In a significant move to fortify blood safety measures in Zambia, the World Bank has allocated $3.5 million to the Zambia National Blood Transfusion Services (ZNBTS). Ackim Fock, the World Bank Country Manager, made the announcement, emphasizing the strategic allocation of funds to support the rehabilitation of provincial blood centers, establishment of blood hubs, and provision of resources for blood mobilization, collection, and distribution.
Speaking on behalf of Dr. Ackim Fock, the Senior Operations Officer, John Makumba, highlighted that the allocated funds will be distributed over the next 18 months to assist ZNBTS in its mission to ensure the safety of the blood supply in Zambia.
The funding will be specifically directed towards the rehabilitation of 10 provincial blood centers, the creation of 20 fully equipped blood hubs with refrigerators, and the provision of vehicles dedicated to mobilizing, collecting, and distributing blood throughout the country.
Health Minister Sylvia Masebo presided over the handover ceremony of six utility motor vehicles, marking a significant step toward advancing the universal health coverage agenda and ensuring timely access to safe blood for all patients in need.
During her address, Minister Masebo outlined key points related to the government’s commitment and objectives. These include the confidence that the vehicles will be utilized as intended, benefiting citizens, particularly children and mothers. Ongoing efforts to refine policies related to blood transfusion, improve infrastructure and equipment, and save more lives were also emphasized.
The minister expressed dedication to implementing policies aimed at enhancing the mobilization, utilization, and accountability of health financial resources. Recognizing the need to invest in critical blood transfusion equipment, safety commodities, consumables, and outreach vehicles, Minister Masebo underscored that blood services should not incur any charges to patients.
The crucial role played by blood donors was acknowledged, and the minister encouraged them to continue sharing positive experiences and promoting a culture of blood donation. Gratitude was expressed for the World Bank’s support under the Zambia COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project.
The six donated motor vehicles were handed over to the Western, Southern, North Western, Eastern, Central, and Muchinga Provincial Blood Centers. The remaining four provinces are expected to receive four more similar vehicles in the coming months, solidifying the government’s commitment to enhancing blood safety and healthcare infrastructure across Zambia.

We should be ashamed of ourselves if we start jumping up and down every time we receive handouts…and the white man knows how to shut your brain so that you cant use it to sustain yourself but just depending on the white man
Well we have never since Independence be able to help ourselves
what do you expect so we are forced to rely on the white, Indian and Chinese for assistance
Poor white man always getting the blame
Has it something to do with Racism ??? I wonder ???
US$3.5 million thats the money that HH uses on a single foreign trip…
And what happened to all the Dubai expo MOIs…The Saudi Arabia MOIs….so it was just punka as usual
Always complaining and being negative is what you expect from Zambians. None of you can manage to donate even a Corolla but here you are today talking rubbish.
Blood transfusion is not biblical. God does not allow it.
God allows nothing but needless to say you commit crimes daily then cry for forgiveness
and a simple sorry in your dreams erasers all ????
Madam Minister of Health please sort out this Cholera issue as a matter of priority. People are dying en-masse but there is little coverage even by LT. This outbreak and deaths are happening when only last year HH was appointed Global Cholera Control Champion by the Global Task Force on Cholera Control -GTFCC.
With morons like you Zambia and the entire African continent will remain beggers for the next 5 billion years….
@Anonymous: How do you avoid begging? By stealing? Because that is what we have seen from the likes of you. US $4 billion in the coffers, left behind by Bwezani Banda- stolen. US $33 billion borrowed- stolen. Tell me when you people have ever done anything beneficial to the economy of the country. I am waiting for your answer. The US $33 billion you borrowed and stole, is what is causing Zambia to be. The reason is that the creditors are now confiscating everyone we earn, including subsidies on basic foods and petrol, and leaving Zambians barefoot, hungry and cold. This is your legacy and record. This is who you are; this is what you do.
@parrot, that’s the teaching you receive from your Head Quarters Brooklands USA, JW cult to disregard all governments on earth.
The borrower continent!!!