Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tear Gas Deployed as Tensions Rose at Kabwata Police Station


Tensions flared at Kabwata Police Station yesterday morning as law enforcement officers resorted to firing tear gas to disperse members of the Patriotic Front (PF) faction who had gathered outside the station. The gathering occurred in response to the detention of Raphael Nakachinda.

Former President Edgar Lungu, who was present among the PF faction members, voiced concern over the actions of the police, suggesting that such behavior could provoke public discontent against the government. Lungu warned that if the conduct of the police persisted, it could lead to President Hakainde Hichilema relinquishing power before the scheduled 2026 elections.

The remarks by Mr. Lungu have drawn criticism from the government, with Information and Media Permanent Secretary Thabo Kawana expressing disappointment. Kawana emphasized that such sentiments should not come from someone who previously occupied the highest office in the country.

Kawana pointed out that individuals inciting unruly behavior are the very people being led by the former head of state at police stations.


    • I watched the tv clip and did not see any violent mob that disturbed the peace. Mwamba and those women were just seated singing jovially. From nowhere the police opened tear gas!!!!. The police are the one who proveked the situation . No wonder Lungu was annoyed!!

  1. For how many days has Nakachinda been detained on something he said in November 2022? When asked why they held him longer than stipulated they said they were still investigating! It’s obvious that they’re waiting for instructions from above. There’s hunger and anger in the nation. I’ve just seen a video of ordinary people exchange insults in Chingola over UPND regalia. There’s frustration everywhere and these actions by the police can indeed cause an uprising. Don’t provoke people and then blame them. The PF still has a large following especially on the Copperbelt

  2. Politcs 24/7….i think we need to sit down as Zambians and have a serious and honest conversation….is this how we’re going to develop our country…. ???? This is getting out of hand and I think both HH and Lungu should put Politics aside and put Zambians first…..

    • @Anonymous, both Lungu and Hichilema are petty. You’re asking too much from them. Both must be removed from the face of Zambian politics

    • The only problem we have now is that more than ever before we have a siting president who is very bitter. Hakainde is in power today because of ECL torelance. I have not seen any opposition block him on his way to “the so called Community house” he accuses Shean Tembo of insulting him, but fails to mention those insults. We are in big big trouble. Kawana has no qualities of being a leader he is more of street boy who just responds in a fighting mode all the time.

  3. ……….

    You are being too lenient on them…..

    They want to expolit an economic crisis they are responsible for……….

    Your leniency will come back to haunt you

  4. @ Ayatollah
    I agree with you 100%
    Lungu was just an accidental President…he only became President after Sata’s death and HH was also voted into office because Zambians had no any alternative and they wanted change….but otherwise HH and Lungu should just walkway from Politics

  5. When he has not done anything some people poke him for accusations. Now that he was pushed to the wall and said something, it is still Lungu this, Lungu that. So go ahead and charge him with the same treason/espionage which Nakacinda is slapped with. A feel good thing scenario for UPND after the biggest fish catch. When done with Edgar, please arrest people’s hunger, frustration and anger, too to rid Zambia of our most trouble makers. No leniency.

  6. Former presidents should act as statesmen and speak in reconciliable tones after all their interest should be the betterment of the people not to create division.

  7. Edgar Lungu is slowly falling into a trap set for him by Hakainde Hichilema who wants to revenge the incarceration he suffered after the Mongu fiasco. If I were him I would just close my ears and eyes and fall into a beautiful sleep. He should let the world rotate on its own, it doesn’t need his help.

  8. Lumpen ELC still does not believe he is not in statehouse. And those *****s parading at police stations are the ones that were mistreating us


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