Friday, October 18, 2024

Police in Lusaka File Additional Charges Against High-Profile Suspects


Police in Lusaka have escalated legal proceedings against Munir Zulu, Maureen Mubonga, Edith Nawakwi, and Brebner Changala by filing additional charges of espionage. These charges fall under section 3 (c) of the State Security Act, chapter 111.

Moreover, MPs Munir Zulu and Maureen Mubonga, along with Dr. Dan Pule, have been charged with proposing tribal war, an offense under section 46, chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia. All suspects remain in police custody, pending their court appearances.

Danny Mwale, Deputy Police Public Relations Officer, emphasized the gravity of these charges and the police’s dedication to upholding the law and ensuring national security.

These new developments follow the police’s initial actions taken yesterday. Dan Pule, 70, of New Kasama, was charged and arrested for one count of expressing hate speech based on tribe and one count of seditious practices. Dr. Pule was detained in custody, awaiting a court appearance.

In related developments, Lumezi Member of Parliament Munir Zulu and Mfuwe Constituency MP Maureen Mubonga were similarly charged with expressing hate speech based on tribe and seditious practices. Additionally, Edith Nawakwi and Brebner Changala were each charged with seditious practices. All suspects are currently in police custody, awaiting their court appearances.

Danny Mwale confirmed these charges and detentions in an official statement, underscoring the ongoing efforts to maintain peace and order in the country.


  1. May the very mouths that entangled you into this loop be consistently vicious to disentangle you. It is better to measure ten times & cut once than measuring once cutting ten times. Ladies & gentlemen you have a lot to chew on. May your time of solitude provide you a moments to reflect on your deeds. There is no applause is jail. God help your divisive souls.

    • Many, many thanks to the Zambian Police Service for their actions.
      Thank you very much for doing what is correct for all Zambians. It is long over due and, this is how a police organisation should police the country. Once more, thank you very much for your kindness and valuable efforts, Zambian Police Service. Splendid investigations and outstanding intelligence-based arrests executed by ZP regarding the apprehension of PF trouble makers and their lost allies.

    • The police need to be tougher and professional. If it means seeking tougher laws, let it be done.
      Any political party that is not weighing into it’s members hate speeches based on tribe and seditious practices by not expiling them should not expect any votes from peace loving Zambians.
      Peace Is Our Biggest Asset!

  2. Does police even know meaning of espionage? Better look it up in the dictionary than just charging people anyhow which will fall flat on their faces.

    • Thats the Zambia Police for you. They arrest you then look for a charge to suit the arrest. Mmmmmm Espionage? I think so bwana it sounds like what he has done. No lets add hate speech and aroso tribalism so that we cover everything. Yes Bwana


    • Freedom of speach is not issuing comfrantational messages loaded toward tribal confrontations , that………

      Infact have the possibility of ingniting tribal war…….

  4. All the charges are tribal. Dont think Rwanda is far away. Just ask the refugees in Lusaka what they ran away from.

    • They are creating themselves those tribal charges for them selves………

      Being duped into comfrantion, ………….

      you see some know the only way they can abuse zambia again and avoid investigations is gaining rule through comfrantion……….

  5. The police are absolutely right in what they are doing, they are being vigilant.
    What they are looking to avoid is another Rwanda.
    The police and authorities in Rwanda choose to ignore those who were vilifying others tribally and look to where it led.
    You ignore these HATERS who want to see blood running in the streets of Zambia at your peril.
    And those of you defending them by talking about free speech are just fellow collaborators, conspirators and facilitators.

    • You fail to see that with leadership Rwanda’s genocide wouldnt have happened but politicians were stocking the tribal fires and polarising tribes. the Police were working but along tribal lines just like the Zambia Police are now doing. Just ask the Rwandans living in Lusaka.

    • Wars can and many times have started with alarmist, calculatedly divisive statements such as those made by the accused. “We know that they want to kill us! But our tribe is big! Us we know how to fight!”. Etc.

      Police are doing exactly the right thing by nipping this in the bud. We don’t want Yugoslavia, Bosnia, Rwanda please. This is Zambia. Some should just accept that their political life is over

    • Do you know what you are talking about.

      Freedom struggle was as a result of oppression. Rwanda genocide was as a result of what is happening in Zambia now.

      We moving into a place run state to intimidate and protect who?

      What has started the hate speech search and think about protecting mother Zambia.

    • Jo Jo

      Yes the rwanda genocide started like how the oppostion are behaving…….

      Not wanting to accept a sitting GZR alledging wrong tibal affiliations……

      They dont want to wait for elections…….

    • Munyarwanda

      Just advice your tribal supremacists to calm down with this tribal war baiting , and…….

      wait untill elections…….

    • Do you know that the same Kagame is the one who started the whole thing and played victim. When you have time read the the whole genesis of the genocide. A coin has two sides…both sides must do the right thing for it to have value.

  6. The abduction of JJ Banda mirrors the crime that happened in the UK nearly 20 years ago.The abduction of the cash manager at a cash depot in the UK occurred during the Securitas depot robbery, the largest cash heist in British history. This event took place on the night of February 21-22, 2006. Colin Dixon, the manager of the Securitas cash depot in Tonbridge, Kent, was kidnapped along with his family. The robbers, disguised as police officers, used threats and deception to gain access to the depot, ultimately stealing over £53 million.

  7. ……..

    Most of Those lot are the bottom feeders of the leading echlons of………

    They cant function in a normal fnctioning country….

    They need the crumbs of plunder to be happy…..

    Now no crumbs of plunder to scavenge on……..

    The others Dont be duped and used……you find your self in problems……..

  8. ………

    What time do some these MPs perform the services of MP for their electorate……..????

