Tanzanian authorities have launched an investigation into social media users who are accused of spreading false information regarding the health of Vice-President Philip Mpango. Mr. Mpango, who had been absent from public view for over a month, re-emerged on Sunday, putting an end to widespread rumors that he had passed away.
Information Minister Nape Nnauye has ordered investigations into individuals responsible for spreading the unfounded speculation. Mr. Mpango expressed his distress at the false rumors circulating on social media, emphasizing that he was hurt by the misinformation.
The Vice-President’s public absence had triggered concerns and various speculations, with some criticizing the government for not providing clear information about his whereabouts. Mr. Mpango was last seen in public on October 31, representing President Samia Suluhu Hassan during a virtual meeting of leaders from the Southern African Development Community.
Mixed reactions have followed the Vice-President’s return, with debates emerging on the government’s handling of the situation. Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa had previously cautioned citizens against engaging in speculation.
Mr. Mpango, appearing unannounced at a Sunday service in the capital, Dodoma, assured the public that he was in good health and had not lost any weight. Addressing the false reports, he said, “There have been photos circulating alongside a candle, and claims that I have passed away. It’s too early – I haven’t completed the job God sent me to do.”
He went on to reveal that he had been abroad on “special duties” but did not provide further details.
In response to Mr. Mpango’s plea for responsible social media use, Information Minister Nape Nnauye directed relevant state agencies to take action against those responsible for spreading rumors about the Vice-President’s whereabouts. Mr. Nnauye emphasized that any freedom that infringes on the freedom of another person amounts to disobedience of the law, stating, “We cannot have a society that views that as normal.” However, he did not specify which laws might have potentially been violated.
Tanzania enacted stringent laws against the spread of “fake news” in 2018, a move criticized by some as an attempt to curtail freedom of expression.
This incident is not the first time false rumors have circulated about Vice-President Philip Mpango’s health. In a meeting on Sunday at Chamwino State House, Mr. Mpango revealed that his sister had fainted in 2021 after receiving false reports about his death. President Samia advised the Vice-President to acknowledge that, as a public figure, he should be prepared for such speculation.
As with all our African Presidents there is no smoke without fire
Watch this space
It was the same with president Magufuli. May His Soul Rest in Peace.
Secrecy breeds speculations.
What do they propose to do when they find those responsible for wondering about the health of the long absent vice-president, arrest them? What crime have they committed?
Do we in Africa have the time and finances to waste investigating who spread what rumour? Why not investigate what is making the economy perform poorly?
“Information Minister Nape Nnauye has ordered investigations into individuals responsible for spreading the unfounded speculation.” Really??