Sunday, March 9, 2025

LAZ versus Political Party Matters


Clearly, LAZ has dragged itself in party matters for the first time for reasons best known to them.
Ironically, LAZ seemed to have been out of Zambia when FIlex Mutati MMD group were recognised in Parliament as MMD even when they expelled and the MMD leadership case was still in court?

Was LAZ in the space then when Registrar of societies replaced Nevers Mumba Group details and changed details of officebearers for MMD following the Mutati convened Convention?

Wasn’t Nakacinda recognised by ECL as MMD and nominated him as MP and later Minister yet his faction was in court with elected MMD president Nevers Mumba?

Where was LAZ to move the Constitutional Court which they want to move now on behalf of PF?
Is it that PF are unable to move the court on their own for LAZ to help them?

Is it because most of the PF MPs and members e.g. George Chisanga, Brian Mundubile, Edgar Lungu, Makebi Zulu among others are members of LAZ while in active partisan politics hence LAZ’s desire to defend PF?

Where was LAZ when political parties were just nominating leaders of the opposition in Parliament through their SGs as opposed to electing them in line with Art 74 for it to become so awake on PF wrangles?
In the entire statement, LAZ has only quoted the law that establishes it and also the Art on the election of Leader of the Opposition which PF has also raised.

Being a party matter within PF, it is shocking how LAZ is now becoming an attache to PF issues.
LAZ is clearly displaying unhidden bias toward PF and it can do better than this.

Written by Anonymous


    • Previously, printing of documents at either Pacra or ROSocieties was for and by anyone. Today, only the minister or by the Attorney General permission can one get a print. Otherwise you get a sack.

  1. And you can rest be assure to say this artical was grafted by someone from the kraal. The reason they’ve shamelessly hidden their identity. Such retroprogressive thinking is not found in patriots of this nation. Things done by cows will only be understood by cows. Bakolwe ne mbeba can’t understand.

  2. Is PF the Gold Standard for constitutional matters as to whether abrogated or not? Does the constitution say they must be appointed or elected to parliament? Let the constitution which all government leaders swear to uphold. Ignorance has no defense.

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