Sunday, September 15, 2024

Imwe ba Agriculture Minister, is your job to eat or ensure our people are eating?


First and foremost, we want to make it clear we are not paid by anyone to write what we do; neither are we prompted by anyone to write on any topic! We take it as our solemn responsibility to contribute to the national discourse and development through our write ups.

Yesterday, we talked about Hon. Jack Mwimbu, the Minister of Home Affairs & Internal Security and gave details of how feel he may have lost the steam by allowing unnecessary checkpoints to come back on our already congested roads. We also took a swipe at him for letting the police embarrass the President by following Edgar Lungu around and bursting his secret meetings with some Catholic Bishops. Somebody quipped that Ministers have possibly neglected their responsibilities and are busy cutting deals no wonder they aren’t performing!

Anyway, today, we want to delve into an equally emotive subject – aka bunga! Ba Mtolo Phiri, what’s your responsibility as Minister of Agriculture? Is it just to eat or ensure our people are eating? When did you last venture into the other provinces to investigate challenges affecting our farmers; how government can cushion their hardships; what alternative crops our farmers can be encouraged or supported to grow given the climate change? You’re a total disappointment baaba!

When this country faced acute food shortages in early 2000s due to a persistent drought, President Mwanawasa came under severe pressure to import yellow maize. However, he stood his ground insisting, “GMOs are not good for my people and are harmful to our soil!”

Did people go without food? Negative! The legendary and indefatigable Mundia Sikatana, his able Minister of Agriculture traversed the width and breadth of this country in his gumboots and work suits launching and supervising winter maize projects! At the end of the day, there was enough food for everyone.

What measures are you putting in place to ensure that, moving forward the price of mealie meal will be affordable for everyone?

We’re almost in the middle of the year imwe ba Minister, have you flagged-off the distribution of farming inputs? Have you ensured that we have sufficient stocks of fertilizer in the nation? Have you identified reliable transporters to distribute the same across the country?

You are not only failing the President but also the people! There’s a lot of negative talk out there regarding the price of mealie meal; if people can only see you making every effort, they’d be rest assured it’s just a matter of time before the situation can stabilise. We know of many farmers that are willing to partner with government by growing winter maize, what they need is just logistical support.

Naimwe ba minister of Mines and Minerals Development, Paul Kabuswe, the whiff of stench emanating from your ministry nauseating! Our next stop is on your doorsteps…..

Prince Bill M. Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. ……..

    This one is a useless minister……….

    He should be up and down the country, instead……..

    He is busy with his private business and buildings………

  2. Hon Mwiimbu must protect motorists from intimidation by traffic police officers
    These people are making so much money one would think that they’re in collaboration with higher authorities

  3. When he started he impressed the motoring public but to our dismay he’s turned a blind eye to this scourge
    Traffic police officers are laughing all the way to the bank
    But this daylight robbery can’t just persist without a backing somewhere
    And the traffic offences have been made so rediculously high such that I would rather pay a bribe than pay a fine
    Can the anti corruption commission audit traffic police officers and see if their incomes are commensurate with their assets
    You are busy forfeiting other people’s assets for being proceeds of crime leaving out traffic police officers
    I submit
    Senior Citizen

  4. Isnt this the same agriculture minister who said we have enough maize stocks in the country and therefore encouraged Exports.

  5. These are unexposed chaps who do NOT know anything about governance… lack of exposure to modern developed nations is dangerous. It takes you to live in a developed nation to understand that infrastructure development will brings about prosperity to a nation. All our politicians have NEVER lived in developed nations to understand this.. exposure is the way to go.

  6. He advised farmers not plant early because the rains would be late. I planted earlier and I was mocked. Today I expect at least a not less than ninety bags while most our neighbors have almost nothing.

  7. This ministry has a wrong minister who is an economist. Why not appoint people like Chance Kabaghe, Anthony Mwanaumo, Edify Hamukale, Given Lubinda etc who have broad knowledge in agriculture? plenty of manpower as options Mr HH. See now Mutolo sold our maize


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