    Like munir zulu, I would like to see his record of performance as an MP……..

    Zambian investigative journalists look for wrong stories……….

    Find out if some of them their mouths are as big the good jobs they are going as MP……..

    Lets have a country were you can only be given airtime if you are an excellent performer at work , not….

    You are a failour and comming to hide in confrontations from your area of work….

  9. Throughout the colonial era, the minority Tutsi (14%) were favoured over the Hutus (85%). They were given privileges and western-style education, while the Hutus were the oppressed masses. In 1959, the Hutus rebelled against the Belgian colonial power and the Tutsi elite, forcing some 150,000 Tutsis to flee to Burundi.

  10. Zambia Zambia Zambia… really? Police are being used to fight political wars…. i saw the so-called peaceful upnd cadres matching & insulting ecl. Those cadres in western province who had a social media press conference insulting ecl & boasting the no go area for him & opposition parties in southern province. The quest we should honestly asking ourselves is.. ” where has this so-called tribalism come from? There is no smoke without fire. You upnd are acting & thinking like any white racist, racists NEVER accept they are wrong, they start & push racism & cry foul just like what you chaps are doing & please remember pipo are NOT foolish, they see you through your evil souls & you will pay

  11. There goes the police state, just arrest all Zambians & leave out the upnd southerners kikikikiki. You chaps have created hatred for your foolish selves, you will cry once booted out… my God we have never seen backward folks, ubufontini & the pettiness shoooooooooo!!! Zwaaa for sure.

  12. What about the UPND youths that issued tribal remarks. It appears the Tongas can issues threats to others tribes freely while others are charged with espionage for the same crime. These people only reacted to what others did.

    • It’s a sad situation and I am afraid the same people accusing others of bizarre charges are the ones stoking up trouble. Someone says they the accused are calling for a tribal war… what a joke… who am I going to fight in this war since I have almost every tribe in my family…both nucleus and extended.

  13. Ba LT MODERATOR, shame on you, you are blocking anyone who criticises your upnd. I can see long opinions above but anyone who is seeing thing for really what they are you are not allowing. Kwena Zambians

  14. As long as you are in the tendency of sticking your nose in secret matters that you want to use for political gain, you will definitely be slapped with espionage. Learn to stick to your lane. We all know politics is about destroying your opponents in some way but that should not put the whole nation at stake. Am very happy with this development. Teach them a lesson to save as an example to would be offenders.

  15. The whole south is on socials to defend their primitive leaders… birds of the same ubufontini & bad hearts flock & stick together whether they are sinking in titanic… rather die together.. you just isolated & exposed yourselves. Even in boarding schools you were always on your own tribe quest. Shame on you!!!!! You are evil & you not even aware.. shame

  16. HH should resign. He is not qualified to lead Zambia. The best he can do is brutalize the opposition and silence people. What about the election promises he made? He has failed to deliver on the election promises that gave him the mandate to goveorn. Just like an employee that uses false information to gain employment, he needs to be fired now by the Zambian people for electoral fraud. He must go now!!

    • Like someone says elsewhere HH isn’t a leader. The country right now is looking for leadership but HH seems to be enjoying the chaos he is orchestrating. Like Idi Amin would.

  17. I heard the president in copperbelt recently saying Zambians just love to complain, there is nothing wrong with the economy & the nation…kikikiki ni pudding time chabe he says.. yaba. So the pipo that voted you in powe suddenly they love to complain… really baba? So aloof & drunk in his wickedness, he mocks pipo, i am very afraid for him that he will end up so bad after office.

  18. I heard the president in copperbelt recently saying Zambians just love to complain, there is nothing wrong with the economy & the nation…kikikiki ni pudding time chabe he says.. yaba. So the pipo that voted you in power suddenly they love to complain… really baba? So aloof & drunk in his wickedness and out of touch of realities pipo are facing, he mocks pipo, i am very afraid for him that he will end up so bad after office. Your worst enemy is your arrogance, bad heart & know-it all & that is your downfall.. and indeed it is a big thump / fall!!!!

  19. The USA has caused a lot of strife in the world in the name of defending their chosen leaders. If Mnanangagwa was their man they will certainly forget his ” brutal” rule. If Kagame and Sisi of Egypt were not strategically positioned, They would have been enemies of the USA. During Edgar Lungu’s time two men were charged with engaging in unnatural acts,….it became an issue with the USA resulting in the expulsion of their ambassador. Currently two men are under arrest for the same reason but not even a single word from their embassy. When people feel oppressed they burst into ugly creatures…. Zambians please plead with Mr Hakainde Hichilema not to use force but diplomacy.

  20. Dear Deja Vu, agree 100%, but here it is like telling the hyenas not to eat your goats, HH will never listen. As far as he is concerned there is nothing wrong he is doing. The worst thing to happen to an individual is to think they know it all but they DON’T know that they do not know. I guess ignorance has no defence. I hear Jacob Zuma has destroyed ANC in elections in South Africa there in Africa & it is coming to ZED very soon.

  21. Zambia Police have now been perverted to oppress the opposition and those Zambians that dare to speak up against the UPND misrule. Shameful. When are these people going to be taken to Southern Province like they did for Why Me and Jackson Chama?

  22. …….
    Look at the tribal supremacists above…….

    The clique and their supporters were up in arms about JJ , hurling all sorts of tribally loaded statements ………

    What if JJ missing had nothing to do withn GRZ ………which is the case.

    You are jumping about UPND caders issuing threats on video……anyone can make a video of supposed UPND caders ……even PF can fake that video.

    Just advice your clique to wait for elections to prove your popularity……..

    Why cant you prove your popularity in elections ?????


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