Monday, March 3, 2025

Hon. Mwimbu, is it true you don’t buy cops stationery?


Since most of you government officials are not in the habit of picking up calls, we have no choice but to address you through such media platforms.

First and foremost, we would like to doff our hats and highly commend you for scrapping off all the static check points and roadblocks on all our highways as they did not serve any purpose at all, but benefitted a few corrupt police officers. Unfortunately, the overpowering stench of corruption is still rife in the entire police service due to some rotten eggs still lurking in the system! Since it isn’t in our nature to speak without facts, we shall cite a practical example.

Last Friday afternoon, we found ourselves at Ndeke Village Police Station in Kitwe to sign a police bond for a street kid who had been wrongly detained alongside an elderly security guard for stealing tension cables and a distributor from a vehicle. Readers may be keen to learn that this one of the street kids that ‘escaped’ being trapped in the calamity at the mine in Chingola. We are providing shelter to him like we are doing to many other vulnerable children, particularly street kids.

To start with, the police did not even have any police bond forms; the lady police officer that kept herself busy on her mobile phone much of the time ‘ordered’ us to make photocopies of the police bond forms at a nearby business centre. We obviously had no choice but to comply as we were desperate to extract our beloved ones from the stinking cells.

Just when we thought our woes had come to an end, then boom…….the criminal investigations officer asked us to pay K150 each for stationery for the duo!

“But I thought the president has insisted you should always release suspects on police bond without any qualms and take them to court asap……” I protested.

Instead of giving me a genuine explanation, the officers resorted to abusing me and calling me names!Unknown to me, the relative to the old man had already coughed up a K150.

“Just say, you are broke!” the lady office screamed at me “Government does not buy us stationery. We have to use our initiative to do our work!”

“Madam, let’s just just cancel the bond,” an officer whom I came to identify as Chisanga chipped in. “I am taking the suspects back in custody!”

I stood my ground and told them it wasn’t my responsibility to provide stationery to the police. I decided to call Mr. Peacewell Mweemba, the Copperbelt police commissioner, to get a clarification but my calls went unanswered, unfortunately.

“We won’t get intimidated even if you the police commissioner,” the lady retorted. “We also have connections in government!”

The two officers were particularly disrespectful, unprofessional and intimidating. The sad part is they didn’t even bother to visit the crime scene but rushed in detaining the suspects. Hon. Minister, is true you don’t provide stationery and members of the public have to dig into their life savings to buy stationery for government when we are already paying tax?

Before leaving the station, I officially lodged in a complaint with the Officer in charge a Mr. Polomondo about the officers in question.

We are demanding that the two officers be disciplined for corrupt practices and unprofessional conduct, immediately.

Prince Bill M. Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. It’s good that you are now addressing real issues. Kudos.
    Mr Kapinga what you went through is not only happening at that police station. It’s everywhere starting from chililabombwe through Lufwanyama, Kitwe up to Mpongwe.
    And now there are no road blocks other ATMs have to be created.
    By the way it’s not up to the president to tell us how the bond is to be done… The law (our laws) specifically state that Police Bond is free, president or no president. Only certain cases are exempt.

  2. Wow…..and it’s not only the Police..most of Government offices don’t have stationary most of the time….they have nothing and we are saying Zambia is developing….
    The Hospitals don’t have medication and stationery to write Prescription….Zambia in the Champions league…my asssss

  3. Thank you very much, Mr Kapinga. You are now dealing with serious concerns. You’d assume Zambia’s public service is functional if I hadn’t travelled overseas. But it’s not working properly; for example, why does it take an average of 7 years to issue a land title deed? This is absurd and shows a complete lack of seriousness. How can police investigate crime if they lack basic resources such as paper and pens?

  4. Southern province is the most deprived in terms of quality of future political leaders by recycling routine minds of mwimbu, mwetwa and nkombo as if no other good brains exist in the province and as if no babies are being born anymore. Provinces like Northern, Luapula, Eastern, western, northwestern and muchinga have produced dozens of ministers under each previous president and these add to the political strengths and numbers. Does HH have eyes for him not to see the need to embrace the quality and integrity in the likes of Dr. Choolwe Beyani, Dr. Edify Hamukale, Dr. Lubinda Habazoka, Dr. Ngandu and others than finding solace in this unc-reative mediocre trio?

    • stop being tribal popped. tribalism stinks .any one from from any part of , district , province can rule this country as long as one is a zamian . and the current leadership is doing fine

    • @Bath

      I am proud to be Tonga.

      However, @ Nalula Shani is telling the truth. Big political figures have always comes from Northern & Eastern Province. Could it be the reason why HH only worn the presidency after getting support from these two strong provinces? Its very easy to name 500 hundred political figures who come from Northern & Eastern Provinces, than southern & northwestern provinces.

  5. “Since most of you government officials are not in the habit of picking up calls….”
    Shouldn’t this be stopped by the Access to Information act? Shouldnt Police and other government officials be compelled by law to provide information within a specified period to any citizen asking for it?

    • The ATI Act has more restrictions than access, ironically. In theory, you can approach any public bodies and ask for anything, the public body can refuse. And if not happy, you can write the minister, who can also refuse and then you have to hire a lawyer and sue in the High Court (think of legal costs and also the duration of your case).

    • I agree with you Uncle Spider on this ATI. Jack will never answer @Pilato question of gassing for the same reason of restrictions as they will cite ridiculous security concerns for not doing so. Ask yourself, where is the Gabon Disaster report? …

  6. As a political and social analyst, Auntie Bill, your role is to write these articles for the public.
    You stated that you have no choice but to address these government leaders through this article after they snubbed your efforts to call them.
    Suppose Mwiimbu and Mweemba answered your calls and had your case sorted out, would we have been blessed with this writing?
    You have connections and after those connections failed to work you decided to now publish these adventures. Dig deeper into your self appointed role, be patriotic and always write with viewpoint that not everyone has the connections you have.
    Speak for the common man, and stay committed always. You will also realize that your continued praise singing is misplaced.

  7. With Zambia Police, unprofessionalism is far fetched. No forms, you have to photocopy all the time. My own experience, a traffic police woman had my vehicle blocked at RATSA on 70 70 Road claiming I overtook on a solid line when I clearly over took on a permissible area and she was very far to have a view of where i was, and she blocked my vehicle in the system for payment of road tax and the colonial RATSA/Zambia Police system where they block your vehicle minus giving you chance to air your side of the story is the most obnoxious process I have ever seen the whole world

  8. Most of our tax money goes towards paying allowances and salaries. They can’t buy stationery in grz offices including fuel its a problem.

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