Monday, September 30, 2024

Israel-Gaza war: Half of Gaza’s population is starving, warns UN


A senior UN aid official has warned that half of Gaza’s population is starving, as fighting there continues.

Carl Skau, deputy director of the UN World Food Programme, said only a fraction of supplies needed have been able to enter the Strip – and nine out of 10 people cannot eat everyday.

Conditions in Gaza have made deliveries “almost impossible”, Mr Skau said.

Israel says it must continue air strikes on Gaza to eliminate Hamas and bring Israeli hostages home.

Israel Defence Forces spokesman Lt Col Richard Hecht told the BBC on Saturday that “any death and pain to a civilian is painful, but we don’t have an alternative”.

“We are doing everything we can to get as much as possible inside the Gaza Strip,” he said.

Herzi Halevi, chief of staff of the IDF, was filmed telling soldiers the army has to “press harder” because “we’re seeing terrorists surrendering… a sign their network is collapsing”.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has used an emergency law to bypass Congress and authorise the sale of some 14,000 rounds of tank ammunition worth more than $106m (£85m) to Israel.

Movement in and out of Gaza has been heavily restricted since 7 October, when Hamas fighters broke through Israel’s heavily-guarded perimeter fence – killing 1,200 people and taking 240 hostages.

In response, Israel closed its borders with Gaza and began launching air strikes on the territory, restricting aid deliveries which Gazans heavily relied on.
The Hamas-run health ministry says Israel has killed more than 17,700 Gazans in its retaliatory campaign, including more than 7,000 children.

Only the Rafah crossing bordering Egypt has been open, allowing limited quantities of aid to reach Gaza. This week Israel agreed to open the Kerem Shalom crossing from Israel into Gaza in the next few days – but only for the inspection of aid lorries. The trucks would then go to Rafah to cross into Gaza.

Mr Skau said nothing had prepared him for the “fear, the chaos, and the despair” he and his WFP team encountered during their trip to Gaza this week.

They witnessed “confusion at warehouses, distribution points with thousands of desperate hungry people, supermarkets with bare shelves, and overcrowded shelters with bursting bathrooms,” he said.

International pressure and a temporary seven-day ceasefire last month had allowed some badly-needed aid to enter the Gaza Strip, but the WFP insists a second border crossing is now needed to meet demand.
Nine out of 10 families in some areas are spending “a full day and night without any food at all”, according to Mr Skau.

People in Khan Younis in the south of Gaza, a city now surrounded on two fronts by Israeli tanks, say the situation there is dire.

Dr Ahmed Moghrabi, head of the plastic surgery and burns unit in the city’s only remaining health facility, Nasser hospital, fought back tears as he spoke to the BBC about the lack of food.

“I have a daughter, three years old, always she ask me (for) some sweets, some apple, some fruits. I can’t provide. I feel helpless,” he said.

“There is not enough food, there is not enough food, only rice, only rice can you believe? We eat once, once a day, only.”
Khan Younis has been the focus of heavy air strikes in recent days and the boss of Nasser hospital there said his team had “lost control” over the numbers of dead and wounded arriving at the facility.

Israel says Hamas leaders are hiding in Khan Younis, possibly in an underground network of tunnels, and that it is fighting house to house and “shaft to shaft” to destroy the group’s military capabilities.

Source:BBC News


  1. I was supporting the support the USA gave to Ukraine against Russian invasion…. but seeing what is happening in Gaza, I now wish Russia can over run Ukraine and get ” back” those pieces of land it claims as theirs.
    You cannot discriminate in such a cruel way. Putin “abducted” a dozen Ukrainian children and he’s sued as a war criminal.
    Benjamin Netenyahu has killed thousands of Palestinian children and he’s hailed as a war hero.

    • “The world we live in 2023”. Starring Biden,Trump,Putin, Netanyahu, Sunak and Macron as Chief Hypocrites, Co-starring Zelensky, Hakainde, Ruto Mahmoud Abbas, Ramaphosa, Sinwar as pawns. Extras include 15,000 dead Palestinians-still counting 5000 dead Ukrainians.

  2. Hey you !! With Not understanding Zambian politics you now find it fitting to comment
    on others affairs that you dont know much about
    I suppose the massacre of 1,400 women/ children and babies is meaningless

    • You have not talked about the over 18-thousand Palestinian civilians killed in the resultant war. Who would worry about such a large figure of dead croahes anyway? Do they even have a country of their own or right to live? Aren’t they a second class people? I am NOT anti semitism, but I still don’t want to be inhumane to other races like Arabs.

  3. Smoke out terrorist from the tunnels and return captives alive. Shaka taught a valuable lesson not to be forgotten “Don’t live you enemy half dead” when he comes back for you he will annihilate you for ever.
    Terrorist free world is good for everyone and wars are an affront to peace and humanity. Zambia is currently a peaceful nation rogues such as evil serial commentator above, need caged like Hamas terrorist.

    • You should be ashamed of your self………

      More than 10,000 women and children have been murdered by the isrealis……..

      And in case you say Hamas started it on Oct 7th……..

      Before that more than 500 Palestinians were murdered in 2022……..with hundreds of homes demolished and taken over by settlers

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