Friday, October 18, 2024

President Hichilema Joins Mourners to Bid Farewell to His 102 year old Uncle


On Sunday afternoon, President Hakainde Hichilema, alongside numerous mourners, gathered in the Lutanda area of Bweengwa, Monze District, to lay to rest his late uncle, Paul Lubinga Hibajene. The solemn occasion reflected on the remarkable life of Uncle Hibajene, who reached the biblical age of 102.

President Hichilema, visibly reflective, shared the valuable life lessons gleaned from his late uncle, emphasizing Hibajene’s enduring legacy of hard work, honesty, and integrity. While the physical presence is no more, the principles instilled by the senior citizen will continue to resonate.

Expressing gratitude for the time spent with Uncle Hibajene, President Hichilema extended a heartfelt call for unity among families across the nation. The funeral drew mourners from various parts of the country, symbolizing the shared grief and respect for the departed.

In a message of spiritual reflection, President Hichilema invoked a traditional blessing, “Leza utwelekela mazuba katwembela lyonse tonse,” translating to “God be with us as we mourn together.” The President affectionately bid farewell, saying, “Awe mudala Lubinga oone mulumuno mudala,” recognizing the enduring impact of Uncle Lubinga.

The funeral ceremony, marked by both sorrow and celebration of a life well-lived, underscores the importance of family, shared values, and the collective strength found in unity. As President Hichilema and the mourners paid their final respects, the legacy of Uncle Paul Lubinga Hibajene echoes as a beacon of inspiration for generations to come.


  1. How does he know that’s his uncle when his mother doesn’t know who his father is? He is mourning but Zambians mourning everyday because of suffering under this useless govt

    • @Kaizar “Kalya-Kanyena-Kadinya-katomba-Kamyanga Nyoko” Zulu: This is shameful, to pour scorn on a man when he is mourning his own uncle. To us to true Zambians, the time of mourning is the most important period in our social life. It is a time when communities come together, but all you do is insult and pour hatred on the president. We know that your ugly and stinking ahnus is still sore from not only being screwed in it by Lungu, but for the drabbing HH gave you in 2020 general elections. Sorry mathafaka (you have said your mother taught you everything you know about sex) but in our country, we respect even our worst enemies on their funerals. If you do not respect our culture, leave our country and go back to Malawai. Ugly Jabba the Hutt resembling kanyenga nyoko

    • But wena Kainyokolile Zulu, why really do you have to paste such stinking excrement on this site, man, at least during times like these even lunatical lumpens like you are expected to show empathy.

    • John Mwangwi and Kaizar had an encounter at Spice Night Club in Nairobi. Kaizar stared at John’s muscular frame all night while John worked. John noticed him and followed Kaizar to the bathrooms where John inserted into Kaizar without lube or protection. Kaizar yelled but soon that turned into manly moaning. Afterward, patrons heard John ask Kaizar how it was, Kaizar said to John “it was nice but it was painful”. The next morning, Kaizar then paid $5,000 for the footage from that night club.

  2. That is the exact question that came to mind! This is total abuse of office… anyway, due to LT’s fine reporting, we may not know maybe he was in the defence forces in the past.

    • @IllSayWhatIWant: The heads of services went there own their own, to support the commander in chief who gave them their jobs. They were not asked to do this. All they did was salute, which is nothing but a way of showing respect. Senior officers are saluted, but senior officers also salute their juniors and peers. Non commissioned officers do not salute each other. You motherfakaz are trying to make too much of some bullsh!t European tradition which is meaningless to us Africans. Most of the mourners at the funerals do not even know what the damn salute means. What has meaning to them is the Tonga War dance “ooli choolwe” that was done during the funeral. Otherwise like all of us Tonga people, they are honest, they are hardworking, and they are reliable

    • @IllSayWhatIWant: Abusing the office is creating a government office for your wife, and funding it with government money, as Michael Satan did for his wife Christine Kaseba. Abusing the office is stealing government money and putting it in the name of your wife, as Edgar Chagwa Lungu did. The reason why beaver-teeth is running is to try to catch these investigations into his abuse office and looting before the conclude, and end them. Abuse of office is Chipuba using his position pollute Zambia with Lebanese homosexuals and to take another man’s wife, Abuse of office is to take government assets and share them among you and your friends.

