Sunday, March 16, 2025

Livingstone Records Upsurge In GBV cases


Livingstone University Teaching Hospital’s Gender-Based Violence (GBV) One-Stop Centre has seen a significant increase in spouse battering during the first quarter of 2024.

The One-Stop Centre recorded 176 cases of spouse battering in the first quarter compared to 147 cases during the same period last year.

Anti-GBV Coordinator Derrick Sialondwe, noted that the surge primarily involves male victims who have experienced physical assault at the hands of their spouses, girlfriends, or wives stating that while men are increasingly coming forward to report such incidents, the majority of victims are still female.

Mr. Sialondwe expressed concern about the alarming rise in cases, where only six males reported GBV cases last year, while 110 male victims reported this year.

The males were seeking assistance, emphasizing that gender-based violence can have tragic outcomes, including murder.
Mr Sialondwe pointed out financial disagreements and infidelity which remain significant triggers for violence within households.

He noted that couples often struggle to find common ground on financial matters, leading to disputes and that suspicions of infidelity can escalate tensions, resulting in violent confrontations.

To combat GBV, the One-Stop Centre has implemented several initiatives, which include sensitizing of church congregants about the dangers of Gender-Based Violence and the importance of reporting such cases, Mr Sialondwe noted that survivors of GBV have access to free services at both police stations and health facilities.

Mr. Sialondwe stressed the importance of engaging chiefs and headmen, as gatekeepers in the fight against GBV, stating that the One-Stop Centre actively collaborates with these leaders by educating them on the dangers of GBV and providing guidance on referring survivors to the nearest health facility for assistance.

Livingstone University Teaching Hospital’s Gender-Based Violence One-Stop Centre remains committed to addressing the increase in gender-based violence cases while fostering awareness and support systems within local communities.


  1. When the wicked ascend the throne wickedness increases & pipo moan. Pipo are lashing out on wrong pipo because of economic hardship period!!!!!!! Fix the economy you so-called fixers!!!!!

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