Monday, March 3, 2025

52 year old man shot dead in Sinazongwe


An unknown individuals have shot a 52 years old man of Siangwinda village in Sinazongwe District, for unknown reasons.

Southern Province Police Commissioner Auxensio Daka said that the incident occurred around 19:20 hours yesterday.

This was after the deceased, Safari Munkonka, left his home village to see his second wife in  the neighbouring  Sinazeze District.

“ The deceased was shot on the way by unknown people and was rushed to Sinazongwe rural health centre where he was pronounced dead ( on arrival ), “Mr. Daka said.

Upon receiving reports of the incident , police officers who  rushed to the health facility to physically inspect the body which had multiple bullet wounds.

The body has since been deposited in Maamba General Hospital mortuary awaiting postmortem while a docket has been opened for investigations into the matter.

Sinazongwe District Commissioner Nchimunya Siakole has expressed sadness on the shooting of the deceased.

Mr. Siakole has therefore advised the security wings to intensify security in his district to ensure that such incidences are stopped fore with.

He further advised the community to always dialogue instead of resorting to shooting each other.


    • Kipsir you have grown chende because you are shielded by being anonymous. Be a man and say those things to my face. You know where I live. I am in ibex
      Come to my home and see what happens. You chi smelly dog

  1. Karavinas have striked. In this region that’s how they settle serious matters. His family knows the reason. He’s a suspected wizard

    • Southern Province is safer than the province where you come from. The Tonga people historically, and currently, are honest and peaceful; There is no point in our history were we attacked or robbed any other people. The Bemba attacked us and stole our cattle (according to Francois Coillard who was there at the time), the Ngoni attacked and stole our cattle and women; the Ndebele attacked and stole our cattle and women; the Lozi attacked and stole our cattle and women… If you see anyone in our vicinity of Southern Africa with cattle, there is a good chance he stole all or some of them from us. We, especially the Ila, historically have had more cattle per man than any other ethnic group in Southern Africa- that is a fact.

  2. If killing another person would make one to live forever then killing would make sense. You kill over a woman as if you will become immortal and live with that woman to eternity.
    Very sad reading.

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