Chishimba Kambwili, a member of the Central Committee of the Patriotic Front (PF) and prominent opposition figure, has been sentenced to five months imprisonment with hard labor by Senior Resident Magistrate Samson Mumba in Kasama.
The judgment comes after Mr. Kambwili faced charges related to hate speech, specifically accused of expressing disdain and ridicule towards the people of Southern Province based on their tribe and place of origin. The verdict was delivered yesterday in Kasama, leading to Kambwili being taken to the Milima Correctional Facility in Kasama.
The case against Kambwili has been a topic of significant attention and has now resulted in a prison sentence. The opposition politician, aged 54 and residing at house number 9, Wisteria Avenue, Luanshya, appeared before the Kasama Resident Magistrate for the judgment.
Kambwili is expected to appeal both the conviction and the imposed five-month sentence. His defense was represented by Kaizala Tembo from Ferd Jere & Company.
kkkkkk what about the minister who recently insulted people from Luapula? and some other known hate speeches we have heard? come on stop being childish and develop this country.Meali meal is still expensive,dollar has gone bezerk,kwacha dollar is now free fall,no control and the bank governor confessed this.What is the minister of finance doing about this to arrest the situation? mmmmm yama do something plz.
The economic problems are the fault of PF. They are the ones who borrowed the US $31 billion that Zambia is unable to pay, and is causing all the economic problems.
Death penalty is abolished.
Do not be a fo0l man. I am lozi from Kalabo and my wife is nsenga from Petauke. Faki who do you think my five children represent. You are not adding value to this country you PF idi0ts. This man should have gone in for 3 years.
The permanent secretary of Central Province specially insulted the Bemba speakers…. the caller was a Bemba who simply asked what had happened to the Upnd campaign promises. The PS without shame said: MWALINYA AMAFI ELO MULEFWAYA tumipipile? Why hasn’t he been arrested? Truly speaking some tribes are very tribal but they want to accuse the other tribes of tribalism.
The PS was not referring to a tribe like Kambwili. The fecal matter he referred to is PF and not innocent people who belong to the Bemba tribe. People are free to vote anyway they want and tribe should not be used to coerce people. Dull Kambwili should have told people what PF was going to do for them, in the end that’s what matters.
You should free your self from your tribal lens…………
You will appreciate the world better
You look at tribe for everything……
Everything GRZ does, you look at tribe……
Everything any politician does or says…….you look at tribe
What a troubled soul you are.
#Chinz of course you will defend anything. You see I used to accept anything but I have discovered that you people have two sides of what you call national unity. Enough said.
Emancipat your self from your tribal complex………..
The tribal conspiracies and wars you have raging in your mind will drive you crazy……….
Chishimba Kambwili has been jailed in furtherance of the PF’s election campaign in 2021. Will this make the PF stop and reflect? Did they ever get in touch with Kambwili to tell him that he had crossed the line of decency in election campaigning? Answers to these questions may never be known publicly.
For a fact incarcerations are a one way traffic, just as consent judgement compensations are. Who would expect arrest, conviction and imprisonment of their own? Is this the sanity we were promised by the new dawn? Enjoy yourselves while, and when, you can.
If there’s a tribalist on this platform it is Spaka. We all know him and the other one who hates Kaizer as chief tribalists. If they could come out of their pseudonyms they know they wouldnt walk anywhere in Lusaka, Ndola, Kitwe, Chipata Kasama as they would die of shame. So they use LT as a venting ground for their tribal venom
FYI from Eastern, kwa madede…….
I was the first one on LT to rally against bemba open virulent tribal attacks against tongas on LT………..
It was so bad that it came to a point of celebrating the death of a tonga……..
Only when it was done to them, did they stop………
Iam not a tribalist but hate tribal supremacists who think they alone own zambia
PF are the feaces. The Bemba people are good people, just all other Zambians are.
This should serve a warning the rest of these tribal supremacists. Infact 5 months is a slap of the wrist. These dirty mongrels should be locked up for a minimum of 3yrs so they can learn to respect people with different ethnicities from them.
What does icibemba say when you are imprisoned ba CK? Yonse imbwa yalikwata ubushiku bwaiko..
There’s no such saying in Chibemba. You are translating an English saying into Bemba
From the time CK returned from his barefoot protest at the graveyard, he has never been the same.May be he disobeyed some instructions
If Kambwili can be jailed for 5 months for whatever he said, then people like Romeo Kang’ombe, Larry Mweetwa and many others in the UPND camp should face life imprisonment.
Go to the police and report them,stop shi^ting around
Aba haha don’t see their disrespect for other tribes as tribalism… they think it’s their right. We see these even in our clubs how cluster around the bar counter talking ill of others.
