Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Edgar Lungu Calls For Early Elections


Former President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu has accused the UPND in Lusaka of mobilising UPND thugs to attack the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) St. Philips Congregation in Kanyama if he appeared at the Church.

This is allegedly after the ruling party learnt that Zambia’s Sixth President, Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu was invited to grace the occassion as Guest of Honour. The United Church of Zambia, St. Philips Congregation under St. Paul’s
Consistory located in Kanyama Constituency, was hosting a program called “Official Opening of the Church”.

This event comes once in the life of the Congregation hence, its significance.

The Patriotic Front surveillance at the Church allegedly found UPND thugs being offloaded from 3 mini-buses that were preparing to waylay the motor vehicle convoy of the former President.

But Lungu says he received reports about the plot to cause confusion at the Church and chose to attend the Church Service that was being held at the Dunamis Christian Centre.

President Lungu quoted the scriptures; “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” So be wise, act like a serpent but be as innocent as a dove-Mathew 10;16

Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
Lungu has also called for early elections owing to the deep suffering the people are going through.


  1. He’s just putting pressure on the incumbent because he knows that a premature election can’t happen. The UPND are doing exactly what the PF were doing and this unfortunately will cause people to again vote with anger and we may end up with another wrong person as President. It’s unfortunate that the UPND haven’t learned anything from their own experience. The earlier they begin to brace themselves for opposition politics the lesser the shock they’ll suffer. Bye bye Gloria

    • If I were HH I would call for elections. The truth is the opposition are not ready for elections and they would be caught unawares. With PF’s Sampa confusion UKA’s yet to be organised leadership M’membe’s tin-pot dictatorship, Kalaba’s silent manifesto, Lungu’s sleepy campaigns, all the opposition are actually not ready for elections. Lungu is just kubwatabwataring. Lets have elections next month or before independence day and half-baked HH will have a free second term

    • There is nothing wrong with the current president. It is the people of Zambia who can’t think on their own. Lungu was president and what did he do for the country? All he did with his thugs was steal, harass, and kill innocent Zambians. The economic problems we have are due to the debt which the same Lungu who today is acting intelligently accrued.
      What new ideas will he come up with? Steal, steal, and steal.

  2. Playing games with them and knowing how sensitive they are they react and forget about the real issues affecting the nation. Forget him alebwatabwata fye. He’s the reason we now have the most intolerant president. Had he governed well we not have been in this situation.

    • He just contributed to making a dictator otherwise HH has never tolerated any dissent. Have you forgotten what happened to Tiens Kahenya when he challenged him to go for an elective UPND convention? Even now, people say his Ministers are mere minions whom he doesn’t even listen to

  3. And this is the reason why 60 years after independence we still can’t figure out how to generate electricity…Politics 24/7…..why can’t we spend time brainstorming on how improve our Electricity and Energy…..Lungu this…Lungu that…HH this HH that….and yet the Capital city has no proper sewer system just like the rest of the country

    • After this nonsense,you,yourself will go back to Lungu,……his Lungu….. that.HH this,…..HH…. that while your toilet at home is Un flushable

    • #Anonymous, you comment is the most sensible ‘adult level’ comment on the topic. Keep it up. The rest of the comments are like from little children at kindergarten as usual.
      My two cents on the topic. We have to introduce mandatory education and skilling for all young Zambians. Either you are learning or earning. Government leaders found to have mismanaged state resources should be held accountable. Parliament shall review their performance using data not emotions.

  4. The UPND have broken the social contract they made with the people before elections. The people of Zambia need a govt that is on the program that they promise before elections. If you get a job and say that you can do the work but it turns out you were lying about your qualifications, your employer has the right to fire you! Similarly the people of Zambia have the right to eject this govt because it is not performing on the election promises. Period.

    • Tell us how the UPND has broken the social contract. Am sure you have a relative, or friend who has been employed in the Army,Police, teaching, or in health. Your child is going to school for free. You can put on your dirty-smelling green T-shirt and move around without being harassed by cadres.
      It took 11 years to destroy the country’s economy but you want the UPND government to fix the broken economy in 2 years. Repairing an economy is as easy as cooking nshima.

    And not taking into consideration that this is normal African politics
    his ECL is just coping Zuma in SA
    Hacking peoples accounts to register the MK party Hiring a small stadium for his yesterdays sermon
    allowing the press to state a PACKED STADIUM
    These are mind games get used to them

  6. Tell this Edgar Lungu that the current government shall adhere to constitutional provision for when to hold elections. Calls for an early election by Edgar Lungu is just a waste of time!!

    • Very dull we have had more than three early elections…. not that I support it….. but go and read the constitution and tell us where an early election is not allowed.

  7. Dobo, stop cheating people, the 1991 elections were the first multi-party elections since 1968. In 1973, Kaunda had declared UNIP the only legally permitted party in Zambia. Therefore between 1973 and 1990, the government and UNIP were effectively one. Since 1991, Zambia has a constitutional provision for when multi-party elections can be held. Between 1973 and 1990 every five years Kaunda was automatically elected to a five year term as president by virtue of being leader of UNIP.

  8. @MuZambian
    You probably don’t read my comments…am non Partisan and i don’t like any Politician…am just a Patriotic Zambian….Politicians are all wicked and they just worry about their own tummies…look at Kavindele…growing up we were told that Kavindele was the richest Zambian but it turns out he is just a broke pompwe begging for handouts from every government in power…

    • That’s the problem… just being a Bemba some people at our social club think I am PF. Since the election of the Upnd our friendship has grown cold. Very unfortunate.

  9. Big lesson to future politicians. You should have hammered this fool when you had the chance: immediately after elections. Letting him get away with all the embezzlements, massive corruption and failing to hold him accountable has made God angry and allowed Lungu to become a thorn in your flesh. Whatever you do now, in the eyes of the people will make Lungu look like a victim instead of the thief he is. You reap what you sow.

  10. Reading over again and reports on ZO
    surely there is no crime calling for early elections as the Police are saying ??
    the only reason in my view is Loadshedding which is moving to 10hrs then who knows 12 ???
    And zesco top man still sitting comfortable in his office
    There is a strong possibility this so called manager will bring Zambia to its knees
    Can only hope i am wrong

  11. Am sure Ejiga can make a random quote from the bible and then suddenly load shedding will end. Viva kachasu!

  12. ……….

    As Kowe asked………

    Why is the aspiring presidential challenger , Mr lungu , always meeting bishops and priest’s, when…………..

    Journalists have been wanting to meet him for a very long time ?????

    Why is is afraid of journalists ???

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