Sunday, March 9, 2025

YES… was godamn hell under PF!


When Economic Front leader, Wynter Kabimba says it was hell under the brutal regime of the Patriotic Front, he has definitely struck the bull’s eye!

We are not saying this simply because we’ve seen unruly PF cadres on TV, inebriated with the highly potent ‘utujilijili,’ singing songs laced with insults and the most vulgar language in which they are mocking Chishimba Kambwili and describing how he’s going to have his precious private parts for a relish or stripping a helpless woman naked in front of the entire president and indeed the diabolical act of knocking off a scribe’s teeth to urinate in his mouth, we’ve been victims of PF’s brutality before!

At times we even wonder where Edgar Lungu is drawing his courage to insist he’s come back to politics. To come and do what imwe batata? To come and turn our State House into a den of sins where cutting deals with the Mafias and hosting concubines from Eswatini will be the norm? To come and gorge-out our eyes, maim our limbs and dismember our bowels? To come and restore caderism in the markets and at InterCity bus terminus? To come and strip students of bursaries and unleash ‘paras’ on them when they take their complaints to the streets? To come and further divide an already polarised nation by denying certain regions of development and restricting appointments of individuals to cabinet to one particular region? To come and gas us in our sleep? To come and shut down the Independent media so that we should be condemned to watching boring ZNBC? To come and plunder our Mukula and other national resources so that he can build mansions and shopping malls in foreign countries? Aikona man…..ichemeni!

Let me now share a personal experience of how I got clobbered by PF thugs in full view of the police! Some time in 2019, I supplied Rosewood to a PF Councillor for Fisenge ward, Luanshya district, Nepol Chiyasa with assurances that he’d settle the payment within a week. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy…….a week turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Fed up of his Cock and Bull stories, I decided to report the matter to the police in Zambezi who of course sought the assistance of their colleagues in Luanshya.Typical of PF members at the time, the chap kept eluding the cops…..churning out one excuse after another!

One day, I decided to make another follow up with the police in Luanshya. After contacting him by phone, he claimed he was in Mpongwe attending a rally addressed by President Lungu. I was asked to report back in the afternoon.

As I was crossing the road from central police station trying to find a place to get a snack, I spotted Chiyasa in the company of the then Luanshya Member of Parliament, Steven Chungu and of course a retinue of hoodlums.

I decided to confront him there and then and challenged him on his lies. It was like I had just strayed into a Lion’s den. The idiots beat the hell out of me as the cops watched from a distance while the MP seemed to mind his own business. I walked back to the police station where they issued a medical report and opened a docket.

The suspects were detained and released the next day. When I made a follow up with the CIO, he resorted to castigating me instead of sympathising with me. I assured him I’ll see them after the elections. Ba Luanshya police, I am your guest any time soon. Tell those goons I still have the medical report. I won’t rest until justice prevails.

Prince Bill M. Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. The Wynter Kabimba flag was very enticing. But I decided to scroll down to check who the author was. Oh my God it none other than Mr Dream Maker himself.

  2. ”At times we even wonder where Edgar Lungu is drawing his courage to insist he’s come back to politics”.END OF QUATE. Now let me tell you were his strength is coming from.1 the depriciation of the kwacha,2 the high cost of living, 3 the high price of mealie meal,the high cost of living,ubufi, no touch with reality,no seriousness there so many factors were ECL is drawing his strength.If you can not see that am very sorry. Also when it comes to the broken system mmmmm all the 3 system as been tempered with rendering them useless and non functional.Well wait and see.What is important now is to deliver and yapu yapu.

  3. What shocks me is why PF is always used as a reference and not MMD and UNIP. There is nothing special about PF. Address the issues to day while learning from yesterday’s ills.

    • It’s easy to blame PF so that people overlook the nonsense we are going through. But eventually people will also start comparing…. PF was violent but so is Upnd who also using ZP
      Petrol was expensive in PF at 17 kwacha per liter but it’s also in Upnd at K30 per liter
      List is endless. People will not accept the old hen’s assumptions that had PF remained in power the kwacha was going to trade at K70….. because there’s no proof.

