Sunday, March 30, 2025

Constitutional Court Dismisses Appeals by Malanji and Lusambo Over Parliamentary By-Elections


The Constitutional Court has delivered a verdict, dismissing appeals lodged by former Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji and former Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo. The appeals sought the nullification of the Kwacha and Kabushi Parliamentary by-elections held in October 2022.

In the case of Joseph Malanji’s appeal challenging the legality of the Kwacha by-election, the Constitutional Court ruled in favor of the election’s legitimacy, stating that the poll was conducted in accordance with the law. The court rejected Malanji’s arguments asserting that the by-election’s conduct violated Article 52, sub-article six of the Constitution, and Section 97 of the Electoral Process Act.

Similarly, in Bowman Lusambo’s appeal questioning the legality of the Kabushi by-election, the Constitutional Court concluded that the conduct of the poll adhered to the provisions of the law, dismissing Lusambo’s claims of irregularities.

Joseph Malanji and Bowman Lusambo pursued these appeals in the Constitutional Court after their initial petitions were dismissed by the High Court last year. Both individuals were absent from the ballots in the Kwacha and Kabushi Parliamentary by-elections, as the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) rejected their nomination papers in August 2022. This rejection followed the nullification of their election results from the August 2021 General Election.


    • Stop complaining and threatening hardworking impartial presiding officers. PF disappeared into the thin air and, it will never threaten the citizens again. Its disciples caused problems for everyone and most people will never tolerate new types of tricks which the PF may attempt to use in the future. Kaizar Zulu and other PF losers must accept the reality and learn to live in line with the new norm.

    • Kaizar! You and your fellow PF losers must go to hell. At least, I am not a dog. However, you are the reflection of the description of the domesticated animal which you described in your prior comment. Your utterances and persona mirror filthy and disingenuous language you consistently use.

  1. The CC has contradicted itself. This is Community House judgement. UPND must work hard to win people’s hearts and not do political assassinations. What is HH scared of if at all he claims to be the most popular president? We have a president who spent so much time flying abroad for international appraisals while ignoring his duties to the people of Zambia.

    • Judgement day to all you mathafakas and critics of HH…… @AYATOLLAH, @DEJA VU, @CHIRWA CHIZA, @ MUTAFELA MULIFE. Not forgetting that Chief Mathafaka who stole $50 Million called @INDEPENDENT OBSERVER. Come to Zambia and we will squeeze that $50 Million out of your pockets – MothaFaka

    • # I hate Kaizer Zulu

      There is boundless & limitless wealth on planet Earth for everyone, all it takes is to *think and *act. You can *never torment or *mess up emotions with your constant everyday insults. I am past that. In 2010, the first Bitcoin Exchanges was traded for $0.03 per coin. If you had just invested $200 in 2010, you could have bought 66 bitcoins. Today bitcoin is $35,500 for each coin. Today, you would walk out with $2.2 million; (66x$35,500) = $2.2m. If you invested $1000, in 2011 when bitcoin was @ $0.95, would have bought 1,052 bitcoins. Then sold, when was it reached $49,400 per coin; (1052x$49,400)= $51m. Mind you, on Nov 8th, 2021, Bitcoin reached its highest peak of $67,567.000 per coin.

    • # I hate Kaizer Zulu

      2. No human being was created poor. Creating wealth is not chosen for the few people on planet Earth. It’s your birthright. It’s a personal conscious choice we make. Often what stops people – is a *poor mindset, *negative attitudes, *self-sabotage, *blame games, *excuses *fear of failure, and *limiting beliefs. The block to wealth is in the mind. Every person came into this world extremely very wealthy. That wealth is your *imagination and *visions that can be turned into ideas, actions and finally into wealth.

    • # I hate Kaizer Zulu

      3. You don’t create wealth from the outside world but from the inside/invisible world, in the mind and heart. It’s about converting imaginations, and visions into actionable ideas and wealth starts chasing after you. When you are *positive, with *crystal-clear-intentions and *grateful, the Universe, God, Quantum Physics, Self, and Infinite Intelligence will listen, respond in kindness, and collaborate with you. It’s a law and fact of life. The only person you are hurting & damaging with your anger, insults and resentments is yourself. When you can use that energy and time to better yourself and humanity. Enjoy The Day !!!

    • @ OBSERVER …

      Bro, you have pierced this dog into its heart. He is a tribal, a loser who is waiting for HH to make him rich instead of using his brains to make $DOSH.

  2. Now they have turned Zambia into a Banana-sorry-Bafana republic. With a Kindergarten Court for a constitutional court with muppet judges. What Nursery rhyme will be our national anthem?

  3. If you are deemed to be in the opposition, you don’t get a fair game. This is why Jean Phiri wants to sue the State for her wrongful incarceration after UPND has kissed the dust.
    Malanji and Lusambo lost the nomination case owing to time factor. The Justice Minister incessantly flocked from one court to another disrupting the due law process, where he even appealed to a lesser court such that the PF lost due to time factor. Let us get used to a one way traffic judgements. UPND has to win at all costs.

  4. These pipo don’t realize they are no longer ruling therefore concourt cannot favor them like it used to. Under PF all concourt judgements including lungus eligibility judgement were all in favor of PF as they were in power. Now all judgements will be in favor of UPND because they are in power. That’s just how concourt works in zambia.

  5. ………

    Some one, or ka shushuwa shushuwa………

    needs to tell PF to concentrate on wining hearts and minds, on the ground, of Zambians…… .

    Not in courts or through picking petty fights with GRZ…………you will not win.

    Just go out and preach youwa manifesto

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