Wednesday, January 15, 2025

From Security Guard to Nurse: Annie Nakushwela’s Inspirational Journey Recognized by Health Minister


In a heartwarming encounter , Health Minister Honorable Sylvia Masebo met with Annie Nakushwela, the young woman whose inspirational journey from working as a security guard to becoming a nurse has captured the nation’s admiration.

Annie’s story gained prominence a few weeks ago when she successfully graduated from nursing school, having financed her education while working as a security guard. This week marked another significant milestone in her remarkable journey as she received her official employment letter as a nurse, set to be deployed in Chirundu district.

Minister Masebo, visibly moved by Annie’s determination and success, commended her during the meeting, saying, “This young lady is an inspiration to all the young people who have a dream to become someone. Truly dreams do come true with sacrifice and hard work. Congratulations on your new job.”

Annie, who continues to work as a security guard at a named security firm in Lusaka, expressed her joy and gratitude, stating, “I had a dream, and despite the hardship, mockery, and difficulties, I stayed focused and determined. Today, my journey to that dream has hit another milestone. I am so, so happy.”

The minister congratulated Annie for her tenacity and applauded her for turning her dreams into reality. Annie Nakushwela’s journey serves as a powerful testament to the transformative potential of determination, hard work, and unwavering commitment to one’s aspirations.

Annie Nakushwela
Annie Nakushwela


    • When I first heard this story I wanted it corroborated by Annie’s “former employers” at the security firm which has not happened. “Made for social media” stories are numerous these days. Where are Annie’s close family members to add to the “inspirational story”. Perhaps let’s wait for more.

      Lusaka Club’s cocktail or lounge section has however a true story of one bar tender, Constance, who I know worked there for a very long time and in recent times trained as a nurse. Though she has a new job now helping medical patients, she does go back to LC to dispense beverages to thirsty people like me …

    • @Nostradamus: I am going to go to Chirundu (which should really should be called Chilundu, as we do not have the letter in “R” in Tonga), and report an illness to the hospital, and on the shift, she works, that I do not have. I intend to exercise my charms on her, and see how far that will take me. Obviously Kaizar Zulu does not understand our affection for this young thing since he likes men…

  1. That is an inspirational breakthrough from our guard, turned nurse.
    Life happens. From bitter lemons to sweeter lemonade.
    Others sprang from Tasinta to the corridors of power, to becoming a VP of Zambia or from bandits until 1977, to being a Maranatha Assemblies of God innovative pastor. For example.

    • @My Zambia: I completely agree. This girl is an inspiration. I like the fact that she worked hard and honestly to get where she is. This is fantastic. Sylvia Masebo is completely right to highlight the story of this young lady. We need more of our young people to follow her example.

  2. At least she had an income as a security guard. There are others who graduated as nurses long time ago still waiting to be considered for employment without any income at all.

  3. It’s nice to see such ambition.. but Masebo should not just end at this and promises. Kitwe Teaching Hospital is overwhelmed to such an extent that patients die from depression other than their ailments. Rhetoric must come to an end. What you show on ZNBC is far from the truth. Find solutions to this problem at our major hospitals. You don’t see these problems because you have better facilities lined for you by the state funded from taxes paid by those suffering at KTH.

    • @Deja Vue: The state has no money. All of what it gets goes through the hands of the IMF which sees to it that the creditors that enormous US $33 billion that Michael Satan and Edgar “Johnathan Mutawire” Lungu looted are paid first. It is ok for you to imagine that Zambia has all these means and this money, but the reality is diametrically opposite to your delusion. Your relatives wiped out all the financial means of our country. They did to Zambia what a certain Mr Chil***a for all intents and purposes did to the coffers of UNZASU, after he succeeded the brilliant and honest Azwell Banda as the president

  4. Yes inspirational for sure. But could I seek clarification on this please: is the moving and inspiring part of the story that she was working as security guard but now she is a nurse? Is that she didn’t have money to pay for her education and so she had to find a job to help her earn money to pay for her nursing education?
    The former sounds like a stigma to ridicule security guard as a job. I think being a security guard is a great job that provides an important service and earns you money just like a nursing job.
    If it the latter, working to find money to pay off your fees, then yes that is a good, inspirational story.
    And yes she looks beautiful and photogenic too :).

    • @Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa: The Congolese try to mask their poverty by wearing expensive European fashion, a lot of it ill-fitting, fake or stolen. The same mentality afflicts those those who despise certain professions. They want to pretend to have money by vilifying those who earn an honest living working with their hands. I am particularly gratified that this young lady has achieved this success, and that Sylvia Masebo is shining this spotlight on her achievements. Let her serve as an example to many of our young people, that you do not have invade and rob mines to make headway in life. You can do honest toil and carry on with your life without risking it in the pit of someone else’ mine.

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