Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Police refute reports of raiding where former President Lungu met with Catholic Bishop Mulenga.


Police refute reports that they raided Stephen Luwisha Secondary School in Kabwe where former President Edgar Lungu was meeting with Kabwe Dioceses Catholic Bishop Clement Mulenga.

Police deputy spokesperson Danny Mwale said police went to the school to verify information that former President Lungu and his entourage were scheduled to hold two public meetings in Kabwe.

Mr. Mwale said officers from Kasanda Police Station, in whose jurisdiction the school is, went to verify the nature of the meeting. He stated that the officers were informed that the former president was meeting with Bishop Mulenga.

Mr. Mwale clarified that police officers in Kabwe were not formally notified about the visit of the sixth president to the province, which would have allowed adequate security measures to be put in place. He emphasized that the former president should always notify the police of his movements for security reasons, given his status as a public figure who may attract public attention. This information is according to a statement issued to ZNBC News by Mr. Mwale.


  1. Zambia Police on instructions from above have withdrawn security from Edgar Lungu at his residence and his pension that include a number of benefits have been withdrawn. So does their explanation that he needs to inform them about where he’s going in order for them to provide him with security make sense? Even a kid would conclude that these people are definitely out of their minds

    • Why don’t they just shoot him dead maybe then the economy will improve and the cost of living will come down.

    • I always say tu pf have short memories. Firstly, the government did not just withdraw security for no reason. Lungu declared that he was going back into politics. However, that does not mean he can’t be protected. Remember what happened to KK in Kabwe? Secondly, Please read CHAPTER 113 OF THE LAWS OF ZAMBIA ON THE PUBLIC ORDER ACT. The law is in effect and it is still in effect. It has never been repealed. So why must the law be applied differently when Lungu breaks the law?

  2. But it happened unless you are telling us those were not Zambia Police Service men. There were two full land cruiser vehicles. A senior police officer bursted into the Bishops office where Edgar Lungu was. The officer was asked questions to which he failed to answer except “He’s not supposed to hold meetings”

  3. Most of us UPND supporters do not support the conduct of the Police. It appears our government does not understand that it is because of Police allowing PF caderism and thuggery that brought down PF. The conduct of the Police must be checked, you cannot continue as government keep folding your hands saying we do not control the Police when the same Police is making you unpopular. Edgar Lungu is not a threat but we are making him popular by the conduct of the Police by harrasing his movements. Leave the man alone, otherwise people will be saying we have failed to work that is why we are scared of him

  4. When mealie meal was K120 Zambia still had debts like now. That is where we should focus our energy on, much as I am not a fan of PF I don’t still subscribe to the nauseating conduct of following ECL by Police. The same thing PF was doing to opposition leaders, so why did we change government if things remain the same

  5. ………

    I totally agree………

    This over zealous police conduct on lungu is nauseating……….

    You are making lungu feel more important that he is…………

    • So why doesn’t HH fire the provincial minister who ordered the invasion. If anything this thing is a disgrace to our country. Each jim and jack wants to show HH how loyal they are to him….it only end in disgrace as a nation.

    • I can tell you the problem is too many aggrieved people in UPND high command……….

      Who were brutalised by PF………

      People like mwaliteta who spent a year in jail for nothing , who feel PF and lungu owe them………

      The president needs to preach forgiveness to his inner circle

  6. @Katana don’t muddle up facts. We all saw it…. myself when I need reassuring I visit the nearest priest and pour my problems and then a prayer…ati tu PF… so anyone who sees a problem in what happened is ka PF. Some of us can’t belong to any of these childish parties like Upnd PF SP.. We had credible parties like unip, MMD FDD… not utu ntemba parties

  7. Police think they can fool all the people all the time. See where some police officers who were cadres are now like katanga. Don’t get caught up in political battles.

  8. Sadly, we are still in the UNIP mould of governance. Nothing has changed, except the ability to change parties. As for the system: still intact as hell. Unless, and until we have a brave leadership that is willing to truly usher us into a new era of multi-party politics with all the privileges and benefits, we will get stuck in nonsense.

  9. Personally I was appalled when I saw a seemingly senior Police officer failing to articulate why he was there. Is there a breakdown in the command structure?

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