Thursday, March 20, 2025

ECL Should Stop Playing With People’s Emotions


I am disappointed with the former Republican President Edgar Chagwa Lungu with his language of trying to confront people with his daunting language due to the freedom space in the country, that he never used to accord others, especially the biggest opposition party then, UPND.

2015 :A vehicle, owned by PF cadres that was trailing Mr. Hichilema’s convoy

I would urge him to stop playing with people’s emotions especially the current Republican President His Excellence Dr. Hakainde Hichilema who he several times sent his thugs to eliminate him to the extent of him sometimes using unworthy exit outlets. Zambians are still alive to the thuggery behavior of his party cadres that even included members of parliament then.

HH at the Police Station shortly before he was arrested
FILE: 2016 HH at the Police Station shortly before he was arrested

It is therefore shocking for him to think Zambians have forgotten and would be swayed into believing him that the state of the country currently is worse than during his reign up to the time he wanted to hand over power to himself against people’s wish.

He should be reminded that playing to the gallery would not help but will just reduce him to a mere cadre when he is supposed to be the statesman by now. It is good that President Hakainde Hichilema is smart to be reduced to commenting on such open lies.

In which regime did we see people burning money with impunity without arrest when that is a serious offence that needed people to be arrested? In which reign did media houses have the biggest disruptions of programs by where UPND membership were being hosted, if not in his regime.

It is for this reason that ECL should be cautious enough as he mobilizes the opposition political parties into an alliance by not opening the healing wounds of the Republican President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND Alliance members, barely two and half years after a traumatizing campaign trail for the current ruling party UPND Alliance.

We are critically watching your maneuvers because you are trading on a path of crying sympathy to the outside world when you are found wanting. Take this freedom with caution and never abuse it.

Wisdom Muyunda


  1. Shut up kaponya media messenger of UMPTY PEE NEE DEVIL, UPND. Brace for a 2026 match. Anybody, even a devil is better than Madnic Hyena Hyena with flat head.

    • The truth hurts. Why should the people go for Lungu again like they are goats who can forget the problem they go through in a minute? Bane let us be realistic Zambia with ba Lungu in state house was not a good country to live in. Let’s look around and see some new blood with energetic brains that ‘ll be able to think and act progressibly rather than wasting time with some of these wrecked frustrated brains.

    • The author must realize that politicians can attack each other in public but behind the doors, they champagne together. It’s common with UK & USA politicians. They condemn each other publicly, but the doors drink and play golf together. Here is a reminder to the author of this article

      ++ Lusakatimes: Headlines _ May 18, 2023 ++


      Quote From the article! My colleague and I talk, unbeknownst to you. But what is said in public is a different matter. Someone is not telling the truth.” (Said.. HH)


      Kikikiki… I like how you always put people in their place.

      This guy wants HH to pounce on ECL, while he pretends s to have it both ways…… He forgets that ECL could have easily locked HH for many years with the incident that happened in Mongu when HH’s motorcade deliberately put the presidential motorcade in breach of security…….

  2. Depends on which people you are talking about. Infact personally I don’t need Edgar Lungu to tell me what difficulties I am going through. It’s tough, but for you it’s all roses since you are able to get a share of the CDF.
    I remember how PF cadres wanted to silence HH so Iam not surprised at your barking.

  3. I sincerely think we should put Politics aside and develop Zambia as one … long as we follow the white mans ideas of devide and rule then we will never develop…..the west uses devide and rule tactics in order to penetrate and steal resources….let there be NO PF…NO MMD…NO UPND…just Zambians

  4. Bola naikosafye so when commenting those are just personnel opinions but at the end the story will tell.If one wants to know the equilibrium go to the grass root and see what is on the ground.The story will tell you and the indicators will show and above all ,zambia belongs to God and not to any other individual so careful when commenting.OK things are bad majority can not afford,having that in your mind then it is just simple arimetic or algebra so to solve this, this is not pure mathamatics for one to start thinking and brining in formulas. kkkkkkk zakana ma days time yasilaaaaa…..