Which police? How many times have people reported you coyotes for breaches and how many cayotes have been arrested? Zero. You are worse than PF. Your president keeps on condemning the past violence but never has castigated your violence and many other misdeeds. Muleikalafye matako yenu
Finally fresh air is here its now one Zambia one nation not just on paper.
Cage them one by one. Kaponya Kaizar is next.
I personally will locate the hole where that animal is hiding and smoke it out. I argued for throwing Kaizar “Kalya Nyoko” in a pit latrine, but I have received many private messages correcting me on this. Everyone is saying that putting Kaizar “Kalya-Nyoko” Zulu in a pit latrine, will make the pit latrine smell unbearable
Kambwili spoke the truth. The guilty tribal cow hh demanded that the judges find him guilty. We are been ruled by a bunch of tribal corrupt criminals. Hhs end will be very painful. I warn him.
Kaizar Zulu you are a good man,you have always spoken the truth,now it is a danger and Illegal to speak about how tribal some people are which has been proven,but them they can speak about other tribes with no respect,what about the Kafue mayor who spoke bad things about the Bembas some time back,has she also been arrested?
Time for the MF to lose weight.
The “Z” Factor will be here for generations to come
@Kaizar “Kalya-Nyoko” Zulu: A member of the same species as the hideously ugly Kaizar “Kalya-Nyoko” Zulu and Kashimba Chimbwili-
I don’t know why we have tolerated with this thing for such a long time. If it were up to me I would have locked it up years ago. It brings childish behaviour to our politics.
Good. This baboon’s tribal bigotry almost ushered this country into a Rwanda style genocidal tribal abyss. I hope the likes of Nkandu Luo are watching this and keep their tribal bigotry to themselves or else she will like her niece Mumbi be counting rafters in the roof of Chimbokaila. We have had enough of your corrosive tribalism, this time you conform or you will go to jail, mwaile saana ba kaboke imwe alah!
This fo0l had it coming. Your tribe is not supreme. Go back to your village if you think you are superior.
Bemba people don’t think they are superior over your tribe. It’s your inferiority complex that makes you think we’re tribalistic. Example we have a chief who’s Tonga on one side. And since our succession is matrilineal he was picked as chief. Would that happen in Bweengwa? My nephew and niece have been rejected after the death of their father who is from Choma.
I’m tired of pretence…ZCCM Head office headed by them all them were promoted,ZR. Zambia Airways same same.
Very true. Bembas are very liberal people who find it easy to mingle with any group. They welcome foreigners quickly and arent afraid to venture. Thats why they seem to have infiltrated every corner of Zambia. They wont make a fuss if you misuse their grammar and as a result their language spreads. Some Zambian tribes want to hide themselves in their customs and dont want these to be revealed. Its a new world new nation we need to mingle.
@Deja Vu: Tribalist, accusing someone of feeling inferior is just another way of claiming that you are superior. The reason why the Tonga would never accept any other tribes person as chief in Bweengwa is that there are no chiefs in Tonga culture, mathafaka. We would not even accept a Tonga as a chief. The reason why the accusations of tribalism arise is because you refuse to accept a Tonga as president, fired all the Tonga, Luvale and Lozi from the army and civil service, as soon as Chipuba became president. Ironically, when Chipuba was locked up in Choma by KK, the Tonga in that city rose up to demand his release; when Kaunda and UNIP needed money to go to the UK to negotiate independence, we Tonga people paid the bill
Kambwili was abused by PF. Unfortunately could not see the trap because he thinks militancy and tribal bigotry stills works in our Politics.
There’s nothing wrong with what he said …. it’s happening…a Bemba heading a GRZ institution can’t complain eg if his clinic has no medicine…if he does he will be transferred or relieved. Only you can’t see it because it favors you. Time to call a spade a spade.
I have to differ with you Deja Vu. Kambwili is a primitive divisionist. He doesnt even have enough tact to be a politician. Its just raw hatred personified. I still recall him publicly challenging an Indian guy not to work as a graderdriver and he thought he was championing black people’s causes. What a danderhead! Kambwili will divide if he sees he can benefit from the situation-pure opportunist. Ackson Sejane is the same but luckily he went to school and his tribalism now and then gets checked.
And to tell you something Kambwili is not even a Bemba so he is antagonising people he doesnt even belong to. Just research there is no such name as Kambwili among the Bemba
Chachine ba mwizyo. Kambwili is a Biza name meaning a hoe. If he was Bemba he would be called Ulukasu.
The Biza speak a dialogue similar to Chibemba but also influenced by Chichewa and Kunda. For example; grandma is nakulu in Chibemba. The Biza will say Bambuya
#Lumpenela… sorry it’s sarcasm I am using… remember how this man went to southern province to apologize to the people there for his untamed language… remember how he went on social media accusing Edgar Lungu of stealing a widow’s money, how all of a sudden Lungu from Chawama became a millionaire… Remember how much dust was raised when kambwili was arrested that it was political persecution? That’s why I say there’s nothing “wrong”. Personally I don’t agree with whatever Kambwili says or does. He’s got no campas… but he was a Upnd hero when he was insulting Edgar. He was expelled from the PF.
