Saturday, March 15, 2025

Government commends Maina Soko Military hospital for quality health service


Minister of Defence Ambrose Lufuma has expressed gratitude to the Maina- Soko military hospital management for the delivery of quality health service to the public.

Mr. Lufuma says he appreciates the hard work and dedication to duty by the medical staff at the health facility going by the notable and major surgical operations conducted at the facility that would only be done outside the country.

The minister said this during his visit to the facility where also he interacted with patients and presented them with Christmas Hampers.

“We never used to conduct major operations in Zambia such as brain surgeries but today all these operations are successfully conducted at Maina Soko Military Hospital,” he explained.

He encouraged the general public to freely interact with Facility adding that the military is not isolated from the rest of the community but is an active participant and contributor to the country’s Gross Domestic Products ( GDP).

“As Defence Forces we are into agriculture and other sectors that contribute to the economy of the country and therefore, we are encouraging the public to emulate the hard work demonstrated by the defence forces,” he encouraged.

Maina Soko Military Hospital Commandant Brigadier General Dr. Levy Muchemwe assured the minister that his facility is faring well in terms of operations.

Meanwhile, Maina Soko Military Hospital Administrator Colonel Violet Chimanda appreciated the visit the Minister of Defence especially on Christmas Day.


  1. The facility has undergone a positive transformation with Chinese money. Even UTH now refers some cases to Maina Soko Military Hospital because it’s well equiped. However, Lufuma and Masebo must give guidance on the role of this hospital in health service delivery. It’s not clear on patients that come as refers from outlying areas to via UTH since it’s NHIMA accredited. For those that don’t have relatives or connections in the service endure the agony of indecision by the authorities at the hospital. Please guide the women and men in uniform on how to deal with such cases

    • @Ayatollah: These are the teething pains of a developing country. Rest assured that even in the great US, the president and senior politicians get better treatment at Walter Reed Military Hospital, in the Washington DC area, than is available in public hospitals. Also, remember where we came from. In 1963 when my idol KK took power, there were no Africans who could read or write, operate a type writer or drive commercial trucks. Now we have brain surgeons graduating from our universities. The lesson here is that we Africans can do whatever we want. This is why I hate Frederick Chipuba for thinking that you needed white South Africans and Lebanese homos to run our economy, as well as Michael Satan holding the same opionion of Chinese.

    • I was reliably informed this facility was build by the US Government and supervised bu US military not funded by chinese money. Thats why its a first class hospital. PF clowns couldnt get their ugly corrupt paws on the project finances. Thats what all projects would have looked like if PF hadnt stolen huge amounts of chinese money.

  2. Those that come as referrals from outlying areas via UTH suffer since it’s not NHIMA accredited and managers don’t know what to do with them

  3. ARREST BRIAN MUSHIMBA OVER THE FAKE TRAFFIC CAMERAS WITH THE LEBANESE. He’s worth over $1.5 million boasting of buying a $500,000 house in the USA. Extradite him.I’m

  4. Never been here but I’m told it’s one of the best hospitals we have in the country, even better than some private ones.

  5. Ba Lufuma when were you born and were did you leave. Brain surgery was done in Zambia in the 60’s and 70’s.and before experienced surgeons left zambia. We used to have Craniotomys done at hospitals like kitwe teaching Hospital, Ndola teaching Hospital, mine Hospitals and UTH. The problem now is money, manpower to do those operations at the hospitals. No money to pay those over qualified surgeons.

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