Thursday, March 13, 2025

National Assembly Speaker Directs Minister to Address Concerns Over Lungu’s Statement


Speaker of the National Assembly, Nelly Mutti, has instructed Home Affairs and Internal Security Minister, Jack Mwiimbu, to deliver a ministerial statement on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, regarding a statement made by former President Edgar Lungu.

Former President Lungu’s remarks, made on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, suggested the possibility of Zambians rising against President Hakainde Hichilema, potentially forcing him out of office before 2026.

The directive from Speaker Mutti comes in response to a Matter of Urgent Public Importance raised by Bweengwa Member of Parliament, Kasautu Michel, seeking clarification on the government’s position regarding Mr. Lungu’s statement.

In addressing Michel’s concerns, Speaker Mutti underscored the importance of addressing the matter transparently and ensuring that the public is appropriately informed. As such, Minister Mwiimbu has been tasked with providing clarity on the government’s stance regarding Mr. Lungu’s statement during the upcoming parliamentary session.


  1. Pure speculation by ECL let him rant all he wants they are his thoughts only and a few of his cronies
    dont fall into his trap by consuming your time and resources on this as that is what he is after
    We have more important issues to address

    • well said tikki. plz ba government concentrate on turn around the economy which you have started well ‘ the utterance are coming from ”soar grape” and Kachasu bottles

    • Is Mutti scared of losing job?
      Is doing worse than Edgar. Edgar said “citizens may uprise”, yes its true just like the way they to him and his PF government.
      Now a mere Speaker is forcing Ministers in charge of national security to up-raise against Edgar? She is committing TREASON.
      Arrest Mitti.

    • That wasn’t ranting…he was telling you his intentions to incite the people & make the country ungovernable. That’s seditious.

  2. What kind of speaker is this. I remember many times HH used inflammatories but not one single time did the former speaker get involved. Not even in the one party state. Now even the director of elections council of Zambia is publicly praising the president.
    Personally I expected a more decent administration but it’s becoming worse than anything we have seen before.

    • @Deja Vu, I agree @Webman, she was compelled to respond after the Bweengwa Member of Parliament raised a matter of public importance. It would be unfortuane and wrong if she started ranting about it on her own

    • @Webman and Skylab. I think you don’t know anything. You don’t follow this so-called speaker. Binwell Mpundu MP for Wusakile wanted the same minister to tell the house why the police were detaining some people for more than one week etc…this same speaker shut Mpundu up. She did the same with Kamfinsa MP Kangombe claiming these were matters for the police. Open your eyes if you have any. This hen is a danger to our democracy. Lungu said something which is a matter for the police…so where’s the difference?

    • 1. When some in parliament opted to impeach her, she suspended more than two dozen MPs to protect her own interests.
      2. Before the formalities and court matters were concluded, she changed the opposition parliamentary seating arrangement to accommodate new faces to replace the Leader of the Opposition and the like.
      3. She prevented opposition MPs from discussing debt issues in parliament and instead instructed them to write it down without directing Hon. Musokotwane to explain on the floor.
      Our Hon. Speaker is definitely one of a kind. So unique. Noteworthy is also the UPND’s ignorance and impending blunder on constitutional presidential immunities.

    • @Skylab: she wasnt compelled into anything. Its a common plot in the house to spring up topics already discussed outside of the sitting so as to compell certain action. Both Mrs Jaribu and theBweengwa MP were in the plot. It will soon unfurl

  3. It’s clear we have a government of cowards. They shiver and panic at anything. The moment they made a decision to overthrow the legitimate PF leadership and the moment they decided to shut any dissent was the moment they should have realized that they’re equally vulnerable. There’s no one that has universal absolute power in Zambia. If you employ dirty tactics to engage your opponents, expect blows under belt as well. Both the PF and the UPND are a danger to Zambia’s democracy

  4. The role of the Speaker is to select matters that must be debated or not. But it is also true that sometimes she shows biases. Now that Lungu’s alleged treasonous statement goes to Parliament, it remains to be seen how the legislature deals with it. At the same time I hear the new rule is that the presidential immunity technically ends with the end of presidential term. No need for lifting anything. Times have evolved.

    • @My Zambia,
      The presidential immunity law has been the same, it hasnt changed with the new government, except that it was just misinterpreted to fit political agendas and to take advantage of the gullible Zambians.

      ECL has set himself a trap, and Zambians will now know what this presidential immunity law entails. The minister will clarify and put it into perspective for all Zambians to understand.
      Look how these PF chickens are getting nervous, and now attempting to discredit the Speaker.

    • What has Lazy Lungu done? He just said “Zambians will….” Is that something chargeable? Even if he may have meant “I wish Zambians could rise…” Charismaless Lungu cant lead any uprising. Who would follow him the accidental President?
      Unless Parliament and some of you believe that he is a prophet you should just throw his blubberings into the trash bin. Mutti should know there are more important things to put on the floor. Like the urgent matter of addressing her colonial mentality since she thinks she is the Colonial Prefect who chases away proud Africans from her parade.

    • @generalkanene..So the UPND has just looked up that word in the American Collings dictionary and is now able to interpret it properly. Are their Constitution and ours structured identically? Lungu made a bad sound, and the speaker stood on her stilettoes for a moment without blinking to demand a ministerial statement. Did you plan to pin him on this one? It has nothing to do with how naive, suceptible or gullible Zambians are, but how cunning and dangerous UPND prove to be. Several incidents have happened, but parliament hastily looks the other way. Be prepared for a lengthy legal battle to come before you on this immunity issue.

