Sunday, March 16, 2025

Water Rationing Irks Chilanga Residents


Residents of Chilanga Ward in Chilanga district have expressed displeasure with the erratic water supply and unpredictable load shedding time table currently being experienced.

In an interview with ZANIS, one of the residents Enoch Mwanza explained that it is inconveniencing especially during morning errands as one has to search for water from other houses with boreholes as some are located at a long distance.
Mr Mwanza stated that the government should consider bringing in water tanks as it was done in some parts of Lusaka when Cholera cases were high.

Mr Mwanza who was found drawing water within the Wildlife and National Parks offices said power supply is interrupted at different times from the stipulated schedule and water interruption follows soon after which he described as unfortunate.

Another resident who sought anonymity explained that some residents with boreholes refuse to assist them citing expenses as the reason, while some ask for a fee for the service.

“Daily routines such as bathing kids, before taking them to school and proceeding to work is now becoming a challenge due to water rationings,” he said.

The resident appealed to ZESCO to consider following the stipulated time table as the water supply is also interrupted soon after the power is cut off.


    • this is the force Majure. the nature of God. there’s nothing Bally can do. if anything, he is trying to ration the water.

  1. Look at the God given gift to our nation Mr. Sata, he lived worked in the UK & just see what he did in KK’s rule in Lusaka, he brought about fly-over bridges while he was just a mayor, look at the legacy he left when he was a president.. Exposure, some of have been in diaspora for more than 20 years & we know whats up. Get exposed you freaks.

  2. Lets blame his goons and I support that 100%
    we are out of control and worried about the roads
    I will say again zesco will cripple this country not because of bad rains but BAD management of water reserves !!

  3. It is time that we who are in diaspora should think of going home to build our nation coz what we see there..mmmmmmm!!! Bukamushi bubi sana. Ubututu is NOT been academically lacking BUT having academic qualifications but lacking exposure to great nations, lifestyle & modern living period!!! The mind is opened when you have lived in a developed nation. NOT to born raised & lived in your nation, you will NOT see anything wrong coz what you see is the only thing you know. Go Ndola you will cry, look at Lusaka CBD you will only cry when you have lived in diaspora

  4. Coming home will only frustrate you !!
    atleast 60 + % of GRZ employees are corruption even if its a ream of paper
    Then the police followed by the courts all on the make
    What some dont realise a fair percentge of teachers wont pass the same year end exam they give their students !!

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