  3. ……….

    If you go to a funeral……..

    And you want to salute, it is up to you……….

    If you go to a funeral wearing your work uniform, it is up to you………….

    If the man knew members of the armed forces, it is up to them if they want to attend………in their uniform………to salute a well known elder in bidding farewell.

    • STop being a dumb supporter. The uniformed forces dont salute any person. They only salute Commissioned officers or the CIC or his representative. They just cant go about saluting because they feel like it. Its a misuse of the military by politicians. In other countries the officers would have refused to turn up. Trump once was abandoned by his Chief Commander for such childish errands

    • @Lance Corporal: You are talking rubbish. The uniformed officers, including the Chief of the US General Staff, the retired General Millie, accompanied Trump to the the cathedral in Washington, where he engaged in a political diatribe against the protestors of Antifa. The action was so controversial because the regular US military, is barred by a law called Passe Comitatas, from indulging in domestic military action. Of course the law itself has origins in the civil war, where the US Army went to war with the Southern States over the question of slavery. The current law stipulates that only the various state militia, called the National Guards, have freedom on military activity in their own states, meaning that if they reimposed slavery, the US military could do nothing

    • @Spaka: As is always the case with HH, they want to create their own laws. Here is the Euro-American military tradition: CUSTOMS AND COURTESIES

      U.S. Department of Defense (.gov) › Feb › 140221-N-Z…
      Other civilians may be saluted by persons in uniform when appropriate, but the uniform hat or cap must not be raised as a form of salutation. WHEN TO SALUTE.— The real reason why they are angry is that the generals are not called Mwewa, Mwape, Mwale, Zimba, Chilese etc,

    • Lance Corporal

      You are an ignorant Lance Corporal…….

      You are acting like saluting is a state secret…………

      Any one can salute anyone, saluting is not a crime or reserved for anyone or only for special occasions…….

      You are the same dump assess who think civilians wearing combat style trousers is illigal

    • Shut up! But like all empty tins, you have no brains but want to paint the picture that you know when you know zilch! Go fight Kaizar who luvs to lick you. If theres a dumb ass here it is you. Ask Lungu who went for Military service not HH who was never there, and he will tell you only certain people- and they should be higher ranked than you- should be saluted by any military corps. Civillians in particular are not saluted It for sure is ILLEGAL to wear military uniform or even police uniform. It is in your laws dumbass go read them. This is because any fool like you would masquerade as an army soldier and start a war

    • @Lance Corporal ask these bigoted headless UPND supporters can they drive a car flashing blue lights? NO! They will be arrested because there is a law on who can in the same way military attire is legally protected

  4. @Kaizar “Kalya-Kamyanga Nyoko” Zulu: This is shameful, to pour scorn on a man when he is mourning his own uncle. To us to true Zambians, the time of mourning is the most important period in our social life. It is a time when communities come together, but all you do is insult and pour hatred on the president. We know that your ugly and stinking ahnus is still sore from not only being screwed in it by Lungu, but for the drabbing HH gave you in 2020 general elections. Sorry mathafaka (you have said your mother taught you everything you know about sex) but in our country, we respect even our worst enemies on their funerals. If you do not respect our culture, leave our country and go back to Malawai. Ugly Jabba the Hutt resembling kanyenga nyoko

  5. Who cares what the Americans do, this is Zambia we do what we do, as for those defence force heads they seem pretty fat, they need to do some work and trim down!

    • Very true. Someone is copying American army codes of conduct to paste here to convince ignoramuses that its the right behaviour. There are differences, to note; in the American army you can salute without putting on your head dress. African armies dont because they adhere and are incorporated from French and British colonialism

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