enforcement agencies will pursue him. If Mmembe thinks he can abrogate the laws of Zambia without consequences just because he claims there is hunger in Zambia, then he will continue crying. Hunger will not save Mmembe from facing justice when he is in conflict with Zambian laws.


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