Friday, October 18, 2024

Musa Mwenye speaks out-Expresses Gratitude


Lusaka, Zambia – Former Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Musa Mwenye, has expressed his gratitude to the people of Zambia and the President of the Republic for the opportunity to serve in his role. During his departure speech, Mwenye, who held the position for two years, emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in public office.

“I am grateful to the people and the President of the Republic of Zambia for the opportunity to have served as Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC),” Mwenye stated.

Upon taking office, Mwenye adhered to the legal requirement to declare his assets. Today, despite the absence of a legal obligation to do so upon leaving office, he voluntarily declared his assets to the Learned Chief Justice. This move, he believes, sets a standard for transparency that all public officials should follow.

“All of us who serve in public office must be transparent in our financial dealings and willing to declare our assets and explain how we acquired what we have,” Mwenye urged. “I encourage all those in public office today, who have not done so, to do that in the interest of transparency, integrity, and accountability.”

Mwenye reflected on his tenure, highlighting the challenges faced by the ACC board, which he described as composed of individuals with integrity. Despite being sidelined and denied access to information on ongoing investigations and prosecutions for a full year, the board maintained internal pressure for accountability.

“Legally, the board of the ACC has no powers to arrest anyone; that power lies with the Director General. Equally, the board has no legal powers to hire and fire the Director General – that power lies elsewhere,” he explained.

Mwenye stressed the necessity of addressing corruption in all forms, regardless of when it occurred. He called for investigating and prosecuting corrupt activities both from past regimes and within the current government.

“We cannot fight corruption unless we fight all corruption – past, present, and future. Almost three years down the line, we should have seen some government officials arrested and dismissed,” Mwenye said, noting that selective enforcement of anti-corruption measures had been a point of contention.

He also criticized successive governments for manipulating the ACC’s operations by appointing a strong board for appearances while ensuring the management was compliant.

“I am proud that the board I served refused to be intimidated, remained in position, and demanded internally and publicly that the right thing be done,” Mwenye declared. “Nobody can claim ignorance over these matters I have highlighted.”

Mwenye extended his gratitude to the ACC’s rank and file for their dedication under difficult conditions, and to his fellow board members, including former Vice Chairperson Mrs. Irene Chongo-Lamba and former Commissioners Dr. O’brien Kaaba and Dr. Tommy Namitondo, for their unity, integrity, and courage. He also acknowledged newly appointed board member Mr. Jack Kalala, with whom he had limited interaction due to the board’s dissolution.

“I thank you all. It was an honor,” Mwenye concluded, confident that history would judge their efforts favorably.


  1. HH must declare his assets. Joe Biden who has just pulled out of the Presidential race openly declared his. Only Trump and HH dont want to declare because they are….

    • HH declared his assets to ECZ like he has done 6 times before. The big question PF Zealots must answer is why did ECL and the PF change the law to stop ECZ from publishing the asset declarations

    • So Mr. Shamakamba was reporting directly to HH and not the board?This board was so toothless that it could do anyting. Everytime the board querried the Director General ….he runs to the the real boss for protection? So the instructions on who to investigate was coming from HH or those boys at state house? Is that the reason the sujilite scandal went quiet??? Is that reason why the SG has not been investigated? Just asking!

  2. Weve got more important issues to worry about than HH assets
    IF HH doesnt sort out these now he wont have to declare his assets

  3. There’s an organizational weakness here. You’re the Board Chair yet you can’t appoint or discipline the person you’re supposed to supervise? It’s very clear that HH is the problem. In future learn to decline these appointments because they might tarnish your image. Shamakamba and Muchende won’t answer for their crimes because they’re protected by the appointing authority. We can even speculate that everything they did was under instructions from above

    • This is how some institutions are set up including IDC. Unfortunately this was the creation of PF. However, the current should change and correct this anomaly. The president appoints ACC, DEC, FIC not their parent Ministries. Its how it sent up in the law

    • Scientifically the fish starts rotting from the gut. You get these people from the general population. After all, representatives that are elected themselves become ministers and appointees of the authority. Let’s not apportion blame to the highest office when in fact the crop available for higher office is itself rotten. Clean the gut! Clean the gut! We can easily remove the gills and eat the head!

  4. @ Chabu July 22, 2024 At 5:31 am
    A fish starts rotting from the head

    The problem with you is that you hate UPND even if you have seen that they are working so hard to improve the lives of people in Zambia.
    You are the same people that think that the load shedding we have is because UPND stopped the rain from raining. Such people like you are a danger in the community, I can even see that you are just a cry baby instead of finding solution for the nation, please grow up be a solution provider.

    • There is a recording somewhere where natural causes are still ascribed to poor leadership. Stop putting things on record if you do not wish to be quoted. Awe mwe!

  5. Garry Nkombo has bought 20 luxury vehicles cash with unexplained source of income where he pays K2 instead of K20 at the toll gate in shimabala and government is quiet. Last week Nkombo was involved in a K 4 000 000 with Vietnamese and still this is perfectly ok for UPND when this liability of an MP has been in parliament for 20 years siphoning our money with impunity. Mweetwa, Nkombo and Mwiimbu are such a costly bunch of ministers for 25 years in parliament with nothing to show. Southern province has suffered enough shame and public despise because of this annoying untouchable trio who are pure state expenses. so routine minded, no new ideas

  6. Then what is the duty of the Board? What do they do every day they report for work? Just to drink tea or coffee? Please let the Board have teeth.

  7. 1. Zambian on hands over Mopani Copper Mines to International Resources Holding Limited from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) without releasing the details for the transaction?
    2. How an opaque deal crafted in the dead of the night by which only $24 million (Instead of US$ 53 million) stolen from former Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) was retrieved from provisional liquidator Milingo Lungu?
    3. How Faith Kasai Musonda, the woman behind the K65 million and US$57900 surrendered the grudas to the State in exchange for her freedom?
    4. What is happening to the 15 white double storey flats situated in State Lodge Esther Lungu acquired using resources “reasonably suspected to be proceeds of crime”.

  8. I was a supporter of HH but I have come to realize the guy is infected with a stinking case of narcissistic personality disorder. The damn SOB thinks he is the only clever Zambian, he is gutlessly controlling! Just how any sane human being can stand such a psychotic character is beyond me!. But for all purposes and intent, this is not going to end well. Zambia is really so unlucky, Sata was a vile and dying ardent tribal bigot when he ascended to office. Lungu was a stinking thieving misfit of nature. And now this psychotic know it better HH. “Awa, sicaba si nyelile simwa liyaba lwa mieto”.

  9. When I see “comment being moderated” or something like that, I know some fish guts are about to hit the fan. Anyway, fact an entire board has been scrapped on the heels of a DG’s resignation speaks a few chapters that need a complete story. Let’s hear it.

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