Friday, March 7, 2025

Court Discontinues Proceedings in Former Foreign Affairs Minister Kakubo’s Case


Court proceedings in a case involving former Foreign Affairs Minister Stanley Kakubo and a businessman of Chinese origin, Zhang Lianan, have been discontinued following a Consent Judgment entered between the two parties.

The Consent Judgment, drawn pursuant to Order 42 Rule Five of the Supreme Court, signifies that both Mr. Zhang and Mr. Kakubo have agreed not to pursue any further legal action against each other. Additionally, Mr. Kakubo has been ordered to make restitution to Mr. Zhang, as per the terms outlined in the judgment.

Under the terms of the Consent Judgment, Mr. Kakubo will be required to pay $300,000 in installments to Mr. Zhang, who will also be receiving the restitution of a Mercedes-Benz Registration Number 6952 from Mr. Kakubo.

Importantly, Mr. Zhang has exonerated Mr. Kakubo from allegations of receiving any inducement for business transactions, further adding a twist to the case that unfolded last month. Initially, Mr. Zhang had sued Mr. Kakubo for misrepresentation over a mining business partnership, demanding over one million U.S dollars in damages.

Mr. Zhang alleged that Mr. Kakubo, claiming to be the majority shareholder of HUNSLOW Investment, enticed him into a mining business partnership in May 2022. According to Mr. Zhang, the partnership was related to an exploration small mining license number 25569 in Chingola, with the potential of converting it into a mining license.

However, Mr. Zhang claimed that it was later revealed that the mining exploration license number 25569 had been converted into a mining license, which was in the process of being sold to Grizzly Copper Mining. These allegations were outlined in the Statement of Claim filed in the Lusaka High Court.

With the discontinuation of court proceedings and the agreement reached through the Consent Judgment, the matter between Mr. Kakubo and Mr. Zhang has come to a close, bringing an end to the legal dispute.


  1. These courts… How much will judge receive from the $300000?
    Only in Zambia you can walk free and continue working as Foreign Affairs Minister, if this happened in China, both could have been excited by communist President himself.

  2. We already knew the outcome of of HH’s blue eyed boy. Why do you think Hichilema did not appoint the Minister of Foreign affairs. The fact that Kakumbo Mr Dairy is paying back the Chinese guy and returning that Benz means the transaction happened and a crime was committed. The courts are toothless because they wait for instructions from Hakainde Hichilema the great liar.

  3. Now this is called proper w1tchcraft, ufinti. How can a country develop when you have clowns in every department.

  4. Stage managed. Remember I said that the resignation was just a ruse to make you believe they are fighting corruption. That’s why the position of MoFA remains vacant. Do not worry the case will be continued in Season 2 Episode 1.2026.

    • Kakubo entered into a private business transaction with a Chinese national………

      Unfortunately , he lied to the president when asked, and rightly resigned………

      The Chinese sued him…….an agreement was reached between the 2 outside court……..

      He did not steal from GRZ…….

      What is the case here ????

    • @Spaka, when your wife entered in private $exual acts and impregnated by your friend Kakubo, you settled outside court, and simply agreed that Stanley returns your wife (Mercedes Benz) and pays installments for child upkeep. Just because your wife is not a government employee, but do that as her private business you can let her get fvcked and you settle outside court

    • …….

      Just because you your wife doesn’t mean you own her, she can any one if she wants………..

      Same , just because kapuko worked for GRZ doesn’t mean he could not do private business as long as he is not breaking the law………..

    • There is nothing to stage manage. The bugger was sued by a Chinese man he swindled. The two have reached a deal and decided to not proceed. This is the law, and this what it is everywhere in the world. Now, if the Zambian government is pursuing its own prosecution, then that is a different matter. HH has already fired the bugger.

  5. Ok theatrical prosecution….just fooling gullible praise singers Lumbani Madoda…this is what we mean when we say that some in UPND are untouchable…you see Spaka spending 24hrs on Lusaka Times whilst his friends in UPND are getting rich….the Supreme leader the Almighty Ayatollah Hakainde Hichilema knows how to fight corruption….by being CORRUPT and AIDING CORRUPTION himself…..we told you that that resignation was fake…it was all planned by HH no wonder he didn’t bother to appoint a new Foreign Affairs Minister….and next he will be reinstated or given a much more powerful Ministry….watch this space …Kakubo is also the beneficiary of the Mopani Mining deal…in your face Spaka didn’t i tell you yesterday

    • The man was sued by his Chinese business matter. This was a civil matter, and the two have reached an agreement. There is nothing anyone can do about it, because they have agreed not to proceed. The problem with some of you is that you are uneducated and do not understand the law. If the government is investigating or already prosecuting the bugger, we have not heard the last of this. Otherwise HH has already fired him.

  6. And just yesterday Lumbani madoda praise singers Spaka were jumping up down…we told them that the Mopani Mining deal is HH’s personal investment and Kakubo is also one of the beneficiaries….in your face Spaka….and you thought HH was a saint when he is the one enabling corruption

  7. @DeJavu
    Yes you said it but Lumbani madoda praise singers didn’t believe you….and do you know that Kakubo was fired by Barclays Bank for theft????….birds of the same feathers fly together….Kakubo is HH’s very closest henchman orchestrating all the deals….remember the Chinese Ambassador brown envelope

  8. Hakainde Hichilema was so excited about the Mopani deal….he knows deep down in his heart that Zambians have been dribbled…and don’t forget that Arabs are the masters of corruption…smooth criminals…remember Arabs were the middle men for Slave Trading as a matter of fact they were the ones behind Slave trade…very dangerous Pompwes…no wonder their wealth is intact…do you know that Dubai was built by Slave labors from Pakistan ..Bangladesh..India and Africa

  9. @ Spaka
    You too blind to see….please try to be objective sometimes…stop being a Lumbani madoda…you should have seen HH’s excitement when he was handing over Mopani to HIMSELF…..and today his compatriot Kakubo is free and he will soon be reinstated…by next week Kakubo will be back as Minister of Foreign affairs or he will be appointed as a Diplomat in one of the powerful Western countries…or a different but more powerful Ministry very close to the President so that he can continue being Presidential chola boy and corruption Master minder

    • ….

