Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Former Deputy Inspector General of Police Charity Katanga Sentenced to Three Years Imprisonment for Corruption


Charity Katanga, the former Deputy Inspector General of Police, has been handed a three-year prison sentence in a case where she was charged with the possession of 10 Higer buses believed to be proceeds of crime. The verdict was delivered by Lusaka Chief Resident Magistrate Davies Chibwili.

The case against Mrs. Katanga involved allegations of possessing property deemed to be proceeds of crime, valued at over USD $2 million. It was alleged that Mrs. Katanga, along with unidentified individuals, purchased 10 Higer buses between January 1, 2017, and June 6, 2022, using funds considered to be illicit.

In response to the sentencing, the Africa Parliamentarian Network Against Corruption (APNAC) Zambia Chapter welcomed the court’s decision. APNAC Chairman, Miles Bwalya Sampa, acknowledged Mrs. Katanga’s previous commendable service but emphasized the importance of holding individuals accountable for corruption.

Sampa expressed appreciation for the prosecutors’ efforts in securing a conviction and commended the judiciary for its accountability in corruption-related cases. He highlighted the pervasive impact of corruption on Zambia’s socio-economic landscape, stressing the need for swift and decisive action to address the issue.

While acknowledging the personal and familial implications of Mrs. Katanga’s conviction, Sampa underscored the broader significance of the verdict in deterring corruption within Zambia’s institutions. He urged all members of the law enforcement community to heed the message conveyed by Mrs. Katanga’s sentence and uphold integrity in their service to the nation.

Sampa urged the judiciary to expedite judgments on pending corruption cases, emphasizing that justice delayed only perpetuates injustice.

The sentencing of Charity Katanga serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing battle against corruption in Zambia and the collective responsibility to uphold transparency and accountability at all levels of society.


  1. Miles Sampa is no longer APNAC Chairman. Higer Buses were in Court and claimed that they still own the buses as they were a loan that wasn’t yet repaid. She might be acquitted on appeal, besides, the property can’t be forfeited to the State as there’s a third party claim to ownership. LT, get a copy of the judgement and share it here so that we scrutinize it. There’s talk that Judges now receive instructions from above and it seems like it’s true

  2. Charity balonga, but Kampyongo is free, I think is one who reported the b!tch.
    There is huge difference between PF police officers and UPND’s now. Honestly, I don’t who is P.I.G now and he/her deputy.
    I think under PF, Zambia was under Police coup. That’s why even idyots in markets called themselves Commanders.

    • And those three police officers who conduct fake roadblocks are still operating. So is the one who collects Kwachanotes to speed documents at Home Affairs.

    • And what about Pamela Gondwe who was arrested by foreign Police but our national police are too busy taking bribes to make efforts at bringing her back?

  3. She will obviously appeal and the case will drag on until the heat cools off. Meanwhile I await the outcome of the KCM liquidator case, represented by an aspiring presidential candidate, promising to deliver zambia from misrule and economic ruin. Ironic!!! This country is messed-up and an extremely sad joke.

    • And those three police officers who conduct fake roadblocks are still operating. So is the one who collects Kwachanotes to speed documents at Home Affairs.


  5. This is very very i don’t know wereby some are refusing to declare their assets, some are imprisoned, some are been told to resign upon found wanting, some are been jailed, some are scort free total confusion and lastly no rains, God have mercy on Zambia. If we turn to idols this is what exactly happens.

  6. Higer Buses were in Court and claimed that they still owned the buses as they were a loan that hadn’t been paid yet. Since their seizure Katanga had began to default as there was no income. It’s likely that she’ll be acquitted on appeal. It’s unlikely that the State can seize property that’s encumbered

    • @Joburger, it’s simple. The buses were working an earning an income and that’s the money she was using to service the loan. This wasn’t a salary based loan

  7. You could see how she used to chase opposition leaders from the Copperbelt, literally campaigning for PF then. A lesson to others who are behaving the same way even now

  8. This is where silly we are as Zambians. We can not have money until you are affiliated to the ruling party. HH stole from the Zambian people during privatization. He is renovating his house on our watch when you stup11111d Zambians are buying mealie meal at k350. Keep a list of what your called leaders promise your. Katangas money trail was presented to court but Hichelema judges where instructed to convict her.

    • HH Told the likes of you he wil give you a 3 bed fully furnished house if you present the evidence of him stealing…….

      All we get is farts and pointing fingers laced with feces ……..

    • @Spaka, it is not about the money he offered, it is what he did. Today he is renovating his house with our money while you are busy praise singing.

    • kci

      HH is a very rich man who is very carefull about spending tax payers money……..

      He cant fail to renovate his house from his own resources, no way………..

  9. While this conviction is commendable, there is much more to do. The cases must not be selected depending on the political party you belong too. I personally will only take Hakainde seriously when we see the UPND corrupt officials taken to court and convicted. There are police officers collecting bribes everyday along great north road, look out for a police lady only known as Jane, she is filthy corrupt with her team. We need a body to supervise and investigate these corrupt souls. Miles Sampa is just as corrupt aided by state machinery. He needs to go to jail.

  10. ……….

    Until the godfather of corruption, lungu is investigated , ……….

    All these cases are mere dancing around the fire………..

    Many people would like the country to move on and leave lungu alone to preserve the unity of zambia, but………

    Is that the solution to the corruption
    scerage ?

    What example will that be setting to present and future leaders ????

    Me thinks we should pass a law……..

    all zambian presidents should be investigated for corruption after leaving office.

    If you are not a theif, why would you fear an investigation ??????

  11. This girl skipped four ranks to become the deputy Inspector General of Police only because she was Bisa and was also Sata’s niece. Anyway, who would appoint someone called Katanga as the top police officer? It’s like appointing one Sata as the Pope.

  12. @kci, never heard such dull, unsubstantiated commentary from a well schooled Zambian. You go ahead and privatise any government asset today, without the knowledge and permission of government in power. Peddle that lie and spread it years later that you as an individual privatised government asset. Its snobbery and obnoxious. Go to school.

    • Indeed if one HH single handedly duped more than 15 million Zambians and privatised state assets ………

      Ontop of that duped 4 whole zambian goverments and international agencies into not finding any evidence of corruption to enable a prosecution……….

      This one person called HH is a genius……

      Let him apply the same genius mythology to develop Zambia………

    • @ MunaDekhane
      kci was still wearing napkins when gvt approved the privatisation process.
      Sata bought seven guns.. what profit did he get from those firearms???

  13. 3 year sentence is too little and can’t act as a deterrent. Unless the buses are also forfeited to the state then that can make someone think twice.

  14. 3 Years sentence in Zambia is also known as 3 weeks. She will be out soon don’t worry. The Don needs to be seen doing something to impress his mates.


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