Saturday, March 15, 2025

President Hichilema Addresses Press on Procurement, Energy Crisis, and Infrastructure


President Hakainde Hichilema held a press conference yesterday at State House, addressing several critical issues affecting the nation. Here are the highlights:

Prudent Resource Use: The President directed Controlling Officers and public service workers in Procurement Departments to continue using resources prudently. This measure aims to ensure accountability and efficiency in the use of public funds.

Energy Crisis Measures: Major steps have been taken to address the country’s energy crisis, including initiatives to provide lifeline power supply for small businesses in communities severely affected by energy insecurity due to the El Nino-induced drought. The President reiterated that hospitals should not be subjected to load shedding.

Maamba Collieries Phase II: President Hichilema disclosed that the Maamba Collieries phase II, with a production capacity of 300 Megawatts, will soon be launched. He noted that US$90 million had been secured for the project, which is expected to significantly boost the nation’s power supply.

Solar Product Prices: The government expects companies selling solar products to reduce their prices, as the government has zero-rated tax on solar equipment. This move is aimed at making solar energy more accessible and affordable for Zambians.

Selling Excess Power: Citizens who can generate excess power are encouraged to sell it to the national grid. The operationalization of open access electricity means that ZESCO Limited is obligated to supply the electricity generated by these citizens.

Assurance Amid Challenges: The President assured the nation that it would pull through the challenges brought about by the drought, emphasizing his belief that “God would not give Zambia a load it could not carry.”

Government Vehicles Usage: President Hichilema overrode a pronouncement made by Secretary to the Cabinet, Patrick Kangwa, regarding the use of government vehicles. He stated that civil servants must have access to transport 24/7 to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.

President Hichilema’s press conference provided critical updates and assurances as the nation navigates through its current challenges, highlighting the government’s commitment to addressing key issues affecting Zambians.


  1. He didn’t have any presser for a considerable period, now he’s having them in quick succession just to respond to Chakolwa. Chakolwa is setting his political agenda because he doesn’t have a program. He’s politically behind. He’s a slow learner. He’s likely to lose his sixth election. He’s a habitual loser. He’s waisted our time. His followers must prepare for a life in opposition again.

    • Did he even mention chakolwa?
      Chakolwa is not an issue here. The people of Zambia are.
      So please ,stop being illusional.

    • If a drunk tells you not to drink you wont stop. The President directed Controlling Officers and public service workers in Procurement Departments to continue using resources prudently. This from someone who uses our presidential jet to go get an honorary degree in Europe. How can these public service workers be prudent when the boss isnt?

  2. Load shedding in my believe will only cease when nature makes rains pour out. Drought is the main factor and due to fact that many countries depend on hydro electricity generation. Solar panels and wind Mills and generators would be the way forward.

    • How much do these things cost? The MTN little things are costing K1, 300 cash or K2,000 on credit just for two lamps. If one needs a system that will carter for the entire domestic requirements they must be rich like you sir.
      Like Lucky Dube sang IT’S NOT EASY.

  3. “Energy Crisis Measures: Major steps have been taken to address the country’s energy crisis, including initiatives to provide lifeline power supply for small businesses in communities”
    It’s sad that all the hope he gave us on energy both fuel and electricity have become mythical.

    • Electricity problem should of been sorted years ago by previous governments you cannot wait for a drought to deal with the problem you need forward thinking so you will be better prepared next time it’s not the current government fault.

    • #Streatham
      Definitely it’s not the current government’s fault. But he asked for it. He never accepted that the load rationing was due to low levels of the Kariba Dam. He promised us to end loadshedding upon taking office. And surely he kept that promise. Within a short time the water was depleted. Yes previous administration s saw that the water was getting less and less with time and that’s why they embarked on the other projects like Kafue Gorge and the yet to start the Batoka project.

  4. Government Vehicles Usage: President Hichilema overrode a pronouncement made by Secretary to the Cabinet, Patrick Kangwa, regarding the use of government vehicles. He stated that civil servants must have access to transport 24/7 to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.’
    Does that include ferrying Upnd cadres to meetings?

  5. This man loves selling. Mr president, a person who tells people what to do is known as a control freak. It’s okay for you to point at yourself as a hard worker when you’re been driven and flown in luxury . Imagine if every citizen had access to the same mode of transport as you. Teachers make very good leaders because they share knowledge. If you want a cultural shift or mindset change in the country, start implementing serious workshops for public workers. Don’t just direct, educate. This business about me, me all the time is hilarious. Presidents KK and Mwanawasa moved quicker because they had formidable teams members. You need to put together a solid team to get your ideas across the line.

