Friday, March 7, 2025

Zambia breweries concerned with alcohol abuse among citizens


Zambia Breweries is concerned with alcohol abuse among members of the public across the country.

Zambian Breweries’ Better World Manager, Bridget Banda says the company is aware of the health and social risks associated with alcohol abuse and has embarked on a campaign to sensitize people.

Ms Banda said in order to ensure a wide outreach of the sensitization, Zambia breweries has partnered with the Lusaka City Council’s Public Health department and the Lusaka City Council’s Junior Council to help curb irresponsible drinking of alcohol among members of the public.

She said the campaign is called the Cheers 2 Tomorrow Campaign and it is a community-focused initiative aimed at promoting responsible alcohol consumption among young adults and legal drinking-age individuals.

Ms Banda said the joint pressure groups have also engaged Matero and Chunga Secondary Schools in order to promote positive behaviours in schools and discourage detrimental choices among the young individuals.

She noted that the campaign has already been rolled out through roadshows and market activations in Kanyama and Chibolya.

Ms Banda said Zambia Breweries and the Lusaka City Council have a Memorandum of Understanding in places meant to promote smart drinking in the communities.

“The joint collaboration in the fight against alcohol signifies a commitment to corporate responsibility and community well-being,’’ Ms. Banda

And Lusaka City Council Assistant Public Relations Manager, Nyambe Bulumba said that the group will conduct door-to-door campaigns and roadshows around Lusaka to deliver messages against alcohol abuse.

He said that young people need to be empowered with the necessary information and knowledge on the vice.Mwembeshi ward Junior Councillor, Innocent Sikwibele thanked Zambia Breweries for the support.

‘’It is great that Zambian Breweries and the Lusaka City Council are willing to work with us as a Junior Council on the fight against alcohol abuse”.

Zambia Breweries Cheers 2 Tomorrow Campaign
Zambia Breweries Cheers 2 Tomorrow Campaign
Zambia Breweries Cheers 2 Tomorrow Campaign


  1. You are all f00ls. People are drinking uncontrollably because of high cost of living under useless hh govt. People are depressed

  2. This message is hypocritical in that ZB has increased its production capacity with a bulky production plant at the Lusaka South MFEZ. Do they expect their products to remain in the warehouses for longer periods? There’s already a breakdown in the Law as their agents sell beer to whoever comes in even that client has no Liquor License. Beer is sold almost everywhere and that includes Tunthemba. We’re a nation of jokers

  3. Zambia Breweries is concerned with alcohol abuse among members of the public across the country. Bwahahahahahahahaha!

  4. Well, If its christmas and neither Masebo nor Nkombo are condemning booze someone has to stand in for government. The brewer has decided to take the initiative so as to fend off anticipated criticism. This will certainly come after the inevitable disasters associated with alcohol and the festive season happen.

  5. If more people are drinking every day, it appears that people have a lot of disposable income. You cannot drink if you are hungry. Double H, mwabombeni

  6. But what’s the use of manufacturing beer when you know it ruins a lot of lives? ZB stop lying to the public, this could just be one way of you assessing how many beers you sell pay day.
    We used to have regulations on operating times for pubs but now its 24/7 and noone cares about drunk drivers, meanwhile the rate of road traffic accidents is escalating on a daily basis.

  7. What a bunch of bull crap. People are starving and yet you have increased your production capacity and you don’t want them to drink the same crap you are selling that contains alcohol? This is hypocrisy even beyond the word itself. Send your PR personnel for refresher courses in Human Resource management.

  8. Our African mentality raises it’s head again
    Even in SA and thr rest of the world warnings for drinking and smoking are common
    we talk of corruption being an issue no no its illiteracy our problem


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