Friday, March 14, 2025

ACC Arrest Corrupt Police Officer


Sergeant Susan Yuyi of the Zambia Police Service has been arrested by the Anti-Corruption Commission on charges of Abuse of Authority of Office and Corrupt Practices by a Public Officer involving K50,000.00.

In a statement, Head of Corporate Communication at the Anti-Corruption Commission, Timothy Moono said the 30-year-old Police officer, from Kabulonga Police Post is facing one count of Abuse of Authority of Office and three counts of Corrupt Practices by a Public Officer.
Mr Moono explained that the charges against Sergeant Yuyi are serious and span from January 1, 2023, to April 18, 2024, in Lusaka.
He further explained that it is alleged that, she abused her authority by falsifying complaints against certain individuals within the Police Service and solicited and received substantial sums of money from them in exchange for resolving these fictitious matters.

“Between March 30, 2024, and April 18, 2024, Sergeant Yuyi was accused of soliciting K50,000.00 from a named individual and receiving K30,000.00 as a reward for allegedly resolving a matter with the Zambia Police in their favour,’’ he stated.

He disclosed that the K30,000.00 bribe was seized by the Anti-Corruption Commission during a sting operation.
Mr Moono noticed that despite her arrest, Sergeant Yuyi has been granted release on police bond pending her upcoming court appearance.

He further said that the authorities have issued a stern reminder to all public officers to uphold the principles of integrity and professionalism in the discharge of their duties to avoid similar legal troubles.


  1. Even traffic officers, please arrest them. They every time look for faults which are not in existence. ‘Your right back tire is not finishing in the same way as the other 3 tires, explain?’

  2. What amazes me is how all new governments behave exactly the same way. Remember how MMD removed Police roadblocks when they came in power, PF did the same. UPND has done the same. They all said roadblocks were an inconvenience to members of the Police. But the similarity in all this is that within weeks Police bulldozed their way and road blocks were back in full throttle they way it is now.

    • The truth is politicians cant come up with new ideas. They all do the same thing and call it by another name. The prevailing strategy is just “coming to the farm to feed myself” Every politician knows that uubomba mwibala…

    • True..politicians use emotions to remove roadblocks. The police use the law. So no matter hiw much noise politicians make, police jyst give them 4 months they will be back. When you arrest the police for setting road blocks, you discover they are within the law. Politician cannot instruct police officers..the kaw does. Fometimes they obey out of fear and respect. But they know they are right

  3. There is absolutely no strategy to deter,detect or to curb the rampant Police corruption. In terms of traffic fines, why not consider reducing the traffic charges to the K50s or K100s we hear people are paying as bribes. I am not saying this is the best option, but atleast I am floating an idea which can be polished even in a different way

    • Police should be banned from issuing spot fines. They should only issue tickets. These tickets must be “challengable” at a court. Police should be banned from confiscating vehicles unless the vehicle is a danger to other traffic.

  4. ACC please visit the NRC issuance office in Lusaka (BOMA Office). Too much corruption in that office. A process that is supposed to take a couple hours to replace an NRC, one ends up spending 6-7hours.

    • And the Passports Office. The whole Zambia knows about the Passport office in Lusaka. Noone acts. Why?

  5. You arrest one corrupt police officer and it makes news. Police corruption is a daily occurrence. Very soon we will hear this was a PF alleged junkie sympathizer like the IG has put it. This is will be just the usual UPND tribal hunt that we are now getting used to. They are creating space for their people and their cadres. In every Ministry, people are scared of their jobs if their name does not start with H. They have even gone to football house that they want another H to control.

  6. Go also to solwezi and see what the do at a place called medical centre. It is a routine for the Zambia police officers getting money from motorists between 06:00 and 08:00. For the three days I was I saw them getting money without sham. HH do something with solwezi police in the traffic section

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