      You are not even embarrassed to to speculating lies………..

      If, in 2 weeks time kapuko is not reinstated or back in GRZ ……..what will you say ???

  10. Unfortunately we don’t have a proper system to investigate corruption in Zambia….even here in the USA the Justice system is corrupt….they pick and choose who should be investigated and sent to Jail ……Mopani deal. HH 2 Zambia 0 full time

    • Hooops, I thought HH was Zambian?
      I prefer HH buying back all Mines using his money than giving away to those sttupid Vendata Indians.
      If HH can support football clubs under mines, a prefer he buys them all.

  11. First, we were told that what KakuMbo did wrong was a private matter. Then we saw the victim apologise to the perpetrator followed by the legal suit dropped. Such is life. A government official has no private life because they are paid by public funds. How do we fight corruption by abating it? Such acts are tranger than fiction.

  12. And Lumbani madoda praise singers yesterday were celebrating the known Bandit HH becoming one of the richest Presidents in Africa when he handed Mopani to HIMSELF….Kakubo the Henchman can eat freely….and what happened to 48 houses….what happened to the fire tenders corruption investigation….it looks like its corruption reloaded under UPND

  13. Jail is for Spaka and his fellow Lumbani madoda praise singers….Anthony Bwalya was removed from the corridors of the state house on suspicion of getting US$250 000 from the Arabs….and now Kakubo who is getting kickbacks from the Mining deals will be back at State House

  14. When we tell you that UPND is worse than PF…these guys are looting left right and center…remember the inventors of Corruption…the Israelis are also coming…by 2026 Zambia will be the “late Zambia”…..Zambia will be as good as dead

    • This sort of reasoning is from the tarvens of chawama……….

      A seemingly educated person should not be reasoning like this……….

      If a substantial percentage of our educated people reason like you…….

      we have no hope of developing

    • @KAPS
      Of course, you are right about Akainde’s ingenuity. Kindly drop that narrative before it crawls back to haunt you, comrade. Didn’t graphs, charts and Venn diagrams show that his leadership has had the best-performing economic indicators since political independence? But I doubt whether Zambians see it that way apart from exposing his weaknesses and self-centeredness. And if he can temporarily evade the long arm of the law, it doesn’t mean he would hide that stashed away wealth for long. It’s not how long he has evaded past GRZs. After his presidency ends, he will be prone to rigorous investigations besides covering tracks. Only then will Zambians prove how much of an absolute genius he is. The clock is ticking.

  15. Isn’t fascinating that whenever Politicians steal and loot our natural resources its actually the poor Zambians dancing and celebrating….remember how they went to Welcome HH after the so called IMF deal…it turned out it was all fake….HH knows how to fool Spaka and TIKKI….

  16. Three cases involving three upnd goons have so far have been discontinued….. next government hopefully will not spend too much time resurrecting these cases at the expense of development.

    • You are not answering………

      Was kapukos case not between him and the Chinese……….they negotiated outside court

      So what case is there ??

  17. @ Deja Vu
    Forget it even in the next government nothing will happen to the UPND criminals…these Politicians know that Jail is for poor and they know how corrupt our justice is…People who are in Jail are poor petty thieves…Politicians and all the big criminals are out looting and finishing our natural resources…if we had a working Justice system in Zambia HH should have been in Jail by now serving life sentence for Privatization….you know what they say about Africa….Criminals end up as Presidents

    • …..

      We keep saying this………

      If this HH managed to dupe 15 million Zambians and their GRZ during privatisation, and……..

      4 preceding GRZs who all failed to find anything, and………

      For all these years , international financial crimes organisations also failed to this day…….

      The man is a genius……….absolute genius….

      This is the right man to rule du.ll zambia even for 4 terms………..

  18. @Spaka I don’t read your gibberish because your reasoning is weird….. there is a case corruption…. the Chinaman has been given what he wanted according to their corrupt dealings. Of course you won’t accept it….lusambo has been charged for owning property valued more than his income…by the time kakubo leaves office he too will own property measuring beyond his earnings…. it’s the same case…both are guilty.

    • It was a private business deal…….involving a private mine……….nothing to do with GRZ

      Stop following that kaponya tarven speculative rubbish Anonymous spews……….

  19. @Spaka, If Kakubo gets back into ministerial or some position of notice, I will consider my position in the association.

  20. I will re consider my position in the association if suspects or convicts get rewarded when capable people like Spaka or Deja Vu can not be elevated to some noteworthy position at national level to contribute effectively.

  21. Spaka like lilo is on Lusaka Times 24/7 defending criminals whilst the same criminals are getting rich…..

  22. Spaka like lilo is on Lusaka Times 24/7 defending criminals whilst the same criminals are getting rich…..

  23. Kabuko the conman. He wanted to con the Chinese and thought he could get away with it being a government minister. If I was the Chinese I wouldn’t have agreed to this consent judgement .

    • but the business partner decided to sue Kakubo. So it became a civil matter.
      He never reported Kakubo to the police or ACC.

  24. Ba LT Spaka should be given a prize for attracting the biggest number of downvotes on his posts. It looks like in the entire Zambia, People seem to abhor his HH come hail or Hell and hailstones….and his Tonga tribal talk


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