    • Its easy to blame PF because they are the visible opponent. They are perceived as UPND’s main threat. One should therefore realise that this blame is being driven solely by political motives. “For UPND to survive PF must die”

  4. UNIP dead – no leader, no party.
    MMD dead – With weak leader but no party.
    PF dead – remnants in camps.
    Other opposition parties dead – fragmented and feeble with no impact.

  5. The is very correct, Imagine, during the week running to 12th August 2021, there was still too much covid 19, but even if I did not want to have a covid 19 Jubb I had to make sure I campaigned at work to ensure that all those who really cared about Zambia went for a Jubb in readiness for 12th August 2021 general elections because we did not want anything to do with PF.

    Thank you, God you answered our prayers, the animals will never ever again come back finish us off

  6. Saw article title. Knew who author was. Scrolled down to comment that leave the PF out of this governance.
    We voted the PF out because they were a bad government. Using them as a yardstick for governance is very misplaced as they were the worst government.
    Why are we so hang up about the PF government and its many ills will never make sense.
    Bill writes as if bloggers here were PF supporters when majority of people here wanted the PF out and are similarly holding the UPND accountable.

    • The problem with Kampinga, he wants to sound smart and an intelligent analyst. Kampinga is a UPND cadre so you can not be a cadre and be smart at the same time. To be a cadre you have to be a dump, dull and stup1d so that you praise everything you leader says and condemn your leader’s perceived opponent does. You surrender your brain as a cadre to your leader so how are you going to be intelligent without a brain?

    • KCI, reminds me of the quote, “when you are used to getting on your knees and praying, it is difficult to stand up and think”.
      Anyone can make of that whatever they want.

  7. Prince is another retarded sponsored upnd vuvuzela. You are singing praises for upnd chi Prince while mweetwa is snagging your fat wlfe.

  8. Let us not shy away from the happenings today and try to find solace in the PF. The topics Kapinga should be concentrating on are the current prices of mealie meal(k350), fuel at k30, fertilizer at k1500. The shooting of a young boy by ZNS in broad day light and the trapped miners. The worst government that this country will ever have is UPND. For the first time in 10 years, ZRA have failed to meet their yearly collection target which means the next budget will have a huge deficit. While HH is busy awarding his cadres huge sums of money, farming inputs have not been delivered. These few tips I have given you Kapinga means that 2024 will be hell for the common Zambian and your obsession for PF will not save you.

  9. Upnd members were carrying pangas. They would provoke a situation and then cry victim. Who burned houses non Tonga fishermen in Namwala after HH’s loss in 2016. PF were violent but so were Upnd. On August 24 in 2006 Levy Mwanawasa told the Upnd right in their backyard in Monze how tribal they were.

  10. The only news that comes out of Zambia is about Politics and Courts…and people who have a passion for writing like this Kapinga guy are just broke morons…you will notice them in Town with uncombed hair..unkept beards wearing patapata….and they dont contribute anything and all do is spend time reading newspapers at news stands…

    • Lol. Yaba. To be fair, Kapinga is intelligent and has a few businesses around and also has an orphanage in the copperbelt. He does a lot.
      Him and Mulambe Haimbe are intellectual beings who find themselves having to defending ludicrous things and hence resort to attacking the past.

  11. Steve on idi Amin you have exposed your ignorance.Idi Amin though was not educated was a sharp thinker,kicked the Asians because they siphoned the forex to England banks and he sent them packing to go and spend there money in England,His way of thinking brought wealth to the Uganda people and to this day ask any Ugandanian he will tell you this truth.Now for your Messiah HH he promised a lot of things but other than photo shooting with colonial powers and flying about I see people still crying for change.PF is gone don’t talk about it

    • Everything he promised is the opposite. Families now can’t hold ceremonies like memorials without Zambia Police disruption.
      The Kwacha is going the opposite direction.
      Food and energy prices are going through the roof
      Semper in extreta.

  12. ………

    Very true Mr Prince……..

    Only the beneficiaries of lungus corrupt tyrannical regime will disagree with you…….

    And they are almost all the time part of the clique tribal supremacists

  13. Bill Kaping’a is not an analyst. He is a bootlicker. His contribution on L-Times is one sided with nothing analytical about it other than positioning himself as a public cadre seeking elevated recognition from one of the UPND three preferred sacred regions.

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