Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Police Fight battles with ECL-PF Faction in Mpika


Police fought running battles with supporters for the Edgar Lungu-led Patriotic Front faction who staged a protest after nominations for a by-election were done.

The situation became tense soon after the Electoral Commission of Zambia ( ECZ ) officials announced that Aaron Kabanda the aspiring candidate sponsored by the Edgar Lungu-led PF was not among the five candidates who had successfully filed their nominations for the Kapamba Ward by-election.

The irate cadres took matters into their own hands and consequently blocked the road with culverts while they stoned vehicles carrying ECZ officials.

However, the situation was contained by alert police officers who firmly responded by firing tear gas to overcome the unruly cadres clad in PF regalia.

Meanwhile, the ECZ received nine nomination papers from eight political parties and one independent candidate ahead of the Kapamba Ward by-elections.

The eight political parties that filed in their nominations included, the United Party for National Development (UPND), Socialist Party (SP), Patriotic Front (PF), Zambia Republican Party (ZRP), Citizens First (CF), National Congress Party (NCP), United Prosperous and Peaceful Zambia (UPPZ) and an Independent candidate.

Later, the Commission rejected nominations for three candidates from PF, CF and ZRP for failing to meet the set requirements for the nominations, the decision that triggered a near-protest among the Edgar Lungu PF camp.

It has also emerged that Miles Sampa-led Patriotic Front camp aspiring candidate Arnold Chibesa failed to file in his nomination because he could not reach the nomination centre following the fiasco at the venue by the other PF camp.

Officially, five political parties will contest Kapamba Ward seat, who are John Chali for ruling UPND, Patrick Sichula for the National Congress Party ( NCP) , Ephraim Mulenga for the Socialist Party ( SP) and Clayton Mulenga for the UPPZ.


    • It’s not about being in power. It’s about justice and fair play. Your party is working 24/7 to kill off opposition parties. Sampa the simpleton you are using will disappoint you in end.
      By the way road blocks are back what is your position now.

    • What a clever UPND cadre citizen with very wise advice: PF supporters should realise they are no longer in power and have to do things according to the LAW
      Meaning only parties in power, in this case the UPND can do things contrary to the law. Alright alright

    • Is HH using the law to grab the party from rightful owners. His mingalato are pointing to lawlessness in this country. You should urge BMW to play according to the law. He has even taken corruption to the judiciary. just know people have reached the boiling point and anytime Bally and his cohorts will account for their sins.

  1. @Tikki
    It doesn’t work like that…Zambia is not DRC…Zambia is not Niger….Kaunda allowed MMD to campaign freely but why is HH so scared of the opposition

  2. Ma lawyers, help out please. Does ECZ have the right to refuse nominations other than if the candidate doesn’t have a grade 12 certificate and hasn’t paid the nomination fee? My understanding is that it has been established by legal precedent in the case of Kabushi and kwacha that A challenge should be taken to court after said people file their nomination.
    Lastly, in Muchinga province, a PF candidate sponsored by the ECL faction was allowed to file his nomination. Where is the difference here?
    As someone above said, these are rehearsals for 2026. But the government despite their control of ECZ won’t have the resources to widely manipulate the election.

    • When all wings of government are controlled by the Executive a country can have hope if it has a free press. But our Executive also controls DeadNBC, ZANIS, Zambia Daily Mail and Times of Zambia. That only tells you Zambia is a total dictatorship as all its freedoms are controlled by government.
      The tragedy is that when parties are in opposition they criticise government for this kind of dictatorship but as soon as they parachute into State House they morph into chameleons. Chameleons that want to protect only their interests. Chameleons that are enemies of Press freedom

  3. This is how it starts. Expect the worst. This is totally unnecessary. Why introduce primitivity in Zambia? You cannot force a horse to drink water.
    We seem to be headed for big trouble.

  4. ARREST BRIAN MUSHIMBA OVER THE FAKE TRAFFIC CAMERAS WITH THE LEBANESE. He’s worth over $1.5 million boasting of buying a $500,000 house in the USA. Extradite him.

  5. Just support Bwana Miles Sampa may be he can make ECL a running mate. And move on accept the reality what is so difficult here?

    Zambia has over 20 million people and god can choose the presidents from these people , ECL was given a chance which he messed up, and so it’s time for others.

  6. The PF leadership question remains unsettled. Edgar Lungu had resigned and his return to the presidency of the PF has not been accepted by everyone. How’s the PF dealing with this since Lungu’s retirement from politics had been accepted by all through invitation of nominations for new leadership? The PF itself has created this mess. It’s mischievous to blame outsiders for the confusion.

  7. Close the country and throw the key away in the indian ocean, or give it back to the colonial powers if you are failing to co exist politically, this is to all of you political actors. What is difficult with practicing decent politics, and this is to the political factions and the alleged sponsors. Stop it now please

  8. ECL PF should know that only one candidate can stand on a PF ticket. ECL should just hand back Sata’s party to the real owners. Then the confusion in PF will disappear. You mean out of the 1.8 million people who voted for ECL there is none that can take over the party? It is hard to believe that.

  9. ……….

    “…..The irate cadres took matters into their own hands and consequently blocked the road with culverts while they stoned vehicles carrying ECZ officials……”

    That is PF and lungu through and through……..

    Violence and thuggery is all they know……….

    Pleas police………..nip this lawlessness in the bug otherwise the country will burn come 2026………

  10. ……….

    There will be no other way , only lifting lungus immunity and investigate him for alleged corruption………..

    Lungu is holding the country at ransom……

    He does not want him and family investigated for theft………..

    And is making it clear……drop all investigations, accepting corruption and looting………..

    or the country will burn in a political fire

    • Unfortunately lungu is giving GRZ few options………..

      Drop all investigations into corruption by the lungus and return all sized properties, or………..

      The country will burn in a political violent storm come 2026


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