  5. Under ecl I never received anything concerning terminal and repartriation benefits and yet I was to pay school fees for my children

    • This is very common in Zambia because for me under Mwanawasa “I never received anything concerning terminal and repatriation benefits”
      The Civil Service is a stinking thieving pit littered with criminals who should be supervised by the FBI because ACC is toothless. It is the aim of employees to steal Public funds, the moment they are employed.
      LT told us in 2019 that TRANSPARENCY International found a cartel of criminals at Ministry of Finance that siphoned K100 million. Last year it was reported that The Auditor General and suspects had benefited from $25 million in payments for fictitious activities.

    • Clearly, our civil service is green pasture for the likes of Charles Loyana, Henry Kapoko, Dick Sichembe, that feeds on innocent people’s terminal benefits and other “dormant” accounts.
      I remember LT reporting about five civil service accountants who stole K2 billion in 2011. And our governments think this is normal? Because they (politicians and civil servants) are all stealing Its a thieves’ paradise!

  6. I am surprised someone is worried about Lungu. What should be the biggest worry about a normal Zambian today is the escalating cost of living that Zambians are experiencing today under the headless chickens we have today. HH promised fuel at k5, mealie meal at k50, fertilizer at k250 as opposed to what he has delivered. Just because you have a share of CDF does not mean you should be telling Zambians to shut up. We have complete failure in government and Zambians are looking for solutions because they have seen that what they voted for is failed project. There is no direction in Agriculture, mining, Industry and all have are more promises on top of pretty unfulfilled promises by ShiPromise.

  7. Ah iwe gerouro of here man! Zambia is transitioning from recycled politicians to cut and paste politicians. Soon you will see ma ‘AP'(Artificial politicians).

  8. ……..

    Lungu is making noise because he does not want to be investigated with his family for corruption……..

    Mr lungu should know, even the hachilemas will be investigated……….

    With zambian politics, its good to let them know………you abuse power …… will be investigated

    If you think the presidential pension is not enough…….leave politics and join the business world.

    Every first family must be investigated…..

    If you are not thieves……..

    what is the problem ??????.

    • And how about your HH who doesn’t want to disclose how he became rich? He stole our money thru the sales of our mines and that to you is nothing and you are busy praising him, black people’s mind.

    • If was corrupt he would be behind bars. Just tell HH to to honor up fuel at k5, mealie meal at k50, fertilizer at k250.

  9. what is wrong with you people? you’re too emotional these are just politics and they will remain politics focus on your families politicians are same and will always divide then rule,period.

  10. Dear Wisdom (in quotes) Playing with people’s emotions is taking a selfie in a place housing those in transit to Leopard’s Hill

  11. We still remember when EDGAR LUNGU turned politics into something else despite HH looking after him ,EDGAR LUNGU, in his bad days when he got fired from practicing law. Starting from PF, he did not care about his uncle.
    How in this would any body send the wife of an ailing man to India for example, and him decide to fly to London minus the wife! then mid air sad news. To make it worse, when a Doctor says this man needs drip for at least three days and then you decide to say-NO and then decide to fly to London and the wife to India! Explosive.

  12. kkkkk he is not playing with peoples mind unless may be the minds of upnd not patrotic zambians who are going without 3 meals as promised,buying a bag of akabunga k350 fuel k35 mmmmm ECL is very right and he is saying the truth only that truth hates.To the priaise singers it is too late mwana.Mpindi yagika ba daaaaa………bye bye chorela ……

  13. I cant drop a comment on ZO where Chris Zumani is lobbying SDA to excommunicate HH. My question is which Zambian voters told Zumani that they voted HH as president due to being an SDA church elder?? The HH you hate was voted as president of Zambia and not as an SDA church elder. Even in the unlikely event that SDA decides to excommunicate HH, he will still be the president of Zambia. Stupid imbecile!!


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