@Deja Vu-Sorry the sarcasm went past me.
This PF wrong perception of saying we ((Bembas and Easterners ) are the majority therefore we can use tribe to influence voters to our advantage will kill the Chipani. Times have changed and truely there are no pure tribes especially along the line of rail anymore.
Who voices that? Noone. You just want to create your own political theory and impose it on Bembas and Easterners. Yes for your own convenience, you are putting words into Northerners and Easterners’ mouths
Kibunde! Singa Jabba the Hutt “Kambwili” basi tamile like za 5, kabaka la kutoya batu ba kwa Southern Province. Ape bunde batweng kikuli ena judge ya sitamile, niyena ki mu Bemba
Useless tribalist deserves all what is coming.
Am in the diaspora and I had so much hope when HH took over and I was even thinking of relocating back home but now am slowly rescinding my decision … Zambia is not inspiring and the way things are going things will get even worse….hate and massive looting and corruption is now official…PF used to steal and do it secretly but UPND is now doing it in open….and am afraid consent judgements will now be the trend for every government in power
Suit yourself.I am relocating. There is so many opportunities that indigenous Zambians cannot see.Only outsiders can see the great wealth in Zambia,buffles me realy.lLame-brains like DejaFOOOL and company are wallowing in ignorance and blindfolded with tribalism they limit themselves
@Anonymous: You are talking rubbish and you know it. You claim that UPND is looting massively. The country is broke. HH took over a country that had no money, and as more of the US $31 billion in loans Michael Satan and Edgar Lungu took and looted comes due, the country is even more broke. All our money is going to service this debt and hence the endless meetings with the IMF and other debtors. You say there is hate, you are damn liar. HH deliberately created the most regionally balanced cabinet since Kaunda. Chipuba, Satan and Lungu all rain triabal cabinets in which they excluded Tongas, Lozia and Luvale, whom they fired from the army. The only hateful tribalist here is you who thinks that things are ok only when you tribe is in control
I am not a fan of Kambwili but this is wrong…it will cause more division in the country ….so now you can’t say anything against Tongas since now they’re in power….has anyone ever been Jailed for racist comments here in the USA…nope….
Whats so Special about Tongas if i may ask…Bembas are called thieves and insulted every day by the Tongas….chawamila galu
At least give me the idea so that i can relocate also
annonymous.If you are interested contact me on:[email protected] cannot be explained here.I wii first explain how in the 80s,it was the Senegalese who showed us the emerald and emathest trade’But the indians and whites that have always been the leaders .Now it is the Chinese,the Lebanese and even Burundis and Rwandese.In Short,it involves secret societies ;not of the satanists kind,but groups of business societies.You are a fhoool if you think you can come home with your foreign savings and start a business on your own.You will end up running a chicken run in competition with Chinese
I am at chicagos tonight. If you are a pf supporter come and meet me for free drinks. If you are a tribal upnd thug then also come through and talk to me to my face If you man enough
Whisky on ice tonight
There is nothing special in sentencing Chishimba Kambwili for his hate tribal speech. You commit an offence and taken to court, justice is applied. All those who feel aggrieved should go to court and lodge complaints there to reprieve CK. As of now Chishimba Kambwili is a convict to serve a jail term. Kwamana.
“There’s only one Politician who is capable of dividing this country…the guy from the Southern Province who is leading the opposition party..the UPND…whats his name???….yes Hakainde Hichilema apart from that There’s no any other Politician am afraid of dividing this country “….who said these words and what was occasion…10 marks
@Anonymous: Who prophesied this? Jules Verne? Nostradamus? Bushiri? I want to know
This man has arrested more political opponents than Kaunda arrested in his 27 years rule by pro rata.
That’s because lungu and the theiving tribal supremacists left a morally decayed toxic society………
It’s a cleanup
Kenneth Kaunda…..
When and Where?
UPND is more corrupt than PF and thats why they can’t prosecut anyone on corruption…now they’re fishing for cases to prosecute their Political opponents just like sleepy Joe Biden
@Anonymous: UPND has only tried to cleanup the theft of the US $31 billion that PF borrowed and stole, between Michael Satan and Edgar “Johnathan Mutawire ” Lungu. They have done absolutely nothing else wrong. You can certainly criticise some of their policy decisions, as I do, even on this forum. However, their morality and fairness are beyond reproach. In fact, they are often too fair, and try to avoid dispensing deserved punishment to erring Zambians. PF have take this weakness, and tried to use it to accuse UPND of the stealing they have done, knowing that UPND will not put them in jail for lying about UPND.
The sad irony of the whole situation is that what we are actually seeing compelling evidence of what he predicted!