Sunday, September 8, 2024

Message For Today: Listen to the Whisper


Today’s Scripture

And He said to them, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
Mark 4:9, NKJV

Listen to the Whisper

Friend, we don’t always realize how God speaks to us. We’ve seen movies where God booms out of the heavens to Moses, so powerfully and dramatically. But most of the time God speaks to us in “a gentle whisper” or “a still small voice.” It’s not loud or forceful. We feel an inner impression, a prompting in our heart. It’s like a suggestion, something that we suddenly know we’re supposed to do. That’s not random or you just thinking up things; that’s God speaking to you.

Six times in the Gospels, Jesus says, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” and seven times in the book of Revelation, He adds, “what the Spirit is saying.” He’s talking about your inner ears. He’s saying, “Are you sensitive to the whispers? Are you paying attention to what you’re feeling in your spirit?” It’s easy to ignore it, push it down. But if you start obeying the promptings, the suggestions, the gentle whispers, God will lead you down the best path for your life.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for loving me and for speaking to my heart. Thank You for giving me an inner ear to know right from wrong. Help me to be sensitive to Your still small voice and hear it with clarity, to hear any alarms, promptings, and suggestions, and to be quick to obey. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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