Tuesday, March 18, 2025

How Did PF Quickly Conclude Jay Jay Had Been Abducted By Government?


I love how Zambians have a collective fit when questions that beg to be asked about a situation, are put out.
Ehh ati sympathy, have a heart. Does having a heart mean you don’t have a brain?

Asking how something could logically happen is not equivalent to wishing someone ill.

This question is so basic and if one has not asked it – hmmm pali vuto pakuganiza. It is that – how and why did PF conclude Jay Jay had been abducted by government without even a momentary consideration of alternatives?
It surely could have been:
1. Suicide
2. Criminal abduction
3. Escape from problems to another country
4. Abduction because of a deal gone wrong.

If they had added all those, plus government, it would make sense.
Now, not even ONE of them had a different view. Hmm ni choir??
Then, all being awake and available in the small hours?

People, if all you have is heart, God bless you. I envy you. You live such a happy life. Me, my mind works. It does not matter how inconvenient it is to engage it. It thinks even when it knows it is breaking rules of political correctness. It refuses to be fashionably sat on.
So, I ask again, how did PF leaders end up all singing one song, when there were so many possibilities? Elo, the Samaritan who found the car, where did he find PF numbers?
Nifunsako chabe.

By Laura Miti


  1. I had similar guesses my dear Laura: that JayJay looks mentally unstable
    1. Inkongole, debts..
    2. Misused CDF money
    3. Wife cheating on him..
    4. Cheating on someone woman..
    I love chi Laura mweee, I really want to drink with once again, I hope next time I will have courage to ask her spend a night with me at a hotel. She not that $exy but her mind is beautiful!!!

    • But thats the strategy of all opposition parties in Zambia. They dont know any other way to get into power. Even UPND behaved the same when they were in opposition. Just keep on piling accusations against the ruling party and people who are in any case lazy to think will just follow. Right now if lightning strikes a village it is UPND to blame

    • So Imwe ba Nostradamus a woman is a sex object. Ngati mwakondanzelu zake nufuno gona nae? If you love her speech then it rises. Life that revolves around that can be easily manipulated.

  2. Fair-minded rational people factor in the possibility of getting things wrong when they comment on an issue from a position of incomplete information. This is what they teach in elementary logic and social science. We’re supposed to see a difference between the politics of enlightened members of society and that of the less enlightened. Edith Nawakwi, Munir Zulu, Brebner Changala, Maureen Mabonga, why were you so sure about who had abducted JJ Banda?

  3. Who is JJ Banda that the government would have wanted to eliminate him?
    On the political landscape Banda is an insignificant nobody.
    The PF were all up at those ungodly hours hatching the plan because Banda would have been a useful pawn in their game. If he ended up dead it would be no great loss and they would be able to drive their EVIL political agenda. They would have been celebrating if he had actually died.
    The PF guys are now annoyed that Banda is alive and NOT dead.

  4. So many questions. For example why would someone pretending to be a kidnapper leave the vehicle practically undamaged to be neatly recovered later by the victim? Why no photos of the note? Exactly whose farm was he found at? Why can’t he mention anything about the suspects other than that they were “unknown persons”? Without accents, language clues? Boza

  5. JJ will be going to jail with the ring leaders hoping for an uprasing …….

    Is that what lungu meant when he said we may not have to wait for 2026…….???

  6. I thing pf concluded this due to some warning upnd cadres had a press conference and warned targeting to deal with JJ and other pf die hards. Just recently Borman was being followed

  7. The case has not concluded. Perhaps you should also ask why two hundred policemen were deployed to hijack him from the hospital?

    • Abduction of any one , especially an MP is a serous police matter………

      There could be forigne agents involved, police need to protect JJ until investigations are complete

  8. The way PF paraded themselves at police as
    If they knew what was to happen.Even the
    Former president kept coming there.Why
    Did they not use that time to look for JJ.

  9. Do not let any politician instigate anything outside of a mandated voter occasion. Whatever needs to be exercised is in 2026, not earlier than that. So far, every party in power has had its fair share to exercise its governance and the voting population has had (and will have) the last say. Stay calm, my friends. We now know that in Zambia the vote is mighty enough.

  10. I see that this human rights practitioner is a cadre of the UPND govt. If someone is issuing threats against you then something wrong goes on. Who will be the first suspect? UPND cadres were issuing threats prior to the incident and one MP had her house put on fire! Common sense will show that whoever kidnapped the Petauke MP had links to the State. If the Zambia Police can not find he adbuctors perhaps they shouldask for help from Scotland Yard. That incident had potential to bring instability in Zambia as the family, constutients, the chieves of Eastern Province and the witches were not going to take this blow without retaliation. Common sense is the answer for the author of the article

    • So you mean the sitting government is trying to cause instability? Think about it. Why would government want to do this? My random theory is he was with a girl in that car. So the wives beat him and he is too embarrassed to admit he was beaten by women. It makes more sense than government trying to destabilise itself!

    • Kabisa you have no experience with business. Big business. If you want to get materials at the cheapest prices, you should ensure there is no stable economy like in the DRC. If there is a proper govt you will pay taxes and have to obey regulations. It is cheaper to ship in weapons and take the raw materials at the lowest prices without paying taxes. A good govt does not benefit the western powers! That’s why they put HH as the enabler of their strategy. So far he is not doing a bad job of destabilizing the country and making sure the population is hungry and disoriented. HH is their fifth column

    • It may not be the truth but it is logical. I hope that doesnt confuse those unacademically inclined

    • @Maria are you even from this millennium? Next you will be pointing fingers at “South African spies” and saying Chipata mwenyes are hoarding electricity. Uli ba UNIP kikiki

  11. JJ has issues to answer but he is a human being he may not be likeable but he is entitled to life given and taken only by the Almighty. I must say he has recovered really quickly given ‘sharp’ instruments were used to stab at his feet…never mind the” sores on his lower back” and his inability to speak because “his tongue was twisted with a pliers”…according to the sister ! Now let him in his own words tell the nation what happened or at the very least tell parliament…Or Saki his ‘lawyer’ can address us again and parade him to clear our doubts.

  12. Many in Zambia have no idea how Big business operates. If you want to get materials at the cheapest prices, you should ensure there is no stable economy . If there is a proper govt you will pay taxes and have to obey regulations. . A good govt does not benefit the western powers! That’s why they put HH as the enabler of their strategy. So far he is not doing a bad job of destabilizing the country and making sure the population is hungry and disoriented. HH is their fifth column

    • So you mean we should join the Lungus in wholesale looting, because the money stays in Zambia and we are looting our own money? An interesting philosophy (interesting for those who can benefit anyway). I think he’s just having bad dreams about waking up with immunity removed, therefore turning back to denial that he is not the president any more and does not give any orders any more. Ever


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