Wednesday, March 12, 2025

President Hichilema salutes USA


President Hakainde Hichilema has thanked the United States government through the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (US-CDC) for the continued support to the country’s health care services delivery.

President Hichilema says Zambia has continued to benefit from the support from (CDC) which has helped the   reduced disease burden, thereby improving the welfare of the people in the country.

The President cited the support towards the fight against HIV and AIDS and Tuberculosis as some of the successes that the country has scored in addressing the disease burden through the support from the Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).

President Hichilema said this at the State House in Lusaka today, when a delegation from US-CDC led by its Principal Deputy Director Dr Nirv Shah paid a courtesy call on him.

The Head of State further underscored the partnership between the two countries in improving the health care provision for the benefit of the vulnerable people.

He noted that this is why there is need for strengthened collaboration between the two government’s in other public health care services and emergencies in order for Zambia to achieve the target on universal health coverage for all.

President Hichilema has also thanked the CDC team for attending the ongoing International Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA) which is currently underway in Lusaka from 27 to 30 November.

And Dr Shah has praised Zambia for the various strides it has recorded in improving the health care services and facilities across the country.

He said this is why the US CDC will continue to partner with the Zambian government in building critical global health security capacities necessary to prevent,detect,and respond to many health threats.

He explained that since 2015 CDC has supported the Zambian government to establish the Zambia National Public Health Institute, and the training of 250 disease detectives to respond to health threats.


  1. What else can he do except thank those who put him on his throne. Bo Hichilema tell them to thank us for the free and forced labour they got from Africa from the 1400s to the end of the 1800s

    • @Fresha waku ma ruins: The people of Zambia put HH in the presidency, you id!ot. He won the elections with a vote of 57%. HH is “thanking” the US to discourage the new speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, from carrying out his plan of cutting the pepfar funds, which provide 1.2 million Zambians, with HIV medication that keeps them alive. Zambia gets about 8% of the money allocated in this program every year, amounting to $400 million spent on our country. If you want us to start burying 200 people a week in Lusaka alone. dead from AIDS , as we did 25 years ago, wish for the US to end this program.

    • You using energy on white masters instead of Attorney General who is going to state ATM to withdraw money for ministers like Chi-Tayali.

    • @Nostradamus: There is no money in the state account. Michael Satan and Edgar Lungu borrowed $31 billion, of some of the worst loans ever. Practically every ngwee that we get goes directly to service these loans. I know some of you think that everyone steals, but Satan and Lungu made sure that this could not happen under UPND by stealing that $31 billion.

  2. HH is “thanking” the US to discourage the speaker from cutting the money. Thanks to the looting of Michael Satan, and Edgar chakolwa Lungu, Zambia would never be able to afford the annual US $400 million to provide the 1.2 million Zambians afflicted with HIV, the life saving medicine they receive free of charge from the US, under the pepfar program. The new speaker of the US of Representatives, which control the money, wants to eliminate this program, that President George W Bush started, after Bill Clinton refused to help the Africans dying of AIDS, and sent his vice-president, Al Gore, to sue South African companies that were trying to manufacture this AIDS medicine cheaply for the patients of the country. HH is “thanking” the US to discourage the speaker from cutting the money.

    • This praise singing Kaizar hater really has a lot of time to waste. How much Is Hamasaka paying you for these posts??

  3. A vision came to me last night. I saw hh fainting after the announcement of the 2026 elections. I saw him been taken by the paramedics on oxygen. Does he survive?

    • @Kaizar “Kanyenga-Nyoko” Zulu: No vision came to you. No one knows what hole you are hiding in, but you cannot see anything from it. You are a fugitive from the law, having illegally retained a diplomatic passport you are not entitled to, and entered the country through an illegal crossing. The police are looking for you due to these two crimes, but you have refused to answer their summons. I hope when they find you, they simply fill in your hiding hole with sewage water from the Chibolya Compound where Johnathan Mutawire used to live, and use a catarpillar to close your hiding hole with a big stone no one can remove.

    • Without PREJUDICE. The Criminal behaviour of the State of The Republic of Zambia is NOTHING but a STINKING failed state. Today you have an Attorney General who at WILL enter consent judgements with no regard to pending CRIMINAL matters before the learned Justices of our Country. CRY MOTHER ZAMBIA

  4. Kaisa…I am somewhat inclined to agree with you. I mean, we were told that ‘we would fall off our seats’ if we knew the level of criminality that was going on, but almost half way down the line, it’s turned out to be ‘all bark and no bite’, no real convictions, save for questionable compensations!!!

    • Unfortunately, when a rotten party behaves like this they just set an example for their successors to be even more rotten. All aspirants to the ruling government are now just polishing up blueprints for how to loot the state once in power

  5. The puppet reporting to his masters.
    In this day and age Americans and the so called investors are getting minerals for free yet Zambians are been made to pay high tax.
    Electricity, Fuel,High cost of living etc
    No heart for the people of Zambia in this government of only the rich. And yet the poor are getting poorer.
    Sadly they care less.

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