Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Teenager Faces Court for Theft of Inswa, Money And Other Food


A 16-year-old boy from Sakwi village in Chief Zingalume Chiefdom, identified as Harrison Banda, has made an appearance before the Chadiza Magistrate court on charges related to housebreaking and theft. Banda is accused of violating section 301 sub-section (a) and 272 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

The court heard that the incident took place on December 17, 2023, when Banda allegedly broke into the residence of Aliness Mbewe, 41, of Sakwi Village, the same Chiefdom. According to the prosecution, Mbewe discovered the break-in upon returning from her morning fieldwork around 06:00 hrs. The door to her house was found wide open, and upon closer inspection, she realized that various items were missing.

The stolen items included K200 in cash hidden under a mattress, a cooking pot, a 5 kg packet of beans, a packet of groundnuts, and a bowl of Inswa.

Mbewe reported the incident to the local neighborhood watch after spotting the juvenile offender at a popular drinking spot with some of the stolen beans. The watch members apprehended Banda and subsequently handed him over to the Chadiza Police Station.

During the court proceedings, it was revealed that Mbewe managed to recover only K40 from Banda, whereas the stolen items were valued at K800.

The case faced a delay last week, on December 27, 2023, due to the unavailability of the juvenile’s guardian in court. Magistrate Fred Musaka, presiding over the case, adjourned the matter to January 5, 2024, awaiting a report from the Department of Social Welfare.


    • @Kaizar Zulu: So, some one in your village steals from another in the village, it is the fault of HH who hundreds of kilometers away in Lusaka? What about personal responsibility? Why should he not blame you, and your hero, Edgar “Johnathan Mutawire” Lungu and his uncle Michael Satan, for borrowing and looting US $33 billion that has now yoked Zambia to the debt slavery under international money lenders and shylocks? Were you not boasting just last week, that US $1.5 million, which is slightly less than the US $1.6 million, that the total amoutn a US president gets before taxes, over a 4 year period, is poverty? You stupid homosexual, being hammered by Lebanese men.


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