Friday, March 7, 2025

President Hichilema Calls On Youth To Contribute To National Development


President Hichilema joined the Zambian youth in celebrating this Year’s National Youth Day at David Kaunda Stadium in Chipata, Eastern Province.

The President said youths are the greatest asset Zambia has and that is the reason the government is doing everything possible to make an enabling environment for all our youths across the country.

President Hichilema’s message to the youth was:

“Take advantage of your youthfulness to succeed in life. You all have the potential to make it in various areas of life. All you need is to work hard and embrace discipline. Your government will continue creating more jobs even this year alongside other interventions aimed at youth empowerment.
Ma Youth, balimi banzanga, don’t get discouraged with the drought. We appreciate the efforts you had put in this farming season. Do not give up; resilience is what we need.
We will use the drought to turn it into an opportunity that will change the course of our nation for the better. Irrigation is the way to go. We are realigning this year’s budget to ensure food security as well as growing our agriculture through irrigation”

The President further urged youths in the country to desist from engaging in vices that distract them from positively contributing to national affairs.

He also said there is need for Government to protect the farmers that lost their crops due to the drought.

Youth Minister Elvis Nkandu said it is time that youth actively participate in the affairs of the country so that they can bring about positive change.

Meanwhile, Eastern Province Minister Peter Phiri thanked President Hichilema for holding the event in the Eastern Province.

Youths Representative, Alifa Banda pledged the youths commitment to tackling some of the challenges that the country is facing among them is unemployment and environmental degradation.





  1. ……….

    Eastern, eastern…..Ba kumawa…….

    Thank you my people for the warm embrace and acceptance of normal rule of HEHH…….

    This country can move forward faster if we all move in the same direction……..

    Don’t listen to the tribal supremacists clique, thete only interest is stealing

    • Too late, the people of Eastern Province have seen through the lens of HH. he is a crook and a liar. What you see in the pictures is a different mood on the ground. We can assure you that Eastern Province will not largely vote for HH in the next General Election. I believe the mood is the same in the Northern Province.

    • The Bishop

      Disgruntled PF caders, street hawkers and marketeers does not represent the 2.8 million………which has grown BTW

      Most normal Zambians can see the difference, can now see normal governance…….

      HH is guaranteed a 2nd term, come what may……..

      Forwadee 2031…….

    • SPAKA@

      You have just described yourself. The disgruntled and gullible person is you. You have been reminded by so many people and many times on lusakatimes to go and check yourself in the hospital over the years. You have shown a sign of being a loser, jealousy, frustrated person, tribalist and hateful person. Please take the advice bloggers @MIKE MULONGOTI & @ INDEPENDENT OBSERVER gave you at the end of last year. HH got elected because of the Eastern & Northern influence. Mind you Zambia has more than 22 million people. Out of the 2.8m people, what percentage was from East & North in 2021. Without these bases, HH is finished.

    • Stop lying you arent from Eastern. Some time back you were challenged here to inform us your village and couldnt. Stop posing as a representative of a province you dont belong to. You dont need to tell us that you are a Southerner

    • The Bishop

      Looks to me you are one of the disgruntled PF caders…….

      Just join UPND, it is here to rule for another 20 years……….

      FYI……..Eastern and northern has normal people who vote for HH, not every one from there is a theiving tribal supremacists

      Neither Nor

      Chief musoro……kwa madede……ife ba kumawa

      But no problem if you call me tonga, it is zambia as well………

      Forwadee 2031……..

    • ………..

      Some people are so shallow………..

      Why would one pretend not to tonga if he is tonga ??????

      Or pretent to be from another tribe ???

      If I was tonga , I would be the proudest tonga seeing the president is tonga…….

      That is why HH will rule for a very long time…….

      The detractors are too shallow and du.lll

    • If anyone is shallow here it is Spaka. He is also primitive. Just listen to this: “If I was tonga , I would be the proudest tonga seeing the president is tonga” So some of you non-achievers get a high from a tribesmate’s successes? Why dont you ride on your own success? You can only wait for a fellow tribesman whose coat-tails you can hang on to. Thats why there’s so much corruption in Africa because the primitive President will succumb to the pressures of these “Iam your tribe!” appeals.

  2. The Bishop @ ………. HH is trying to dismantle PF by funding Miles Sampa to do the dirty work. The people of northern and munchinga provinces can see that Sampa is being used. He is now being nice to Kambwili Chishimba to use him at a later date to dismantle PF. It will not work. Without Eastern & Northern base, HH is going nowhere. ……………………………………………………………….

    • No one needs to dismantle PF………

      those theives of the tribal supremacists clique are on a self destruct mission with no return……….

  3. These Mice eaters always they are late comers and they come when it’s too late. Now you like HH when other provinces have seen that he is a nonstarter.

    • Musa @@@

      Go and eat your mother’s puussi. We have produced more presidents from the East. KK-(Tumbuka) Banda-(Ngoni) Lungu-(Ngoni). You are the latecomers. By the way, we felt sorry and voted for your president. That is why he frequently goes to the East and kneels on his knees. You guys are too …..domicile

    • Naiwe Dingiswayo ulibe voanka. From my observation a President in no way benefits his origins. Secondly you’re claiming a Tonga President as Eastern or Tumbuka when we all know he is of Malawian roots. And Lungu isnt Ngoni. He is Nsenga as details of his NRC show.

    • Neither Nor **

      KK’s mother was Madam Helen Nyirenda who was a Tumbuka from Eastern province and the father was MTONGA from Malawi and not TONGA, there is a difference – which qualifies him to be a Tumbuka.

    • Ada, there are Tongas (not Mtongas) some times referred to as Vanyasa Tonga in Nkhata bay and Nkhotakhota. They were defeated by the Ngoni in 1855. Mtonga is a clan from the Maravi kingdom. The clan can be found among the Tumbuka, Tonga Chewa and the Yao

  4. Failure to consider circumstantial evidence can lead to uncertainties and gaps in understanding. Ignoring these indirect indicators can result in overlooking crucial details, misinterpretations, and incomplete assessments. In legal proceedings, the exclusion of circumstantial evidence can weaken the case and cloud the judgment, potentially leading to wrongful convictions or acquittals.

  5. Circumstantial evidence serves as a valuable tool in decision-making processes, providing insights, connections, and perspectives that may not be immediately apparent. Leaders who fail to acknowledge the significance of circumstantial evidence demonstrate a disregard for thoroughness, accuracy, and fairness in their decision-making approach. As voters, it is essential to prioritize leaders who value and consider all forms of evidence, including circumstantial evidence, to ensure responsible and effective governance.

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