Sunday, June 30, 2024

President Hichilema Confers With His Mozambican Counterpart


PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema, has commended his Mozambican counterpart Filipe Jacinto Nyusi for allowing the SADC troops to undertake a peace, security and stability mission in Cabo Delgado.
President Hichilema said through maintenance of peace in Mozambique, results in peace, security and stability for the entire SADC region.

The Head of State noted that President Nyusi allowed the aspect of peace and stability to take centre stage, part of the responsibility that Zambia carries as Chair of the SADC Troika on Politics, Defence and Security.

President Hichilema was speaking at Statehouse today, during bilateral talks with his Mozambican counterpart President Nyusi to discuss social and economic collaboration that foster development in the two countries.

The Head of State highlighted the progress made on the joint Chanida One Stop border where the two governments want the border to operate 24 hours to facilitate enhanced trade.

“Today we are going to discuss issues around supporting our economies, investment and trade,” President Hichilema said.
President Hichilema appreciated his counterpart for accepting an invitation for a state visit, which he said remains cardinal for fruitful engagements.

He also extended best wishes to the people of Mozambique ahead of the October 2024 general elections.
President Hichilema called for a democratic process, by allowing peace to prevail before, during and post elections.
He commended President Nyusi for his leadership provided to Mozambique during his two terms.
Meanwhile President Nyusi, indicated the need to do more towards enhancing relations between Zambia and his country.
The Mozambican Head of State is hopeful that the discussions will border around economic relations that will improve the two countries.
“We need to do more in terms of economic diplomacy and this is why we are here,” President Nyusi stated.
He thanked Zambia for its support from the time of liberations that has helped reduce challenges of terrorism in his country.


    • LT What are you saying in that first paragraph? Please get an Editor. Even the next sentence is crazy. The head of state…Isnt the Mozambican also a head of state?

  1. Lets be civil and develop Zambia….i don’t care how the President looks as long as he brings development to Zambia…meaning electricity 24/7….running water….employment for the youths…clean neighborhood with affordable housing…affordable Healthcare…good road network ( with clear markings and signage)…how can you see at night where your lane ends if its not marked…no wonder we have alot of head on collisions….

    • Can you imagine………they can’t fix even simple traffic markings on the roads? I’m so scared of driving each time I visit the country. Something does not add up with Zambian politicians.

  2. Please chat with the President of Mozambique over power, here in Mtendere and PHI we last had ZESCO power yesterday thursday at 22 hrs and today is Friday and going to 18hrs, meaning 18 to 20hrs of no ZESCO power.

  3. Its about time Africa gets rid of corrupt leaders and all old stone age leaders who think that the only way to develop is to go and beg colonial masters for bread crumps….African leaders who think that posing and taking pictures with King Charles or President of the USA is a very big achievement..we now young and revolutionary leaders….but the problem is once you vote in a youthful leaders and they test “honey” and how sweet power is…then they become dictators and they want to stay in power forever….Chiluba is a very good example

  4. Makonde president conferring with a Tonga president ,its just beautiful. But number one is we need good hospitals, roads , 1st class schools,constant power etc regardless of whether its a Tumbuka or Lozi presidency.


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