Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Public Order Act attracting headlines similar to those it was attracting under PF


By Venus N Msyani
Public Order Act is attracting headlines similar to those it was attracting under Patriotic Front (PF). Under PF authority arrested people for protesting. To avoid arrest, the youth had to come up with an alternative; protest in the bush and share on social media platforms.

On June 22nd, 2020, the youth protested in the bush and broadcasted the protest live on social media platforms.

Sounding humorous and happening for the first time in Zambian history, the news about the protest made headlines in and outside the country. Exposing how far PF government went to abuse Public Order Act.

New dawn administration is abusing the law the same way. Some opposition parties have decided to work together. United Liberal Party (ULP), New Heritage Party (NHP), Golden Party Zambia (GPZ), Citizens First (CF), National Democratic Congress (NDC), Patriotic Front (PF), Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD), and Christian Democratic Party (CDP) have formed an alliance called United Kwacha Alliance (UKA).

The alliance applied for a permit to hold a public rally in Kafue Lusaka Province on Saturday April 13, 2024. Police refused to allow the rally to take place.

Warnings of arrest were issued to those who would go ahead and gather for the rally. Like the youth in 2020, to avoid arrest UKA decided to hold a virtual rally at undisclosed place. The event was broadcasted live on social media platforms and was very successful.

One of the speakers at the rally revealed police called him to find out where the virtual rally was taking place. Definitely was an attempt to make arrests. That is exactly what police did when the youth held protest in the bush in 2020. Police attempted to locate where the protest was taking place and failed to locate the youth in the bush.

Attracting similar headlines implies Public Order Act abuse under United Party for National Development (UPND) administration has reached former administration level.

One can argue has reached beyond that. Police act like current government supporters. Since UPND took power in August 2021, no political party has been allowed to hold a rally. Oppositions are being denied permit to hold rallies. Most of the time police cite security reason. Claiming they won’t have enough police presence.

At the venue where the rally would be held, there would be a huge number police to stop the rally. The number of police that would be there would be larger than the number of police that might have been needed for the rally to take place.

PF government was perceived a threat to democracy because of misapplication of Public Order Act. UPND is applying the law the same way and the outcome is the same. Meaning the administration is aware is being perceived a threat to Zambia democracy.

The abuse is now attracting headlines it was attracting under previous administration. Don’t think it is not bothering UPND. It does because these are the headlines that made PF lose presidency.

New dawn administration has no other option. Allowing the opposition to hold rallies is a threat to its future. None of President Hakainde Hichilema’s promises has been fully fulfilled. Hichilema administration seem to think rallies would provide platform for criticism.
Following UPND promises order, Public Order Act would go before defamation of the president law. If this argument doesn’t make sense, someone should explain why the order was changed and the defamation of the president law had to go first.

If UPND has decided to keep Public Order Act, must apply it correctly. The law is now attracting headlines similar to those it was attracting under Patriotic Front (PF). It implies new dawn administration is not applying the law correctly. It is not good for Zambia democracy process.


  1. Under PF, ateast Hakainde held rallies in some instances they even faked their own situations in the bush. But more than two years, Hakainde has blatantly refused to allow any of his opponents an opportunity to address their constituencies. Being in opposition for 20 years or so one would have imagined that Hakainde had matured democratically but alas we are still stuck with what Sata called “Underfive” politics or political behaviour. Shame.

  2. you can open the nation for every Jim and Jack to protest. Mind you some are just bitter and would want to protest at every bit. So, keep the public order Act. let politicians campaign during the period of politicking.

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