Friday, March 7, 2025

Increased defilement cases in Luwingu District worrying


Northern Province Police Commanding Officer Lucky Munkondya has expressed concern over the increased cases of defilements being recorded in Luwingu District.

Mrs Munkondya told Zambia News and Information Services (ZANIS) in an interview that defilement cases are increasing in the province particularly in Luwingu district.

She said the scourge can only be eliminated if authorities at the district level embark on an awareness program to sensitise the community about the dangers of having sexual intercourse with children under the age of 16.

Mrs Munkondya said it is disheartening that men have continued with such impunity, despite the massive sensitisation against the scourge.

She said perpetrators must be informed about the harsh punishment of the scourge which carries a minimum of 15 years imprisonment with hard labour.

Mrs Munkondya has since urged the Ministry of Education and the District Administration to find time and explain to children the need to report such cases.

She said it is also imperative for the community to learn the importance of reporting sexual abuse cases adding that failure to report such scourge puts the abused girl at risk.

Mrs Munkonya was reacting to two defilement cases which happened over the weekend in Mumba village in Senior Chieftainess Chungu’s Chiefdom of Lupososhi District and Masala village in Chief Chipalo of Luwingu District respectively.


  1. Its a nation of defilers! This is happening in all provinces. Just check the headlines. The attitude to illegal sex is so casual in the entire nation. Why? Some people right here on LT come up with the defence of consensual sex for an accused child-rapist. Imagine. And at one time we even had a Ministry of Religion.

  2. There appears to be a correlation among poverty, unemployment, low social mobility, and poor education with senseless acts like we are witnessing. Unfortunately these statements will continue with little to no action on the ground to actually address both the crimes and the correlations. Protect your daughters and sons a mambala. NO one will save them but yourselves. Ukutumpa.

  3. I have told Zambians many times to deport this Malawian and former illegal President called Mutawire (alias Edgah Lungu). As a Malawan hevwill not care when there is unrest in Zambia. He will silently disappear to his village in Nkamba bay in Malawi.

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