  6. @ FutureZed

    This is where we have major problems, we Zambians, who told you that the GRZ is supposed to sort out all your problems, that is laziness you people, find something to do not always on TIK TOK.

    God sent you on planet earth to work as it was in the garden of Eden not simply complain and blame innocent people, it’s our responsibility to work with combined effort, as long as we keep on traveling in path of laziness it’s just a matter of time, we will start failing to pay our rentals. Get up there, go and work stop complaining you think you were born to eat free food?

    • I have a barber shop but the business has been negatively affected by load shedding.
      I also used to have a butchery but I closed it due to load shedding.
      I also stopped importing things from overseas for resale because the Dollar kwacha exchange rate has been getting worse.

    • He can fool you but this president can’t fool everyone. We know exactly who is controlling him and it’s not the first and he will not be the last either. Meeting the king of England should not be an aspiration for a president. The day king Charles will visit him maybe he can show off not tu ma photo opportunity ati only second to KK. Malabish.

  7. It is all talk but nothing, these guys love press conferences, a nation of press / stress conferences where they show-case their so called wisdom. For a change SHUT UP and do the job so that pipo can see and enjoy, pipo are hungry for crying out loud.. my God

  8. The Bembas say: iyikata tayibuluma, iyibosa tayisuma. upnd / hh stop counter answering the opposition by the press / stress time wasting conferences and put your hands to the shovel & beat them by works please man!!! Under PF there where construction works everywhere & pipo were vibrant, building houses, doing businesses, making money, travelling & were somehow happy.. now it is gloomy in the nation. WHY!!! No one hate you, all pipo need is progression.

  9. As the presido spoke … I felt sorry for him..he is an economist and says by ‘zero rating’ solar prices will go down? Uhm sir as you know we have goods in stock! Second the solar panels etc. are imported what’s the kwacha to the dollar 23/24/25..prices go down how? Third your reversing SC ‘directive’ which by the way we had advised was redundant..for peace sake don’t do it in public..admonish him behind closed doors he is the chief civil servant…we know he is trying to impress you but has run out of ideas…we also expected change at Agriculture and the filling of the position of Minister for Central Province..and you to tell us as head of state what the Vit Infestment is all about!

    • @Mate which economist ever led a country to success? Economics is a subject with contradictory doctrines that can be used anyhow by anybody. An economist can use his theories to justify the raising of prices and at the same time use those theories to explain the rise in prices.

  10. Zambians are not lazy. I have several people renting land on our farm because they have failed to procure land of their own. The maize that they produce would have made them rich had it not been to the poor price of the commodity.
    These people will always go through the same cycle until their end. I don’t see any hope for them and sometimes I feel like letting them use my land for free. But I also need money

  11. He said he has abandoned the Gulfstream to reduce on costs. Bufi. No. He does not want that plane because of superstitions and mistrust.
    How does he increase transport access to 24/7 when he himself confiscated the same vehicles pending auctionining?
    Bla bla bla bla.

  12. He really does not seem to have any integrated plan to resolve the current energy crisis besieging the country, which is sad especially that this early after the rain season we have eight hours of black outs countrywide. By the time we reach December, Zambia will be like purgatory full circle.

  13. President HH is a big letdown. His press conferences luck content and are poorly presented. The country is facing a major electricity problem yet he outlines the measures in a simplistic and rhetoric manner. Very sad. I feel for Zambia.

  14. El nino first hit Zambia in 1986–87, It had a bigger effect in 1991–92, as Chiluba had just led our return to Multiparty Democracy and citizens were more vocal. Critics queried why a country with so many water bodies would be severely affected by the drought.
    Clever people popped up at various fora asking why we dont have dams on the Kafue, Luapula, Luangwa Kabompo and our other rivers. One expert whose name I forget said the dams could be constructed in such a way that evaporation had minimum effect on them.

    • We all cheered and went to bed because in 1994 Southern Africa was dealing with floods. Then the debate switched to how can we stop places like Kanyama flooding and causing disasters. The point Iam making is we only worry about the disaster that is facing us. We must start dealing with al aspects of life prudently. Prepare for the future.

    • Awe this one should be called Dr. Mulomo because someone who lies with a straight face, ati since records begun. As if the world started when he was born sure.

  15. The President says we must buy solar and
    Supply the grid.Who can afford when people
    Are struggling to buy mealie meal?

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