The government has refuted claims made by the Financial Intelligence Center (FIC) regarding the procurement and delivery of medical equipment for the UN Level 2 Plus Field Hospital at Buffalo Park Barracks. Information and Media Permanent Secretary Thabo Kawana, accompanied by DLS Contractor Stanley Livodo and Zambia Army Contract Manager David Mubanga, toured the hospital to address the allegations.
Contrary to the FIC report, which stated that the medical equipment procured by the government through DLS International Group of Companies was never delivered, Kawana confirmed that 100% of the UN mission equipment has been supplied. He emphasized that the contractor managed to deliver all the equipment despite receiving only 25% of the payment owed by the government.
“The people of Zambia deserve to know the truth about certain transactions that have been labeled as suspicious by the FIC report,” Kawana stated. He highlighted that the equipment constitutes a massive medical facility designed to be deployed at a UN Mission yet to be identified.
Zambia is joining other nations in supplying equipment for UN Missions, which will not only involve the deployment of troops but also generate significant revenue. “Every month, the Zambian Government will be generating about $1.3 million from the equipment,” Kawana added. “The equipment will earn the nation not only an income but also a reputation.”
The medical services provided by Zambia at the UN Mission will include unique features, such as a negative pressure isolation ward, a first for the country. The government, through the Zambia Army, plans to continue seeking opportunities to deploy more equipment for reinvestment.
This development marks a significant step for Zambia in contributing to international peacekeeping efforts and enhancing its global standing. The government remains committed to transparency and ensuring that the public is accurately informed about its activities and achievements.

Haha so the FIC is now telling lies? If you had any doubts about how corrupt this government is, you have your answer right here. They have their hands so deep in the cookie jar.
Why is kawana the one making these declarations? I though hh had ordered law enforcement to investigate? Where is ZP? Where is ACC? Where is DEC?
You can clearly see the evidence. The equipment was delivered,but you still find it sweet to continue barking
Which evidence baba? Your blind loyalty, will not allow you to see the rot, so you will defend anything.
You are saying the kawana is more trustworthy than the FIC?
And why is Kawana barking even before the ACC have started the probe….it written script…. the president asssures us that investigation will be instituted but whispers to Kawana something to the contrary.
$1.5 millions per bed?
Kawana PS without a job description
I said it. They will only act if their own are not implicated…. sifting through the names. Next the FIC DG will be kicked out.
After that audio tape on JJ Banda, I am not sure how gullible one may be to believe the words coming out of Thabo Kawana’s mouth. Why didn’t Kawana allow the suppliers refute the statement. Kawana has lost all moral standing to be a spokesperson for any sane organisation.
We cannot go back to PF
Where is this NEW PARTY ???
It can’t reveal itself right now otherwise Kawana, Mweetwa and Mwiimbu will destroy it using government machinery. Let’s just be patient.
in audit query there are two possibilities: either lack of supporting documents, or contradictory supporting documents. in the first, the cause is usually record keeping incompetence. in the later case, inaccuracies in recording, or fraudulent records. the auditors may advise record reconciliation through original receipts.
There is just too much movement in this media ministry. When do they ever work?
Ha ha ha ha ha! What job can an unneccessary ministry do? It gives itself fake assignments!
What job does Kawana do? Even his minister, is there anyone to tell us what Mweetwa does? Ok He is chief government spokesperson but do you need an entire ministry for that job? Why do broke governments like Zambia want to waste money gratifying cadres?
Ka Mwata.You think FIC is found in heaven?. Any person in the know,including Kawana, can correct a mistake midway.There is no law against answering a question.I was expecting you to refute that the equipment you are seeing is not the specified asset.
Ignorance mixed with hate and envy can be very toxic.
Ignorance? Envy? Hate? What on earth are you talking about? It seems to me you are projecting the ugliness inside your own soul onto others.
I have no reason to envy or hate kawana or even you. As for ignorance, let’s just say, i am always learning so my knowledge is not yet perfect. Obviously, you and other praise singers are way more knowledgeable than I am, I suppose.
But whatever you may accuse me of, I can’t help but point out the incongruity that I clearly see in this whole sham. Nor can I ignore the blatant corruption we are seeing under this government. Its like PF 2.0
Ka Mwana.Yes,perfect your knowledge and come back later.I also advise you not to associate yourself with dullards like DejaFOOOOL
I have just finished sleeping with your mother. I’m your private step father.
You are a uncoth PF dullard.
#Spaka just as it’s not a sin to belong to a tribe there’s nothing wrong in belonging to PF though I don’t belong to them. I’m not uncouth. Your friend who doesn’t know who is father is has been insulting me on everything posting. I have been advised not to respond but he’s gone too far where even when he is responding to another person he insults me. Advise him to be civil.
@Deja Vu most readers respect your opinion here. Dont sink as low as those insulting you. When a blank bullet-oh sorry-blank brain makes noise at you it wants to scare you so that you cant think. When you cant think the blank brain has brought you to its level and it will be happy.
The critics are so gulible,……..
If GRZ says the eqipment is there , and shows
Jurnolists the eqiupment………..
You still insist it is not there…….??????
Information you cant comprihend……..
It would be sucide for GRZ to defraud anything connected to the UN……..
Let the case be investigated. This happens everywhere. You have to let the investigation get deeper so that we can all be clear. In any case the ACC are the only ones who were going to clear the case. Why is Kawana putting his fingers in every pudding.
But how do you call them gullible when according to your explanation they are the opposite?