Saturday, March 1, 2025

UPND Government’s GMO Mealie Meal Plan


We would like to caution Mr Hakainde Hichilema and his league to respect the nation’s biosafety protocols, in particular the importation and consumption of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) maize or mealie meal.

GMO maize or mealie meal is prohibited in Zambia, and all successive administrations – UNIP, MMD, and PF- have adhered to these regulations and protected citizens from exposure to these foods.

But we are afraid that if there’s crop failure, as it seems to be the case in this situation, the price of our staple food – mealie meal will more than double, and Mr Hichilema and his corrupt tribal puppet regime will end up feeding this country with imported GMO maize or mealie meal.

We sounded the alarm on this matter last week and before the week could even conclude, our fears were confirmed after the Republican Vice-President Mrs Mutale Nalumango informed the nation that GMO mealie meal is safe for consumption. The Vice- President’s remarks came at the back of a report by the Zambia National Service (ZNS) that the GMO mealie meal, which was meant for export to the DR Congo had been stolen in one of their storage facilities.

Clearly, the perpetrators did this with the view of selling the said GMO mealie meal for consumption on the Zambian market.
Vice-President Nalumango’s stance on the consumption of GMO products, specifically mealie meal, is not only a major policy shift for Mr Hichilema and the UPND government but also revealing of what this corrupt tribal puppet regime intends to do when scarcity of the staple food hits the country owing to crop failure. We said it that the options are very limited for them, and so, the Vice-President’s recent encouragement on the consumption of GMO mealie meal settles our argument that this government will most likely import GMO mealie meal to feed to the nation.

We are aware that they are panicking because they have virtually wiped out the national food reserves after they sold the all maize that could have been used as reserves to the DR Congo and other neighbouring countries. They are under extreme pressure because hunger is looming.

So, they have hatched a plan to begin campaigning for the consumption of GMO maize or mealie meal. This government intends to mobilise various stakeholders like the Church, civil society, labour movement, and their surrogate political parties, among others, to advance their GMO consumption agenda. They’re mobilising, and very soon, we shall see paid voices begin echoing Vice-President Nalumango’s comments on GMO mealie meal consumption.

We urge Zambians not to treat the Vice-President’s statement on the consumption of GMO mealie meal lightly because it is all part of the grand scheme to introduce GMO mealie meal on the market and feed it to our people.
We must resist it.

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. Too bad to have govt which does not care for the citizenry all they want is to achieve their goes on the expense of the citizenry.

  2. The problem with this SP leader is that he is not even close to be called a leader, he does not even have a vision at all that is why he failed to run his company. Please for once tell the Zambian what you want to do if voted into power that is what we want to hear. We will not buy your criticism everyday sorry, grow up sir

  3. DRC uses GMO mealie meal, South Africa uses it, what’s all the fuss about?
    Is their population’s worst off than the Zambian population because they eat it?

    If the Zambian harvest fail as this man is hoping, I would say to avoid starvation use GMO mealie meal.

    • GMOs cause health issues, and that is why they are banned in Europe. GMOs contaminate the soil and prevent ordinary seeds from growing again. Furthermore, you cannot take GMO seeds and plant them next year because they will not grow. You have to buy more GMO seeds from Americans. And then to make them grow, you have to buy a chemical from that same company to activate them. GMO are criminal proposition, and who ever is peddling them should be arrested and hung by his neck to the nearest tree.

  4. All developed countries survives on GMO….in the USA we eat GMO….the problem with African Politicians is that they make a big deal out of nothing….they just want to be heard. …GMO this….GMO that … about to have GMO cereal with GMO milk for breakfast and i have been eating GMO foods for the past 30 years

    • @ Anonymous ….. I am not surprised . GMO has genetically changed you way of thinking.
      What is wrong is right to you . And what is right is wrong to you. That is what GMO does and unknowilling you have bn modified in that manner. Not sure what is next for you. Wish you luck!!

  5. With due respect, M,membe is an educated fool. Most of the countries in the world eat GMOs. M,membe has been going to other countries, sleeping in hotels, eating in restaurants and eating while flying. does in eat organic food? All giant retail shops, industries. sell or produce GMOs food. What Biosafety protocols is he talking about? M’membe shops in Shoprite, PNP, and Game.

  6. Almost every imported food in shoprite store is GMO and you eat that everyday, form seedless Oranges, carrots, chickens that grows in 2 weeks from hungry lion so on and so forth, Apples, cornflakes bra bra bra bra, shut up!!!!

  7. @ Paya farmer
    US population is 500 million….how many gallons of milk do we consume everyday….and how many cows do you need to produce enough milk to sustain 500 million people…..

  8. And by the end of 2024 we kicking Pompwe Joe Biden out of Office….Trump is taking over …..and hopefully Zambians can find a better leader in 2026 but definitely not HH

    • I don’t like Trump but I prefer him to senile Joe Biden because Trump does not get involved in the affairs of other nations.