    • @My Zambia,
      There is nothing like “…….looked up that word in the American Collings dictionary,,,,”. Thats how you are confusing gullible people….
      An MP, raised a point of order on a topic of national interest, and the Speaker, requested the responsible Minister to issue a statement that addressed the questions raised by the MP. This is a standard parliamentary procedure….
      And thats the job of parliament, and I know, UPND MPs are in Majority, however, they were ELECTED by Zambians, so why are you people making politics out of this simple thing?

  5. Edgar Lungu MUST be investigated over the death of President Sata. Kaiza Zulu used to enter State House illegally after he was fired to see Edgar Lungu his boss & confer. See how he ardently stole G12 forms and all the confusion that was in Lusaka and the Cb G12 forms taken at airport (and their is a witness).
    Why did they refuse for the weak Sata to be on drip instead decided to fly to London and sending the wife of Sata to India. Then, shocking news was sent mid air enroute to London in the absence of Sata’s wife.

  6. Edgar Lungu is a shameless man who was an accidental president – his remarks support this assertion. Edgar Lungu is being used by a cohort of people that know that he is the only one that looted money that can outlast a lifetime (Around $150 million). To this effect, these people have taken advantage of Lungu’s weak personal character by telling him he is now very popular. Money being spent at hotels, lodges, on journalists etc is coming from this money that Lungu looted. That said, it is good that looted money is going back to the public. I hate to break it to you but Lungu will never find his name on another ballot paper.

  7. Three years down the line still getting shaken by the statements from a leader that lost power in 2026 there wont be anything like Chagwa did this Chagwa that it will be the new dawn vs. the people and the promise they made am sure he wont even be on ballot paper can our current leader and he’s dumb cabinet pull up their socks we getting fade up of Chagwas topic every now and then

  8. @Deja-Vu, you are not having it, go plunge yourself into the lake. Zambians want peace and a former president advocating violence and national uprising borders on treasonous act. Let parliament have a say and Zambians will strip ECL immunity in 2026 for him to answer treason charges over his statement.

    • @MunaDekhane,
      minor correction “strip ECL immunity in 2026 for him to answer treason charges over his statement.”
      Immunity applies to things that Lungu did while in office, for example, gassing, or the killings that happened.
      Ammunity does NOT apply, in what he does thereafter.

      Technically and lawfully, he can be prosecuted for this if he is charged, without necessarily stripping him of his immunity.

      But as usual, ECL and his gang is playing the card to take advantage and gain sympathy of SOME ignorant and GULLIBLE Zambians

    • I always follow Deja Vu’s postings so it is very dissappointing to see him using this language here. Leave it to Kaizar and that “I hate Kaizar” guy

  9. No need to get cross, as someone decides to call you out
    with their opnion You are the most vocal on here so take it on the chin

  10. Just a few months ago after police raided Lungu’s residence in a Gestapo fashion, the ACC followed it up telling Zambians that the laws do not stop them from investigating the former head of state. However, they CAN NOT prosecute him unless Parliament lifts his immunity. Which IMMUNITY if there really isn’t any at all? Can government tell as about their new found law that has set a different tone and momentum today? For the first time since Director Kawana said it yesterday, everyone and like mannered cadres are repeating the same song like a broken LP record. Can the government spokesperson tell us the correct position? Isn’t this a rule of inconsistencies to muzzle ECL?

    • The Police must be dumb if thats what they said. Immunity is restricted to actions done while you were President. Its not something you carry with you forever.

    • @My Zambia,
      Because the case in which ACC was following up, falls in the period that ECL was president, therefore in that case ECL is covered and protected by IMMUNITY.
      However, if he commits an offense now, he is not being protected by IMMUNITY, instead he can be prosecuted. So ECL can not be prosecuted for an stealing that happened while he was president unless, there is a waiver. BUT can can be prosecuted for stealing after his presidency, without lifting his immunity.

  11. I didn’t say the police failed to prosecute the former president. I mentioned a failure by the ACC. Besides, I must also include the entire National Prosecution Authority headed by Mr. Phiri Gilbert. All these people will now be playing the KAWANA fresh hit song. Best wishes on your new enlightenment and uncharted road to prosecutions.

  12. @Edu-Katete sorry I got off rails…. when dealing with these people one has to have a lot of patience which test I failed.

  13. The UPND government with Gilbert phiri must be very careful with there actions because power is temporary it come back and bite them.

  14. What did Lungu say that was wrong? Didn’t the people of North Africa (Arab Spring) rise up against their failing and selfish leaders? What makes Nelly think Zambia is immune from such? What make referencing what happened to be a parliamentary and government issue? Are they afraid of something? Are they behaving like those self centered Arab leaders? Are they people will find out about their scheming on tribal and regional basis? What is wrong with this government?

    • They desperately need a detraction from real issues affecting the majority of Zambians…. even hardcore Upnd supporters. The PF were brutal but comparing the number of opposition leaders that have been brutalized by ZP starting with the harmless Sean Tembo to now quiet Mumbi Phiri in just two years, the PF brutality looks like child’s play.

  15. Thanks general kanene, to admit an error of judgement is being civil, well thought Deja Vu. Toll the path.

  16. My fellow Zambians. I have warned you before. This man Mutawire. Alias Edgar Lungu. With 2 different registration cards need to be deported to his village in Nkamba Bay in Malawi. Zambians are tired of being ruled by power hungry Malawians. Deport him so that we Zambians can live in peace.

  17. This is the same Edgar Lungu, the person who brought twenty witch Doctors to State House, remember. His continuous drinking was to drown his guiltiness. It is important to bring Scotland Yard’; CIA and the Masada Boys and the Zambia Witch Doctors Association.

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