  9. Personally I don’t care about what type of mealie meal this government brings in. My anger is aroused by the denials from this government. All they need is to be open about it and explain the reasons for it. Those who can afford can continue with the more expensive mealie and those who have their own maize can make their own mealie meal.
    The difference between witch doctor and modern doctors is that the former will hide the bad things about his medicine but the latter will forewarn about the side effects of the medicines he’s prescribing. Same with our government.

  10. And Mmembe will be more than happy to secure a contract for Post Couriers to import this GMO food. The hypocrisy in a socialist that practices capitalism is unmatched.

  11. Zimbabwe and Kenya reversed their bans and allow the importation and consumption of GMO foods. They are not stupid people.
    Our own laws in Zambia only forbid living modified organisms. There is nothing about outlawing the consumption of non-living GMO foods like mealie meal or flour. The only restriction imposed is on licensing which is required for the importation of GMO foods.

    • Would you follow Zimbabwe and Kenya over the EU? Kenya is an overcrowded little country, that is 80% semi-arid, so lacking of agricultural land that Hakainde gave them 20 000 acres in Zambia to grow food. Zimbabwe is under economic sanctions, and so it will eat whatever it can get. Yes, Zimbabwe and Kenya are both stupid. There is an epidemic of sickness in Zambia because of the crap we are eating from the Boers. There an obesity crisis in South Africa for the same reason. You fools think that whatever the white man brings is good. This is why you have sold the country back to white men and Arabs. GMOs are not just wrong, they are damn crime.

  12. Most of you are sick, you should have been dead long ago but thanks to Western countries involved in GMO research they brought u FREE ARV’s & all those medicines that you for you bp & sugar diseases so that you see another day.

    Then some old, tired politician wants to rant about GMO being unsafe? Do you really know what’s in those medicines you take daily Fred? Just sit down!

  13. Fred harbors too much hate in his crazy microscopic brain. Everything HH does, he always views it with tribal lenses. The good thing is that he’ll never be president of this wonderful God ordained republic of Zambia. The only thing Zambians should be weary about is what is coming out of your genetically modified mouth. News flash to all Zambians, as long as one bought imported foods from , PickNPay, Hungry Lion, Debonairs, Steers, and many other food joints, the chances of not having ate grenetically modified food is almost zero. Most of the food coming from South Africa is genetically engineered. This includes imported seed. Just because it is planted and milled in Zambia doesn’t make it safer than the meanie meal coming from RSA. Wake up Zambia

  14. This tribalist homosexual blames accuses Hakainde of tribalism, and destroying Zambian agriculture. Lets discuss the facts. The breadbasket of Zambia has been Southern Province. We have supplied the country maize, meat and sugar. Which means that at every meal, this ugly baboon ate food produced in Southern Province. His tribesmen came to power and set out to destroy the agriculture of Southern Province. As a start, they let the cows, which were the basis of the ox-drawn agriculture of the province die of preventable bovine diseases by closing the cattle dips in the province. They then gave all the government maize mils to their tribes men, who proceeded to screwing farmers with prices of maize that were below the floor price of productions .. to be continued

  15. continyued…/ when there was a resulting famine, these motherfakaz refused to raise a finger. To make matters worse, they took agricultural land in Southern Province and gave it to Boers from South Africa, kicking out the Ila and the Tonga who had lived on it for 1700 years, and were farming it. The Boers opened small game parks in which the let animals flow out of Kafue national, and poached them there, or diverted tourists from the Kafue National, to make sure all the money the country should have made went into their pockets. Look at the map, all the private game reserves in Zambia are in Tongoland, most of them on the Southern Province side of the border with Western Province. There are zero private reserves in Luapula, Northern and Muchinga. If I am wrong, show me where

  16. On our hands we’ve a government of dunderheads. What they’re trying to tell us is that because they eat dogmeat in DRC and because their President is friend to ours, we should emulate them as there’s nothing wrong with eating that kind of meat. If GMO mealie meal is good for the Congolese it ought to be for Zambians. The reason these dimwits were able to export maize is that their predecessors refused to allow GMO in Zambia, it’s the same reason our maize is on demand. They’ll now destroy that legacy and market. What kind of people are these?

  17. In Zambia and many African Countries, the GMOs we have been exposed to is not only mealie meal, but the food also we eat from outside our country many at times is questionable. Some food stuffs and drugs,vaccines are even clearly labelled” for African countries”. I have not heard Fred raise such issues. In 1992/1993 we had white maize which was coming from the US and at school we nick named it “Guy Scott because he was Agric Minister that time. I think mealie meal is not the only GMO we are exposed to but a lot and am sure Fred you have food staffs from outside our conutry which is GMO and the producers are clever as to not tell you that the food is GMO, lets just accept the fact we have GMOs already and lets learn to live with it.


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